Hard Day? (part 2)

Feb 09, 2007 18:43

Title: Hard Day? (part 2)
by Tabitha
part 1 can be found here.
Crossing: Firefly/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Setting: Season 4 when Xander works at the Pub at Sunnydale College. Post-BDM
Rating: G
Author's Note: Heaven is a pub in Sunnydale....

“Dude, do you have a place to go?” Xander looked at the clock, it was getting late.

Wash’s expression reminded Xander of the news clips of people who lost their homes to the raging California forest fires.

“I’ll take that to be a no.” Usually I can make a joke and make things better, but I’m not sure what to say to this guy.

Wash just stared into the bottom of his empty glass. Gin and tonic wasn’t so bad, better than that mudder’s milk gos se Jayne had him drink.  The jack and coke hadn't been too bad either, or the sex on the beach, or... Wash couldn't quite remember the rest.

“Look,” Xander tried again to get Wash’s attention. The man didn’t move. “Hoban?”

“Wash.” He didn’t even look up. “Everyone just calls me Wash.”

“Yeah, I get that. Xander isn’t my actual first name.” Xander half-smiled, at least I got a response.

“If you don’t got a place to go, you can stay with me. I’ve got a friend who knows about the whole ‘not dead’ thing. She might be able to help.”

For the first time since Xander had met him Wash made an expression other than surprised misery. “Really?” He looked up, flashing hope in his eyes.

“Yeah, she’s pretty amazing. I’ll take you home and we’ll go find her tomorrow.”

Wash waited while Xander cleaned up. Everything looks so clean already. He’d been on a bunch of planets. Core planets were sterile kind of clean. Rim planets just dusty. This was in-between and it reminded him of Serenity. He could feel his palms twitching. Zoe always called it a symptom of his addiction. Zoe. What would she be thinking? Feeling? How could he leave her like that?

He was vaguely aware of a hand moving in front of his face. Wash blinked. “Time to go home sailor,” Xander said with a tone that was a weird mixture of the serious and the joking.

Wash shook his head and ignored the word home. Rising he followed beside Xander to the door. “You know, when you asked about ‘hard day’, I almost said ‘it’s been a hard day’s night and I’ve been working like a dog’.”

“Oh really?” Xander fumbled for his keys.

“Tsai boo shr. Don’t tell me they don’t have the Beatles here?”

on to part 3

buffy, challenge #3

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