Title: Hard Day?
by: Tabitha
sl_podcast Crossing: Firefly/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Setting: Season 4 when Xander works at the Pub at Sunnydale College. Post-BDM
Rating: G
Author's Note: Heaven is a pub in Sunnydale....
"Hard day?" The bar had finally died down and a new man had sat down, looking pretty stunned.
"Yeah, you could say that."
Xander looked at him carefully. "What's up?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I don't believe me." He moved his hands along his chest, as if checking for something. Xander picked up the movement and offered him a drink. "Don't worry about it buddy, this is on the house."
The newcomer looked grateful and sipped the drink, a gin and tonic. He spit it out. "Je shr shuh muh lan dong shi!?"
"Umm... wha?"
"Never mind." Everything was really strange here, wherever here was.
Xander considered him for a moment, "hey buddy, whatever is bothering you, you can tell me. Trust me." Xander leaned forward on the bar. "I've seen stranger things than a man who doesn't like gin and tonic."
The stranger's brow furrowed and he almost dismissed the opportunity. Finally he leaned forward and said, "I think I'm dead."
"Yeah," Wash nodded. "That's what I said."
On to Part 2! on to Part 3!