AU-Verse, Lucifer/Anna - Part 2

Apr 01, 2011 21:59

[ Part 1 Here ]

Lucifer [vilify]
No one has ever looked at him that intently. Even before, when the angels loved and followed him, they had never looked at him so much as after him, never quite meeting his gaze. There's the chance that God won't give in. He knows that. He knows God well enough to suspect that.

But he reaches back for her--the reality of him, not just the lukewarm physical vessel--and it reminds him of those last, hopeless moments of the War when he'd known he would lose. When he'd hoped someone, just one person would really see what was going on and take the plunge with him. Of course, some had. But they were all ruined now, nothing but demons. None of them had been anything more than idealists.

Anna doesn't believe in his cause, though she of all people should. There's the pure sensation of gratitude, the warmth of faith (though Lucifer's only faith is in himself. He will win because he must.) Of family. Of love. Of thinking that this future is his, entirely, and he will tear apart anyone, even his Father, for trying to take away anything that belongs with him.

There had never been any sort of need nor allowance to gaze upon their elder siblings simply for reverence or admiration. She wasn't the only Angel who'd been curious, especially after Lucifer- She and Uriel had had a few conversations of what he'd been like before he fell, what they could remember from their younger years. But now she had the chance to look as she pleased- or at least until Lucifer deemed it too probing. Scoping an Archangel was a task in itself; Scoping the Morning Star... Well.

She can feel the warmth he's almost saturated in; a strange contrast against the icy cool of his Grace. It wasn't something she'd ever thought to feel from an Archangel. Let alone from this particular one. It was almost enough to put her on edge. But there wasn't any danger within it, at least not pointed towards her. So she relaxed further still. No, she didn't believe in his cause, his wants or what he felt was right. She probably never would- not completely. But he was the only one willing to even bother with her. To offer her help instead of striking her where she stood as the rest of her family was so keen to do.

So maybe, when push came to shove, she would stand in his place should he ever be caught. Maybe she would fight for him, if it meant she could keep the inkling of feeling that someone had for her. Maybe he was enough.

Lucifer [vilify]
He can't tell what her thoughts are anymore, not in here where there are too many to sift through. But he can read her expression, and at times he feels apprehension at what he sees. Then it shifts to something reassuring, something he wants to see but never really expected to.

He isn't sure how to react, what's the wisest thing to do, and so at first he falls back on habits he's developed since the Fall.

He rests his fingertips under her chin, and though he is more familiar with her--more used to just staring into souls--his gaze searches hers. He's aware this is a more intimate gesture than she probably ever expected, but that's part of why he did it.

Anna had always been one of the stronger Angels. She hadn't been head of her league for nothing; She wasn't easily swayed, wasn't won over or easy to make uncomfortable. Even embarrassed. But here, with Lucifer of all her siblings, she felt her vessel's face growing hot. Even if her expression never wavered, her cheeks were tinting with color as they had throughout her years of living as a human.

There had only been a few instances where anyone had ever searched her out like Lucifer was doing now; Castiel had come close once, in a brief moment of something that.. May have turned to intimacy had she not chosen to tear out her Grace. But that had been decades ago. She hadn't felt the same sort of intensity then, and even Anafiel believed it wasn't just because of his hierarchy.

It was as if she wanted to cower beneath it, the icy burn of his grace's curiosity almsost too intense. But she held fast, curious just the same. But even as he's returning the look, she doesn't cease her own. Instead she feels further, coaxing herself deeper in exploration and.. Genuine wonder. She could feel things the way a human did, but she would always feel more as an Angel.

Lucifer [vilify]
And she is right about that much. Lucifer, while he had spent time among the underranked angels, had never spent it like this.

He had always been different from even the other Archangels: the things he felt were, if not deeper, than at least more vivid and much more difficult to define. There is always hatred there, and eons-old grief, but everything else he felt was layered on top like pain on a canvas.

With her grace brushing against his, all he felt was curiosity and a sense of vindication, of peace--as close to it as he could come. His fingertips run lightly over her cheek and jaw, the way he had done to so many hapless women or demons he'd needed to coerce. He didn't realize he was doing the same thing to Anna; he was too focused on grace. The physical touch was simply to keep her grounded, to reassure her perhaps. Perhaps it was only habit.

Consider it lucky, or not, that Anna hadn't been around to witness the more recent cajoles of seduction that Lucifer had used on his peons, on the demon women who needed to be coerced. She barely noticed, as it was. The pressure was there, her human body able to feel the tingle it sent through her- there was power behind the touch, as light as it was, and her instincts could sense it.

But as time passed, however slow it was, she grew bolder. Her own hands upon his face gripped a little tighter, thumbs catching against the rough stubble that he'd never needed to bother with, green, human eyes studying every little detail of the dull blue, of the vessel that she knew wouldn't last forever. But it was only her physical eye that saw the slowly dying man there, her true eyes caught up in his own visage so tightly coiled behind it.

So far she'd only dared to coast along his edges, to touch and feel all the curves of etherality that made up his Grace-- but as the moments moved along, she pressed further in. Gingerly, almost unsure if she'd be allowed to reach in so far as to smooth her grace along his core, wings curling around it with only partial hesitance. He was still willing, still loving and his enough wasn't as enough as she thought. The reservoir she'd meant to only crack open was splitting wider, the need for the affection he was offering growing more prnounced.

She hadn't meant to want as much as she had, all her own emotions and wants and fears buried beneath the stoney marble that made up who she and her kind had become. Breaking through only seemed to make the desire for affection grow stronger.

Lucifer [vilify]
His vessel sighs softly, surprised at how familiar this all is. He can see, if only in a symbolic way, the cast they've put over her, the ways they've tried to carve out her individuality. His Grace can't fix that, can't undo what was done, but he knows that she can.

