Running, Week #3

Feb 28, 2011 11:28

It's time for your weekly edition of How To Train For A Half Marathon With Only Three Runs Per Week.

Week #3 of Sev's Half-Marathon Training Plan:

Tempo RunLong RunEasy Recovery Runtotal
4 mi 6.6 mi 3.3 mi13.9 mi
warmup, 4x (5 min tempo, 1.5 min easy), cooldown ~70 min running, slow pace (~11min/mi) medium pace (~10min/mi)
Crosstraining: yoga (1 day) and weight training (1 day)

My weekly mileage is over the half marathon distance. Hooray! (It's actually 14.63 miles if I count all my warm-ups and cooldowns, but I don't really want to do that.)

This week's runs went really well. When I did my recovery run, my heart rate didn't go over 166 bpm and actually averaged around 156, which is my goal with the easy recovery runs. It's nice to see my heart rate finally start to stay down on easy runs, since that's the point of an easy run (gaining max fitness at lower HR levels). I managed to stick to an 11-min mile for my long run and it felt really good.

One thing I need to work on is my cadence. I've read that it's more efficient to take shorter strides, because you waste less of your energy bringing your foot in front of your center of balance (which breaks momentum). When I did my easy recovery run this week, I worked on keeping my cadence at around 85 (~170 spm). I'm not sure if that was what helped the run feel so easy or not, but it's probably a good thing to work on. My average cadence for long runs is only 79 (~160 spm).

I wish my lungs didn't hate the cold so much.

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oh good!, half marathon training plan, running, series: healthblogging

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