Fic: The Universe is still a small place

Dec 28, 2011 22:15

Fic: The Universe is Still a Small Place 4/? HP/STTNG

Here is a try at a lengthy fanfiction.

EWE HP, Slightly AU Treks

Crossover Harry Potter/Star Trek Tos/Star Trek TNG


Some Hermione/Spock

I Do Not Own Harry Potter or Any Star Treks in any Incarnation.

Looking For a Beta

All Reviews Welcome.

Hermione is cursed and doomed to be separated to all she knows. She must boldly go where no witch has gone before.

Inspired by Sarhea's wonderful crossovers.

September 19th 2362

Hermione Granger’s Chambers

United Federations Bank London

Hermione nervously chewed her bottom lip as Daisey and Masiey push and primped and pulled her.

“I feel like Renaissance Barbie.”

She looked rather like it too. A silvery dove grey silk chemise with bell

sleeves was covered by a sleeveless dusty blue dress and that was topped by an open front sleeveless robe embroidered with runes signifying her status as High Mage, head of the house of Black, wand sister of the house of Potter, and Goblin friend. She finally objected as the two tiny fashionista’s tried to attach a multi-hued blue ribbon circlet with attached silver hair veil over her braided hair.

“Girls, Girls isn’t this taking it a little far. I know the wizarding world was stuck in the Victorian era, but surely fashion hasn’t moved backwards. I’m dressed like freaking Maid Marian.”

“Missy Mione yous knows this is an important event. Wees have to dress yous not only to display your status as a witch but that will meet Vulcan standards as well. Ifs you wants to be meetings alls theses alien peoples yous have to realize the right clothes is likes armor.”

“Your right. How do you two know all of these things?”

“Mothers and the Goblin Chieftain helped us. Wees read books and went to classes on all sorts of diplomacy, etiquette, and languages for all over the galaxy. Wees all knowed you would have to go into space so good house elves have to be able to help their master, but wees only been doing that for the last hundred years or so.”

“A hundred years?” Gasps Hermione flabbergasted.

“It was funs.” Giggles Daisey

“Yup” Adds Maisey “ Wees was glamoured to bees like humans. Wees had to talk all funny. ‘Why yes proffessor I understand the dilemma the present in diplomacy when cultural misunderstandings take place.’” She states with false pomposity.

Taking Hermione’s hands the two address her. “ Wees told you wees is going to help yous any way wees can. Wees will always make sure yous is dressed right, knows how to act and know whats goings on. Peoples talks all thees time in front of servants and wees can be unseen ifs wees want to. Don’t worries yous is ours family and wees always take the best care of ours family.”

Moved to tears, Hermione grabs the two in a hug. “Thank you both so much. I wasn’t sure before, but now I know you two are twins.”

“Oh yes Missy Mione.” They answer. “Very rare for House Elves but extra special good lucky wees is. No more crying yous will mess up you make-ups.” With a snap of Maisey’s fingers all signs of her tears all gone.

In the back group a soft chime sounds.

“It’s time to go. We will be your escorts.” States Daisey.

With another snap both she and Maisey are dressed in simpler versions of Hermione’s outfit.

“How come you two can wear those when Winky only wanted to wear a pillowcase.”

“Wees just decided that anything wees wear for you will be a uniform.” Answers Daisey with a shrug.

“Our mother was wonderful but so old fashioned.” Adds Maisey “ A girl can’t get anywhere in a pillow case these days.”

With a final shared smile they pop Hermione out of her chambers.

September 19th 2362

President’s Receiving Room

United Federations Bank London

Appearing in front of two large wooden doors, Maisey and Daisey make one last check of their charges appearance. Like anxious the quiz her one last time.

“Yous remember the traditional Vulcan greeting? Yous can speak Vulcan, but everyones will probably speaks English tonight. Keep your mental shields up. The Vulcans maybe touch telepaths but the Betazoid ambassador is here too. Betazoids are full telepaths. You will either love her or hate her. Mothers once described her as an unholy cross between Mrs. Weasley and Lavender Brown with the brains of Headmistress McGonagall.”

