[ficlet] Shared Coffee and Rain Drops

Mar 26, 2017 19:44

In case anyone was wondering, I'm alive!! I didn't die!! The last two years have just been filled with lots of ups and downs. The start and end of a new career, to the start of another new career and the start and end of a new relationship. It was pretty hard on me and that's pretty much why I stopped writing. Recently I started reading my old stuff and today decided to sit down and writing something. This is just an idea that I came up with this morning and it kinda blossomed as I spend the day working on it. I'll hopefully get back into the swing of writing again and then can start working on Carzy Love and Forbidden Fruit again soon. I just hope that people out there still want to read my stories and that not everyone has given up on me.

Title: Shared Coffee and Rain Drops
Author: fireside_story
Pairing: Kameda
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,345
Summary: On a rainy morning, Ueda enjoys the smalls things in life which leads to a question for Kame.
Disclaimer: Don't own the boys, or the dogs.
Beta'd: By me only, and I think I actually got everything this time!

Stretching his tired muscles, Ueda opened his eyes against the early morning light that was filtering in through the blinds. Laying still he listened to the sounds of the morning, the light rain that was tapping his window and the sound of slow deep breathing beside him. Turning onto his right side he was greeted with the sight of Kame's back facing him. Ueda hadn't even heard Kame come in the night before, meaning he had had another late night . Propping himself up on his elbow, Ueda brushed the younger man's hair out of his eye and watched him sleep. His latest movie was finally in theatres, which gave Kame a bit of a reprieve and not needing to do so much promotion. Leaning down Ueda placed a light kiss on Kame's temple and another on his shoulder before carefully crawling out of bed, letting the younger man catch up on some much needed sleep.

Heading downstairs, Ueda walked into the kitchen to start his usual early morning routine. Preparing the coffee pot, he started the machine before the task of setting out food for his dogs. Between the telltale sounds of opening the dog food bag and filling the bowls with the kibble, by the time he placed the last bowl on its mat all four animals had emerged from their various sleeping spots from around the house. Before placing the large bag back in the cupboard, he did a quick scan to see if a smaller animal was in the mix and in need of feeding. Sitting at the entrance to the kitchen Ran-chan waited patiently, knowing she would not be forgotten. The sight of her made Ueda smile. Kame had planned ahead to stay the night , going home to pick her up before coming to Ueda's. Reaching into the cupboard Ueda pulled out another mat and bowl, along with a smaller bag of dog food. Filling up her bowl, he placed the mat in the floor beside where the other dogs were and set the bowl on top, stroking the smaller dog when she came over and started eating.

Walking over to the coffee machine, Ueda grabbed his favourite coffee mug that was roughly the size and shape of a small bowl. Pouring the dark liquid he doctored it to his tastes before cradling the mug in his hands and heading to the backyard doors to watch the rain. Deciding it was best to walk Ran-chan before he went for a run with the other dogs, Ueda hoped that Kame had brought her raincoat. He believed that a dog having a raincoat was slightly on the ridiculous side, until Ueda tried to walk her without the bright yellow dog jacket. She had refused to budge, the stubbornness of her breed showing. On more then one occasion Ueda had considered getting her another one to have at his place, but maybe there was another solution.

Taking a sip of coffee, Ueda was so lost in his train of thought he didn't hear Kame come up behind him but he knew he was there. Leaning back against his lover's chest Ueda smiled as he felt Kame wrap one of his arms around Ueda's waist. Taking Ueda's coffee mug from his hands, Kame took a sip making a face as Ueda preferred his coffee with less sugar then he did. Peering over his shoulder Ueda watched as Kame took another sip making the same face, "Morning."

"Morning," Kame repeated back gruffly as he handed Ueda back his mug. Ueda smiled wider facing the window once again. He loved watching Kame in the morning, with his ruffled hair and sleep creased clothes. He knew to not really take the younger man's gruff tone too seriously, as he was always a man of little words and grumpy before his coffee.

Settling back against the other man as Kame wrapped his other arm around Ueda's waist, he looked into the coffee mug and scowled lightly. Kame's two sips had drained half the mug. This was why he insisted on having large mugs of coffee, even though Kame didn't like the taste he always drank half of Ueda's cup. "Did you bring Ran-chan's raincoat?"

"Nope," Kame started resting his forehead on Ueda's shoulder. "The weather forecast said it was going to be sunny today."

"I hate running in the rain," Ueda sighed wondering when they had turned into an old couple discussing the weather.

Kame lifted his head off Ueda's shoulder, "So don't. I can think of another cardio activity that will help us both out." The younger man purred in Ueda's ear before catching his earlobe between his teeth.

"I've been neglecting you a little with the promotion of my new movie." Kame started showering the side of Ueda's neck with kisses. "Let me make it up to you."

"Why don't you just move in?" Ueda blurted out cringing as soon as the question left his lips. Kame stopped moving behind him, making Ueda close his eyes and tense his body preparing for the worst. They have briefly talked about moving in together years ago when they first got together, but the conversation had been Kame stating why he thought it would be a bad idea. The subject had never been brought up since until Ueda's sudden question.

Kame turned Ueda around so they were facing each other, "are you serious?"

The question made Ueda open his eyes, to look deep into those of his lover. This man before him, that had turned out to be the love of his life, and decided he deserved to know the truth. "Yes, in fact I've been thinking about this for a few years. Right around the time you started going on about what a bad idea it would be."

Kame hung his head letting out a small chuckle. "I only said that because I knew you valued your personal space. I knew your last serious relationship had ended badly and I didn't want to you to feel rushed."

"So you're saying the only reason we don't live together is because we thought we were doing what the other wanted?" Ueda asked with a smile. This whole situation was turning out to be very comical. God we're idiots, Ueda couldn't help but think.

Kame nodded before leaning in for a kiss, "so when can I move in?"

Wrapping his one arm around Kame's neck, Ueda held out his left hand with the coffee mug in it so he could press himself right up against Kame. He beamed as he thought of what their life was going to be like from now on, the two of them together in this house. This house is starting to feel too big for just two people he couldn't help but think. That's when it struck Ueda, just what he wanted out of this relationship. He wanted the ever-after, including a family and he wanted it all with Kame. He'd just have to take it one milestone at a time.

"As soon as possible. Let's start today," Ueda stated making Kame laugh at his lover's excitement.

"We'll see about that. I still want to make it up to you how I neglected you recently," Kame flirted leaning forward and placing a kiss full of unspoken meaning on Ueda's lips. "I have to make up for all those nights you spend alone."

After Kame leaned in and kissed him again, Ueda broke the kiss and looked into the other man's eyes. In that moment he knew this was where he belonged, with this man for the rest of his days. He no longer cared if Kame knew, in fact he wanted Kame to know exactly how he felt. "We have forever for that."

Kame's smile was enough to battle Ueda's, happy to finally know the two of them were on the same page of their relationship. Cupping Ueda's face with his face, Kame placed another sweet kiss on those lips he loved so dearly. "Yes we do. In fact what are your feelings on adopting?"

genre: fluff, pairing: kameda, length: ficlet, rating: pg

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