
Aug 04, 2007 01:20

*sigh* LJ/6A strikes again. I know the current kerfuffle doesn't involve me (and technically the last didn't either) but really, it involves all of us. "I said nothing when they came for the old, because I am not old..." Etc. Seriously, people, they're declaring themselves the arbiters of what constitutes "serious artistic or literary merit." ( Read more... )

lj, rants

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Comments 8

alto2 August 4 2007, 18:45:31 UTC
*sigh* LJ/6A strikes again. I know the current kerfuffle doesn't involve me (and technically the last didn't either) but really, it involves all of us.

Wait, what, huh?!? ::feels utterly clueless but has no idea wtf is going on::


firiel44 August 4 2007, 19:46:59 UTC
HP fan artists got TOS'd. While I personally don't share their tastes at all, the takedown was done very wrongly. Once again, they weren't given any warning or chance to take it down/flock it, plus this time all their accounts were frozen, not just the offending one. And LJ is trying to make it less noticeable that they did it.

OTOH, there's sane, well-reasoned commentary from synecdochic and elynross's equally sane commentary on synechdochic's. I can't find the post about them deciding what has artistic merit, but they're using the wonderfully objective and ambiguous Miller test as their ass-covering guideline.

Wow, that's a lot of html for a short comment. I need a sandwich to recover. ;)


alto2 August 5 2007, 01:55:12 UTC
Now that I've spent more time than I care to think about looking at all of this...

synecdochic's post seems to be the most sane thing going. Yes, it sucks that they got so completely booted, and I do think LJ isn't doing itself any favors by deleting accounts without warning, but come on, if you're posting stuff like that in the first place, especially if you're hosting it on Scrapbook, and not locking it to boot, you're a very special kind of stupid and you might as well just walk up to Barak Berkowitz and ask him to delete your account.


firiel44 August 5 2007, 02:59:00 UTC
Those linkspams are a bit hypnotizing, aren't they? You just keep reading even when part of your brain is trying to say "Okay, got the idea now," or "Really should go to bed!"

She is a point of excellent logic in the sea of ZOMG Strikethrough! panic. Perspective is of the good. The thing that gets me is the absolute no chance of redemption - one objectionable post and everything linked to your email address is gone without warning, even if all you've posted with your other usernames is pictures of pretty butterflies. And the strike/bold thing is just stupid and petty. So really, neither group understands the other here, which is a great way to maintain friendly relationships.

Someone from PR should tell Barak he's not allowed to have his real picture as his icon, for privacy reasons or something. It can't be helping the collective ire that we have to look at that smug little smirk every time he posts to news.


ithildyn August 4 2007, 19:48:19 UTC
I got both a GJ and an IJ , and have tinkered with both. Ended up picking IJ as my bolt hole since it seems more stable and doesn't delete all your icons on a whim. Though both are buggy. I'm ithildin on IJ, which is nice too, since that's my 'real' online name [g]


valiszebra August 5 2007, 02:13:00 UTC
So is that "d-qwerty" idea I had a workable one or do these other journal sites fill the void?


firiel44 August 5 2007, 02:34:20 UTC
The reason for the polls is to see if people can agree on one place to congregate if we feel the need to jump ship. (So far, the answer seems to be "No.") There are also lots of links going around of places you can post all your 'net ID info so people can find you if the fit hits the shan.

I'd say it could still be useful, but you're going to need a heap of outside input. You might accomplish more by offering yourself as a willing slave to fanarchive. You'd probably be making a small contribution overall, but they seem to really know what they're doing. Make sure you read all the old posts there before you jump in.


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