“Calm down the both of yous.” scolds Maisey. “You looks beautiful. You will do fine. Be respectful and stoic with the Vulcans. No touchy. Be honest with the Betazoid. Treat any members of the Federation or Star Fleet as you would respected Ministry workers or Aurors. If you need help look to Chieftain Trailenguts. Now lets go.”

With that said the elves take their place slightly behind and to the sides of Hermione. Daisey gives the waist coated goblin at the door a nod. He opens the door and gesture for them to enter as another Goblin announces their arrival.

Hermione steps through the doors and all faces turn towards her. The background chatter peeters out. Another waist coated goblin steps forward, but is shooed back by Trailenguts. He steps forward to take Hermione’s arm. She is only a few inches over five feet in her flat silk slippers so the height difference is not to unwieldy.

“It is my great honor to personally present the Lady Hermione Granger. She is a gifted academic of noble standing. She has just recently awoken from a very prolonged stasis. In which she was placed against her will. I have gathered you all here to welcome her to this new time, as well as to celebrate her twenty-fourth birthday.”

With great dignity Trailenguts leads her to the first small gathering of people.

“Senior Ambassador Sareck, Ambassador Spock may I present Lady Hermione Granger. Hermione, Senior Vulcan Ambassador to Earth Sareck and his son Ambassador Spock.”

The two Vulcans raise their hands and give the traditional Vulcan greeting though they speak in English.

“Live long and prosper.”

Hermione returns the gesture though she repeats the greeting prefect Vulcan. “Dif tor heh smusma.”

Hermione schools her face to remain emotionless, but behind her Maisey and Daisey stiffle a giggle when the Vulcan father and son arch an eyebrow simulantiously.

Trailenguts addresses them once more. “ Gentlemen after diner we have an interesting research proposal for you. Now if you will excuse us I must continue introductions.” Once more he leads Hermione to the next cluster of people.

Hermione realizes the next woman they approach could only be the Betazoid abassador. Her hair is arranged in an elaborate coiffer and her bright multihued gown rivals some of Dumbledore’s outfits for the sheer nerve it takes to pull it off. Before Trailenguts can begin, the Betazoid woman introduces herself.

“ I am ambassador Lwaxanna Troi, Daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx and Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed.”

Recognizing the unspoken challenge Hermione responds for herself.

“I am High Mage Lady Hermione Granger, Mistress of the House of Black, Wand Sister of the House of Potter, Friend of the Goblin Nation, Bearer of the Order of Merlin First Class, and Member of the Order of the Phoenix.”

The small nod of the head coupled with the amused gleam in Ambassador Troi’s eyes let Hermione know she had passed.

“So you are my dear, and you can block you thoughts. How quaint! But not your emotions my darling girl.” She gathers a shocked Hermione in a hug. “I can feel your loneliness and fear as well as you bravery and determination. To be apart from all you knew. I have a only a daughter only tiny bit older than you. If you ever need anything please let me know.”

Slightly choked up after receiving such an unexpected motherly hug Hermione responds sincerely, “Thank you Ambassador Troi.”

“Nonsense child call me Lwaxanna. Mr. Holm will supply you attendants with contact information.” With that she floats off the annoy the Vulcan ambassadors.

The last guests are two old human men. One merely appeared only the other ancient. The first was dressed in a nice but unremarkable brown tunic and pants while the other was in what Hermione recognizes as a blue Starfleet Medical Uniform.

Gesturing to the first Trailenguts states. “Lady Hermione let me introduce you to Boothby, one the best botanists currently on planet. He maybe able to help you with any of your herbology needs.”

“A pleasure to meet you Mr. Boothby.”

“Just Boothby, Miss. Trailenguts and I have known each other for quite awhile. We share an interest in heirloom variety plants.”

“Please call me Hermione. I have some seeds and cuttings that may interest you. Perhaps we can talk at a later date.”

“I look forward to it.”

Trailenguts then directs her attention to the other man. “Branch Admiral Dr. McCoy may I introduce you to Lady Hermione. Hermione Admiral McCoy has friends throughout the Federation and has been privy to some of the stranger things to be found in the universe.”

“Yes, imagine my surprise when I found some of the stranger things were found right here on earth.” He gesture to the goblins. “Please forget the Admiral part I am just a good ol’ country doctor.”