And he knows she wants to. She wouldn't have rebelled otherwise.

He runs his fingertips across her forehead, pushes her hair back, and conjures the memories he had of her before the Fall. They hadn't associated much then; he'd been, for lack of a better term, captain of the guard and that had kept him more than busy. But he remembered her all the same. He remembered all of them.

It's the feeling of not just coming home but of seizing it, of repairing it and cleaning it all up and making it stronger that he feels with her now. As he inspects the old wounds the other angels have dealt her, it's that feeling (the strength, the stubbornness, the love) that he tries to share with her.

The rigid eyecontact nearly breaks as his hand runs across her forehead, pushes her hair from her face as it was- her lids stutter, nearly close just at the sensation. It's different, and yet familiar and personal. It wouldn't have mattered if her eyes closed anyway; she wasn't looking at him with them, not really. It was the sensation of touch, of sharing the emotions that seemed.. so strange coming so strongly of an Angel. Had they all be similar to this before? She couldn't remember. He felt things that she had yearned for whilst she was stationed on Earth, her position of rank held and yet useless when Michael's rule seemed to overtake. She could feel what he felt, and it was almost overwhelming again.

The differences between human and Angelic feelings was all in the intensity. They had their similiarities, but in the end, an Angel felt with much more raw power than any human could hope to imagine. And Anafiel was almost submerged in it. The strength and stubbornness, the want to restore what had been so long ago, the love for his family; their family, for her included. It coaxed her still. Her hands slid from his face, down to his chest where her palm rested unconsciously over the rickety heart beat of his vessel. She barely registered it; the life pulse of Lucifer was far more of an attention keeper.

Lucifer [vilify]
At times, he was sure the only thing that kept Nick's frantic heart beating was the sheer will of Lucifer's grace. Where Nick's heart was like a bird trapped, there is no pulse from Lucifer, just a steady and unending power. It's evil and purity, twisted together through years of hatred--more hate than any human could bear to feel.

But it's the same with love. What he felt for God was more than even another Angel could have handled. He was made that way, and he will never understand why--why create him to be so different, so rebellious, and then punish him for it?

He's always aware of what his two selves are doing, the angel and the vessel. While his grace is comfortable and curious, his breath is light against her lips.

And where his breath is light, hers is growing heavy. Unbeknownst to her or not, the reaction was habitual- the sensation of such proximity between their Grace was setting off sensors within her human body that she had begun to ignore. To miss almost completely, so absorbed in her other self as it were.

She loved their Father undeniably. All the Angels did, at least in varying degrees. Anafiel was no different. But it was, as she imagined, dulled by comparison to the utter affection that Lucifer held for Him. It had been the starting reason he'd been cast out in the first place. And it was- undoubtably, overwhelming. She feels crushed under the weight of it, and yet able to stand within it all the same, her own longing and love for their Father overshadowed.

But it doesn't stop her from trying to counter balance it with her own; she has vast amounts of emotion that scant few of her siblings could hope to hold. All of her human feelings, ones she'd learned, remembered from without her Grace, all of them aplified by that which made her the Angel she was.

Maybe it was only subconscious instinct, reaction of her human vessel that she'd forgotten to reign in that left her leaning the few inches forward, lips touching ever so lightly against his own. The contact seemed to flare and spike sections of her Grace, wings suddenly shivering with the sensation it wrought. But the touch was gone as quickly as it came. Somewhere in the back of her mind, there was a deep seated warning, but she couldn't hear it, nor know if it were warranted or not.

Lucifer [vilify]
There's no surprise. Lucifer took this turn of events the way he takes them all: as if they were meant to be all along. His hand rested on the side of her neck, and there's the sensation from his true form of beckoning her closer, of needing her closer.

Because he can't just shed his vessel here, he continues existing in both planes. While his Grace tries to drown out the instinctive fear he knows will be warning her, he kisses her in the strangely gentle and deliberate way he does nearly everything--even some murders.

It's not so hard to ignore the smothering sensation of one part of her when so many other places are being coaxed forward again, closer like she's needed again. The selfish desires of wanting that feeling of being needed by someone only helping in the initial quashing of her fear. So she relaxes again testing the waters once more as her mouth moved to his again, following the pull of her grace as it coiled closer still, pulsed with her own feelings of want and need, of wanting and needing him closer, the feelings she'd missed for so long.

Lucifer [vilify]
Although he can't cause someone to feel something, he is good at appealing to certain things. He wants her to welcome him, to stay with him, and so he lets her feel needed by him. If he's honest with himself--something that rarely happens, for as much as he relies on brutal honesty with everyone else--he'd admit that he's glad for this. It's been over a billion years, literally, since he was in any position remotely like this with an angel. There's no hesitation with him, though. His grace curls around hers, keeping her close, mingling, sharing pleasure as much thought now.

Whatever he's after from her seems to be working; she wants to stay with him, to stay hidden away in his grace forever- she knows full well that there's nothing left for her otherwise. Why not spend eternity with.. Someone who did care. Like she'd thought earlier, maybe he was enough of what she wanted.

The thoughts and physicality of their mixed energies has her container squirming, unable to quite deal with the onslought of sensation that wasn't ever meant to pass through a human. Her nerves are strung on end, still barely moving despite in comparison to the twist and cling and grasp of her Grace to his. She wants to feel more, her marble shell cracking away as ever, the empty reservoir within her only finding itself more and more needy. Where he was more calm and brunt, she was nearly beside herself with the forgotten ability to feel rushing back as the moments passed. That overwhelming state still there, still threatening but never quite pulling her under.

[ Part 3 Here ]

+character: anna, +character: lucifer, +aim log

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