Fic: The Universe is Still a Small Place 2/? HP/STTNG

Dec 12, 2011 20:36

Here is a try at a lengthy fanfiction.
EWE HP, Slightly AU Treks
Crossover Harry Potter/Star Trek Tos/Star Trek TNG
Some Hermione/Spock

I Do Not Own Harry Potter or Any Star Treks in any Incarnation.

Looking For a Beta
All Reviews Welcome.

Hermione is cursed and doomed to be seperated to all she knows. She must boldly go where no witch has gone before.

Inspired by Sarhea's wonderful crossovers

July 13, 2362

United Federations Bank and Trust London Branch

Deep within the caverns of what was once Gringott’s bank, a golden orb shakes on an imposing goblin’s desk. Goblin Chieftain Trailenguts also known as Travis Gutes President of the United Federations Bank and Trust successor of Cheiftain Ragenrock knows the time of the prophecy is at hand. After the discovery of warp technology and first contact with the Vulcans. The goblins realized that the future of profit would require them to interact with humans and other humanoids on an unprecedented level. They became the main backers of human space exploration. Their existence is still hidden from most humans and mush of their business is conducted under glamour. Shortly after the Vulcan arrival Ragenrock appeared to them as spokesperson to the remaining magical peoples of earth. The prophecy unraveled more of itself as the goblins began discussions with a people dedicated to logic and discovered how to make profit from the stars. The goblins created close ties to Vulcan ambassadors and financers. Vulcan logic and Goblin pragmatism dovetailed nicely into strong economic policy. Goblin involvement with space exploration is known by the highest ranking members of the Federation and the Vulcan council.

Holding the orb Trailenguts was smugly satisfied. The prophecy would come to fruition under his rule. He was along way from the simple department manager when it began. Now he must guide a very young, very traumatized human female to her destiny in a future far removed from the world she knew. He only hopes she can handle it. There were no mages left to rein in a witch of her caliber should she fall into darkness.

In a softly lit vault, two house eves stand restlessly as a magical charge builds in the air around them. With a gasping cry, Hermione sits up on her dais.

“Harry, Ron!”

“Shhhh.. Missy Mione. Yous is ok. Yous is safe.”

Opening her eyes and blinking rapidly, Hermione gropes for a wand, a weapon anything, while trying to escape.

“Missy Mione, yous is safe. Yous is not with the bad men.”

Rational though returning, she takes in her surrounding. Her eyes widening at the masses of wealth surrounding her, stacks of trunks and a row of covered portraits.

“Where am I? Who are you?”

“Wees be Maisey and Daisey yous elves and yous has beens asleep a very long time.”

“My elves? Winky is supposed to be my elf. Is she here? “

“Winky was ours mother. She passed to the great beyond yesterdays”

“Oh God I’m so sorry.”

“Wees miss her, but shes was very old even for a house elf. She would be so happys yous is now awake. Mothers had us to be sure Missy Mione would not bees alone. ”

“Yes, you said I have been asleep for a long time. What happened? How long was I asleep and were am I now? Where is every one?’

“The two bad mens who hurt you put a spell on you to make you sleep. No one knew hows to break it. You had to sleep until all you knows was gone. Today is July 13, 2362. Mothers was the last creature you knew who lived.” Answered the first elf Maisey sadly. “But she told us wees is to take care of yous. That yous would be not only our master but our friend. We was to help you be happy. Right now yous are in a special vault at Gringotts. After you was cursed prophecies were made to the Order of the Phoenix and the Goblins. They worked together to prepare for anything you might need. That is what all this stuff is.”

Hermione felt her knees go week. Had she not already been sitting she would have collapsed. “I have been asleep for 359 years, every one is dead, and now I have a stupid, no two stupid prohecies to worry about all by myself.” She whispers in disbelief.

“Not by yourself.” States a serious gravelly voice.

Hermione jumps and turns to face the intruder. A well dressed goblin stands at the now open vault door.

“ I am Chieftain Trailenguts. Lord Harry Potter, Slayer of the Dark LordVoldemort, the Order of the Phoenix, Chieftain Ragenrock, and myself have been preparing to aid you for many years. Let you elves tend you and then meet me in my office for a meal. We have much to discuss about the prophecies, your future, and the future of magic.”

Without allowing Hermione to respond he turns and leaves the vault.

“Come now Missy Mione there is a nice bath in the next cavern.” Herds Daisey.

Allowing her self to be led down the corridor and placed in a recreation of the prefects bath her mind wanders over all that has happened. As the shock wears off, she notices all her external injuries have been healed.