With a smile Hermione responds. “I am sure you deserve all honors Doctor. My parents were only dentists, but I remember the medical field takes constant study to stay current. I can only imagine the complexities involved with the many differing species who make up the Federation.”

Dr. McCoy grouses. “Finally someone who understands.”

Taking their leave Trailenguts leads Hermione to another door, and turns to address the group.

“If you will all follow me dinner will be served.”

The doors open to an elegant table. From the head of the table, Trailenguts seats Hermione on his right. Mr. Holm pulls out the chair on the Goblin’s left for Ambassador Troi. The others seat them selves. As the food is served an eaten they all converse with the exception of the Vulcans who do not speak during meals.

Until McCoy draws Spock out with the comment. “What’s new with you, you green blooded hobgoblin?”

Hermione hides a snort in her napkin when Spock only responds with another raised eyebrow. But she and Lwaxanna both chuckle when Trailenguts interjects. “Doctor you should know he is much too tall to be any type of goblin.”

The meal ends and the non-Vulcan guests depart, but not with out wishing Hermione happy birthday and promising to begin corespondense. Maisey and Daisey diligently take down contact information.

Lwaxanna gives her one last hug.

“When you are done with the Vulcans come to Betazed, Miss High Mage. We have stories of mages there as well.”

“I’ll remember.”

“I am going to give my daughter your information too. It will do you good to have contact with some more your own age.”

Before Hermione can thank her again she sweeps out of the room with Mr. Holm following.

“Come, let us adjourn to the sitting room for tea.” Trailenguts leads them down a short hallway to reveal a comfortable of several armchairs and a loveseat arranged around a fireplace.

Hermione and her attendants take the loveseat leaving the chairs for the men.

Sarek and Spock are quickly briefed on Hermione’s circumstances. Finally Hermione appeals to them directly.

“I know Vulcans’ pride themselves on Logic, but you also have a rich tradition of Mysticm. Your claim as a people of logic is the very thing that identified you to us in the prophecies. I think that the beginning of my search for magic must begin with your people.”

Exchanging glances with his father, Spock responds. “I cannot deny my curiosity regarding your abilities, nor the existence of similar powers in some of Vulcan’s mythology. I am prepared offer you a position as my attaché. After a short period of time on Vulcan to train and research, you will accompany me on my assignments. This will allow you to look for other with as you term in “Magic” through out the federation and possibly beyond.”

Sarek finally responds. “I must agree with my son. Even in this day and age both prophecy and the presents of unexplained abilities must be respected. I understand the presence of the others at this gathering. Your allies seek to provide you with a pool of resources with varied contacts and abilities. You will be welcomed in the family home as a ward of the clan.”

“ I thank you both for this great honor .”

The Vulcans rise to leave. Hermione also stands. They once more give her the Vulcan salute.

“Live long and prosper.”

“Peace and long life” she responds.

Once only she, the goblin and house elves remain, Trailenguts pours her another cup of tea.

“You have done very well tonight, and gained some useful and powerful champions. Ambassador Troi was especially taken with you. She is a well connected and powerful stateswoman. I hope she can act as a mentor of sorts as well as providing you with a female confidante. Both Bootby and McCoy are well known in their fields and have surprisingly far reaching networks of contacts. The Vulcan ambassadors both father and son are among the pre-eminent statesmen of this time.”

“I truly liked everyone present and enjoyed the company. I look forward to keeping correspondence with them. In the past I had a variety of penpals in several differing fields.”

“Your veracity in your interactions is what everyone noticed tonight. Do not forget that both the Betazoids and Vulcans can detect lies. Beginning tomorrow we will gather supplies for your trip to Vulcan. Please let Maisey and Daisey fill your wardrobe. You will be part of a diplomatic party that will require much. We will request an itinerary from the Vulcan Consulate as well.”

With that the evening draws to a close and Hermione is returned to her rooms by her two loyal house elves.

After changing into her night clothes, Hermione falls asleep in a state of bemused surrealism.

“I can’t believe I am packing for a trip to outer space,” is her last thought before she falls asleep.

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