Fic: The Universe is Still a Small Place 3/? HP/STTNG

Dec 21, 2011 03:54

Fic: The Universe is Still a Small Place 3/? HP/STTNG

Here is a try at a lengthy fanfiction.

EWE HP, Slightly AU Treks

Crossover Harry Potter/Star Trek Tos/Star Trek TNG


Some Hermione/Spock

I Do Not Own Harry Potter or Any Star Treks in any Incarnation.

Looking For a Beta

All Reviews Welcome.

Hermione is cursed and doomed to be separated to all she knows. She must boldly go where no witch has gone before.

Inspired by Sarhea's wonderful crossovers.

September 17th 2362

Hermione Granger’s Chambers

United Federations Bank London

After two months Hermione feels caught up on the basics of recent human history and advances. Maisey, Daisey, and Trailenguts refused to let her be completely absorbed by her studies. With their help she developed a strictly balanced schedule that helped her adjust to her past traumas and strange new world.

All three insisted that she try for a full eight hours of sleep a night. She is still often plagued by nightmares, but they were lessened since she was often pleasantly exhausted at the end of the day. Used to double period classes and extensive personal research Hermione chose to divide her studies in to three different sections with four hours being devoted to each section daily. Two hours in the morning and late afternoon were used for fitness routines to keep her wartime reflexes and fitness at it’s peak. She requested instructors for unarmed self defense determined never to be helpless without her wand again. For this activity she was introduced to a holo-deck and was amazed by the nonmagical answer to the room of requirement. In her learning pod she quickly moved through the basics of human advancements. The preexisting Vulcan programming on the pod prompted her to develop a new translation charm for both written and spoken Vulcan during her magical study period. The files turned out to be basic Vulcan education files. At Trailenguts insistence one day a week is set aside as personal free time.

On Sundays, she reads her friends journals, and slowly gets reacquainted with their portraits. Harry’s protrait revealed how in order to survive the Eugenics War and World War III they were forced to bind their children’s and grandchildren’s magic. It was they only way to blend in with the remaining muggle populations. Especially with the fear of being mistaking for some one whose genes had been manipulated for super human powers. Witches and wizards feared persecution and experimentation, but they no longer had their hidden enclaves. Nuclear warfare had destroyed them. By the time it was safe to reestablish a magical community no one remained with was knowledgeable and powerful enough to unbind their powers. Hermione was in tears as Harry’s portrait beseeched her to teach and unbind the powers of any descend she came across. Standing at his shoulder Gabrielle informed her that she would be able to sense the latent magic people. Using their own innate abilities Maisey and Daisey would know their family line if they have one.

Shuffling through a few data pads, Hermione stretches before shutting down her learning pod and smiling in accomplishment.

“I swear everything today is like computers for dummies. The stupid things even talk to you.” She mutters. Turning towards the two house elves she smiles. “Hey girls, I just finished my learning units can you believe it?”

Looking up from their tasks they smile back at their mistress, their friend. “Oh Missy Mione, that was very much to learn.”

“It wasn’t that much really. Just like finishing A levels really. I only had a few hundred years of history to catch up on. That is really only a couple of class credits if you think about it.”

“Yous need to take credits where it is due. Mothers warned us that yous didn’t think enough of yous self. What about all the Vulcans pointy eared ones. Yous learned all their stuff too.” Insisted Daisey.

“Well it was really interesting learning about another race of beings from their own viewpoint, but still it was only their basic education. The type a student would receive before being accepted to higher education. You know given their current telepathic powers and some of the things hinted about in their pre-Surak history, it seems that there might have been Vulcan magic users at one point. I still think they could help me with my legilimency and occlumency. I think I need to talk to them anyway. They fit the prophecies as both logic’s people and the children of Hephaestus. I’ve put off dealing with the prophecies long enough. Could one of you girls please inform the Cheiftain that I am ready to meet with him at his convenience?”

“No problem Missy Mione. I’s will go.” Answered Daisey popping out of the room.

“I’s think you should get cleaned up Missy Mione.” Nudges Maisey. “ The Cheiftain Goblin will be here soon.”

“How do you know?”

Maisey shugs sheepishly “Wees elves just know sometimes what to do for our masters and mistresses. The mores like family wees be the better wees can take care ofs our witches and wizards.”

“Does this mean we are really becoming a family just like Winky and I wanted?”

“Yes Missy Mione. Wees is a family.”

“I’m so glad. I love you and Daisey.”

“Wees love yous too.” She grins. “Now hurry ups and get ready.” Maisey shoos Hermione to her bedroom.

“Yes Maisey.” Hermione replies laughing.

A short while after Hermione showered and changed, Daisey returns with Trailenguts.

“Ah Hermione, I see you have adjusted gracefully to you new circumstances.” He gestures to her robin’s egg blue gown and her hair tamed into a coronet.

“ I finally realized it was just easier to surrender to the iron will of my house elves.” She replies while the two little elves titter behind their hands.

“I’m glad that you could see me on such short notice. Pleasantries aside I have caught up on my education as well as one can from books, data pads, and even learning pods. I can’t put it off any longer it is time to discuss the prophecies.”