“Of course they’re better it has been over 300 years.” She mutters to herself. Shivering at the though of how and who injured her she begins to scrub. Intellectually she knows she is clean, but she can still feel their phantom touch like a skuzzy film on her skin. “Pull it together Granger.” She mentally scolds, stopping her scrubbing. “You’re a Griffindor. Yaxley and Dolohov are long dead. Your alive. You won. Harry and Ron saved you. Cry later lets find out what happens next.”

Steeping from the tub and toweling off, she turns to find a gown laid out for her. The watercolor blue silk under-dress with a darker blue brocade robe was different from the casual clothes Hermione was used to.
“Daisey, Maisey where did these clothes come from?

“Master Harry Potter picked out the colors. He said blue bees yours favorite. Wees been buying and making them. We was told to dress you according to your station.”

“My station? What are you talking about”

“Missy Granger, wees think the Cheiftain can explain it better. Come we must hurry it is getting close to meal time.”

With a deep breath Hermione sighs “Ok let’s get on with it.”

Her two elves finish her hair and apply small dabs of make up.

“Oh yous look beautiful. Come on wees will pop you there.”

Each elf grabbing a hand, with a soft pop the trio appears in a lush office. A meal for two has been arranged on the desk. Behind it sits Trailenguts.

Remembering her manners Hermione curtseys and states “May your vaults always be full, and your enemies tremble before you, Cheiftain Trailenguts”

With a Goblin smile he replies, “ Greeting to you High Mage Lady Hermione Granger.”

“I thank you for the gracious care and welcome, but I am only a mage in training, and I am not a titled lady.”

“Ms. Granger, the magical world as you knew it no longer exists. There may be a few hidden enclaves, but as far we determine you are the most highly trained if not only human mage. Your mentors have left their notes and assignments for you to finish your apprenticeships through self study. As for the title of lady, after you were cursed Lord Potter adopted you as a sister and bestowed upon you the Black title that was left to him by his godfather. He seemed to find it amusing that the title would belong to a muggleborn. The ministry also award you the vaults and properties of the dark wizards Yaxley and Dolohov in compensation for their actions. You are a very wealth, educated, powerful, and now titled young witch. You will find these things help open many doors for you. The world and universe are a different place now, but money and social standing always help. Now let us eat. We will discuss and make plans afterwards. Do play mother if you will.” He gestures

to the sterling tea set.

With a soft sigh to settle herself, the young witch pours out two cups of tea. Inhaling the fragrant steam she relaxes slightly. “Ummm. Earl Grey my favorite.”

“You have very through house elves. You should be quite proud.”

“I am. I don’t know them yet, but their mother Winky was one of my dearest friends.” Finishing her cup of tea and removing the cover from her plate, she ate her dinner with relish, surprising herself. Daintily wiping her mouth she sets aside her serviette and recovers her plate. Looking up she notices her companion is finished as well. “Please forgive me if I seem ungrateful, but why are you being so helpful. I know I was on decent terms with the Goblin Nation after the war, but this seems a little overboard.”

With a slight chuckle Trailenguts rises form behind his desk. “Come Ms. Granger lets sit beside the fire.” He gestures to two armchairs in front of a large stone hearth.

“Ms. Granger” he begins.

“Hermione please.”

“Hermione, you are the subject of two prophecies one given to the Order of the Phoenix by a Miss Luna Lovegood and another given by the goblin Oracle. We are also aware that you were the motivating factor for the apology and reparation that were made to us after the war with Voldemort. Those actions demonstrate that you hold the Goblin people as equals unlike most of wizard kind. As Chieftain as well as the last original person involved with the arrangements I feel a great deal of responsibility for your adaptation and success in this time period.”

“Will you tell me these prophecies? What sort of plans do you have in place for me? Can you tell me what happened to all my friends?”

“Of course. I will provide you with copies of both prophecies. We can meet to discuss our interpretations at a later date. The first order of business will be to help you catch up to current events and history. For this purpose we have obtained a learning pod. Your friends have left you both journals and wizarding portraits. I suggest you allow yourself some time to adjust to this new time period before accessing them. That is of course only a suggestion. Your house elves have been preparing your accommodations now that you have awoken.”

“I can agree to most of that, but what is a learning pod.”

“A learning pod is a self contained interactive instruction unit that will allow you to access and learn large amounts of new data. While they are not recommended for everyone you have always been a rapid and self motivated learner. I do not foresee you having any difficulties. Now I think we have covered enough for tonight.” Removing two scrolls from the desk he hands them to her. “Look these over and we will discuss them when we meet again.”

“Thank you for everything. I think I need some time to come to terms with everything. Good night.”

With a soft pop Maisey and Daisey appear and disappear taking Hermoine with them.

hermione, hp/sttng, fic

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