Oct 25, 2010 09:41

So I'm going to spend November posting more, probably in lieu of NaNoWriMo, because I just wrote over 7300 words in one day and basically that has proven (to me, anyway) that I'm an awesome writer enough that I don't feel like I need to do NaNo. Also I think I'm going to have two exams. SOOO eff that. I'll see, but posting daily in November is a much better backup plan.

I've seen a lot of 30-day memes going around the Circle/FList - there's one on video games, one on "tell me about yourself", one on religious beliefs, and another kind of random one, just off the top of my head - and I like all of them but wouldn't be able to choose one.

So, because I am dumb, I think I'll have more fun turning it over to you crazy people.

So here's the game:

  1. I've got a list from 1-30 here, for the 30 days in November I'll be blogging.
  2. Leave a comment with a topic you'd like to see me cover. Anything is fair game, and I mean it: things you don't know about me. Fandom opinions. My real feelings on X/Z. Rants on grad school. Talking about my job. Makeup Batman's beauty tips. My thoughts on religion. Pretty much anything that's a fair blog topic - just make sure it's something I can do something with.
  3. I'll update the list as people come up with stuff, in the order it's commented. There'll be one master list; comments on DW and LJ both count. Anybody can comment - use OpenID on my DW, or do it anonymously.
  4. Since I'm actually not arrogant enough to think 30 people will comment with great ideas (despite what you may think...!), yeah, you can definitely leave more than one suggestion. Just do me a favor and space them out a bit - wait until somebody else comments, so that I'm not doing Drakon for seven days in a row? letting someone monopolize the blog.
  5. The list will stay up until it's full.
  6. Come 01 November, I'll start with the first topic and then move on through. If I miss a day (like for Thanksgiving maybe) I'll post two the next. The end!

1 - Introduction to Kitties ( here)
2 - the awesomeness of e-readers (here)
3 - Book blogging! The Dresden Files! (here)
4 - Interesting fandom query! (here)
5 - If Sev Ruled The World (here)
6 - What would you change about academia? (here)
7 - Makeup Batman beauty tips (YES!) (here)
8 - favourite FF characters, ships, and why ^^ (here)
9 - ON THE SQWHALE (here)
10 - being a woman engineer :) (here)
11 - ALL ABOUT BOOBIES. ( here)
12 - on my eyesight ( here)
13 - words and why they can suck! ( here)
14 - a comprehensive list of my favourite Final Fantasy fic cliches (here)
15 - a book/series everyone should read! (here)
18 - BEER ( here)
19 - 3 things do to with my lottery winnings (here)
20 - legends and myths (here)
21 - Beers with a literary character (here)
22 - a sport for me (here)
23 - my crazy icon collection (here)
24 - Thing I'm ashamed of / Thing I'm proud of (here)
25 - Creative growth/development! ()here)
26 - On reccing! (here)
27 - THAT GUY's TV show (LOL) ( here)
28 - High School ( here)
29 - a place everyone should visit (here)
30 - An Essay On My TV Boyfriend (from Drak, in chat)

EDIT: This meme is now full, but feel free to comment anyway -- I am enjoying this and if I have time I'm willing to keep it going!

*waits to regret this*

This entry was originally posted at http://seventhe.dreamwidth.org/32799.html, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

nanowrimo, meme, no cock joke can save this, 30 days of posting

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