Bit of an update

Feb 22, 2018 12:38

First off I don't know if anyone is going to actually see this, but I just thought I'd throw this here quickly anyway.

I know I haven't written much in the past two years, and only recently have I figured out why. Junno leaving KAT-TUN broke my heart more then I had realized. I was sure the group would disband, and that paired with all the other stuff I was dealing with personally was too much. I was turned off my writing since I couldn't figure out where they, or I as a Hyphen, would go from here.

When the announcement came out about them continuing I was torn. Junno had stated after Koki left that if anyone would be leaving they would disband. Part of me was happy they would be continuing as three, but mostly I was disappointed since I felt like they had gone back on their word. My love for this group is deeply rooted in my respect for them. In that small moment, I lost some of that respect and therefore some of my love for them.

Now seeing the new logo for the upcoming tour, but mostly seeing the support other Hyphens are given them, has renewed everything for me. The other Hyphens are part of the reason I love this fandom, so to all of you reading this, thank you. You have all rekindled my love for these three, and with that the story ideas are flooding in!
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