Slightly surprised and impressed the goblin answers. “ You have all ready finished lessons on human history and advancements in the last 350 years? Impressive.”

“No, you misunderstand. I have completed all the lessons contained on the pod.”

“I see your reputation for scholastic achieve is well deserved. Very well, please tell me you thoughts on these prophecies, and we can begin to make new plans.”

“Alright, lets start with the one from your Oracle:

Vaults overflowing with the wealth of the stars

Logic and pragmatism walk together

The Winter’s statue will awake

Ushered in by two worlds’ son

Who aid the past with care and healing

Equality in the renewal of magics past

She will grow the future by kith and by kin.

As a people Goblins have been and presumably will continue to make money from off planet sources. Logic and pragmatism are often two sides of the same coin, and are defining philosophical points of both goblins and Vulcans. Vulcans even have an idiom ‘What is necessary is logical’. The statue refers to myself and I have obviously awoken. The ‘son’ could possibly be you as both a representative of the Goblins and the Earth in general. You have treated me with care and helped with my quote on quote ‘healing’. Or it could be some yet unknown entity. Some unspecified equality be gained be it gender, race, age. It is entirely to vague to guess. I still say divination is more trouble than it’s worth. We won’t know if we have it right until it’s over. That’s what I hate about prophecies. ‘With the renewal of magics past.’ Since it seems like I’m the only witch left anything could bethe lost magic. Bloody hell it could be the spell Mrs. Weasley used to peel potatoes. I don’t know that one so it’s lost to the past. At least we end on a happy note, I don’t know what growing the future means unless I get into herbology, but at least I will one day have friend and family again. Or it could just mean Maisey and Daisey.” Hermione finally ends with an exaggerated exhalation.

After rather shocked moment of silence, Trailenguts reponds.

“You have thoroughly considered this, and I have to agree with you assessment. Both the goblins and wizards involved came to much the same conclusions. This is the first time that anyone has suggested an identity for the ‘two worlds’ son’. I understand your distain for such an inexact branch of magic. You forget we Goblins like numbers and cold facts, but true profit cannot be made with out some speculation. It is better to at least be aware of a prophecy’s content.”

“Oh I agree.” Hermione nods sitting to pour tea.

“I had enough of operating uninformed under Dumbledore’s information hoarding tendencies. What a cluster fuck that was, but please ignore my ramblings. Let’s move on:

Time awaits she

Who severed from her peoples

Nurtured by the children of Hephaestus

Will gather the magic of the stars

In the homestead of the court

After the wrath of the hive.

A rebirth of blood lines young and old.

Her people await

She who was severed by time.

Luna is lucky I love her after dropping this mass of nebulous factoids on me.” She continues conversationally.

“The first and second line refer to me waking up in this time. Hepheastus is the Greek version of the god Vulcan, so I will in some way be nurtured by the Vulcans. Now the ‘magic of the stars’ has several different possibilities. It could involve astronomy, nocturnal, some sort seasonal ritual magic. But in conjunction with the preceding line, it most likely mean magic found in space or on another planet. The most logical first step would be meet with the Vulcans though who and how I do not know. The ‘homestead of the court’ in entirely to vague. I won’t even attempt to define that right now. The same goes for the ‘hive’ unless you know of some incredibly virulent bees? The next line could refer to the renewal of mage lines both old pureblood lines and new muggleborn ones. ‘My people’ could be the kith and kin mentioned in the Oracle’s prediction.” She finishes before picking up her cup of Earl Grey.

“That collaborates our own interpretations.” Trailenguts nods.

“As for an introduction to the Vulcan people that can be done through the bank’s contacts. I know this seems overwhelming, but you are not alone. You will have the entire force of the Goblin Nation behind you. We are as deeply if not even more deeply imbedded in the forces of magic than mage kind, and we have felt it’s decline. Goblin birthrates and those of the remaining magical species are dropping sharply. In another fifty years that will be at a standstill. If you can find new magic and help the rebirth of old, our people stand to benefit far beyond mere gold.” He sighs before picking up his own cup.

“ I do apologize for being so flippant. I just feel so trapped by the future, the past, these prophecies, and this entire new world. I think I know where to start by meeting with some sort of Vulcan diplomat or even a scientist to study how there telepathy and the magical mind arts could be related. I think for now I will let the future take care of it self. I will continue to study magic both on Earth and hopeful on Vulcan and maybe one day in other places too.”

She says all this while staring in to the depth of her teacup using the thin china to warm her hands.”

The Goblin Chieftain watches her considering.

“Your elves has informed me that your birthday will be in two days time. The bank will hold a small dinner party to celebrate. I will host. We will begin to make the connections needed for collaboration with the Vulcans. I have a particular individual in mind. Good day Hermione.” With a nod he sets down his cup and leaves with the abrupt air used found only in Goblins and those used to being in charge.

Poor Hermione slumps bonelessly in her chair head in hands while the tiny she-devils Maisey and Daisey gleefully begin to pick out a gown for the dinner.

hermione, hp/sttng, fic

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