Running, Week #3

Feb 28, 2011 11:28

It's time for your weekly edition of How To Train For A Half Marathon With Only Three Runs Per Week.

Week #3 of Sev's Half-Marathon Training Plan:

Tempo RunLong RunEasy Recovery Runtotal
4 mi 6.6 mi 3.3 mi13.9 mi
warmup, 4x (5 min tempo, 1.5 min easy), cooldown ~70 min running, slow pace (~11min/mi) medium pace (~10min/mi)
Crosstraining ( Read more... )

oh good!, half marathon training plan, running, series: healthblogging

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Comments 7

katmillia February 28 2011, 17:09:29 UTC
How do you check your cadence? ♥

Also, why are you awesome at this? :(((( <-- sucks


first_seventhe February 28 2011, 17:33:18 UTC
My Garmin footpod records it, actually, as how many steps I take per minute. I don't know whether it's an option on your Nike+, but if you were really bored during a run (lol) you could count steps per 30 seconds and then multiply it out. Or you can come over and borrow the footpod for a trial mile, no problem. ONCE IT GETS WARM OUT, JFC. XD

And fffffft. Everybody has good and bad weeks. Last week I tried to run outside and completely botched the entire run, it sucked and I cried XD. You are getting so much better on your runs!


katmillia February 28 2011, 17:37:56 UTC
Ahhh, I don't think my Nike does that. Maybe it does? I guess I've never played around with specifics, but I've never seen the option. Hrm, I'll have to check.

I think my tracker is just lying to me and telling me that I'm getting better. Though I'm not sure why. Maybe it's looking to get lucky. Better let it down gently before this gets out of hand.


first_seventhe February 28 2011, 17:49:16 UTC
I don't know much about the Nike+, I am new to this tracker thing, but I know that the literature for mine says once it's calibrated it really keeps that calibration for a long time. If your footpod is different (mine's an accelerometer (~FANCY WORDS!~) ) it may be different.

And I've also found that a lot of the treadmills at my particular gym are fast -- like I can set it at 5.5 (an 11-minute mile) and the Garmin says I am running at 6.0 (10-minute mile), plus or minus for each treadmill of course. And I recorded this literally the DAY that I calibrated it ON AN ACTUAL TRACK so I actually believe it.


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first_seventhe February 28 2011, 18:20:45 UTC
I wonder if we can get personalized printouts for Pittsburgh? We could be J-Girls! :p

Tempo runs are when you do portions of the run at a close to all-out pace. Since I'm trying to do my long runs slow right now so that I don't get sick/injured too much, it's a chance to help my actual running pace develop. Like, right now my "tempo" pace is about a 9-minute mile, according to my Garmin. So I'll do anywhere from 0.5-1 mi at tempo with a really slow recovery of like 2 min inbetween. Eventually you work your way up to run 3,4,5 miles at tempo pace. It's just part of the way I'm training! XD

And yeah, I am sure stride rate is different for everybody! But I think I was striding forward too far, which is a big waste of energy. I'm not really sure whether changing my cadence will do anything (I don't think I'm fit enough to make a difference, haha!) But I'm trying to watch it.


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