Fic: The Universe is Still a Small Place 1/? HP/STTNG

Dec 04, 2011 02:05

Here is a try at a lengthy fanfiction.
EWE HP,  Slightly AU Treks
Crossover Harry Potter/Star Trek Tos/Star Trek TNG
Some Hermione/Spock

I Do Not Own Harry Potter or Any Star Treks in any Incarnation.

Looking For a Beta
All Reviews Welcome.

Hermione is cursed and doomed to be seperated to all she knows. She must boldly go where no witch has gone before.

Inspired by Sarhea's wonderful crossovers.

Delacour Château outside La Barre France
July 2003

High mage in training Hermione Granger packed a small weekender bag and gathered her assortment of books. Managing to store it all in a rather ragged beaded handbag. She gazed out her bedroom window at the vineyard that covered the gently rolling hills. Smiling slightly she mused on all that had brought her to this place. Her anticlimactic relationship with Ron that fizzled out before it ever started. Growing closer with Luna, who had finally gained Ron’s attention and respect after events at Malfoy Manor. Ginny’s unexpected closeness with Neville. Harry’s disinterest in resuming that relationship, and his reintroduction to the younger Delacour sister. Her own decision to test out of seventh year, and begin a cross-subject apprenticeship.

Now she was less than a year away from finishing her multiple degree program, studying under the continental masters. After the war, Fleur and Hermione had become close friends, impressions of vanity aside, they were both intellectual women with a love of French language and culture. When Hermione decided to study mage work at Beauxbatons, Fleur offered the hospitality of her family. After much debate and pleading from Gabriellele and Harry as well as a personal invitation from their parents and Grandmere, Hermione agreed. She was glad she did. As much as she loved the Weasleys, the chaos of their house was a little much for the late in life only child of two reserved upper middle class dentists. While the Delacour household was a magical as they come, they understood the value of study and occasional silence. They also understood that her dedication to her studies was a balm to her soul after the war and her parents deaths. Her current lack of romantic interests did not mark her as a life long spinster. No matter what Molly Weasley thought with her kind hearted but misguided matchmaking attempts.

In addition, the château’s lovely location in the French country side was timeless. It brought back fond memories of family vacations with her parents. Parents who died tragically in a perfectly muggle automobile accident just a year after they returned to England. Shaking off her daydream, Hermione checked the time. Just five minutes until the international portkey would take her to the British Ministry of Magic. There she could return some books she borrowed for her advanced studies, and hopefully surprise Harry for his birthday.

Grimmwauld Place London.

Harry paces restlessly as the rest of the Order of the Phoenix gathers.

“ It has been nearly two weeks since Hermione went missing. All we know is she went missing after she returned some books to the Ministry library. How did they even know she was going to be in England? “

“I don’t know Harry,” answers Fleur.“ Her trip back was unannounced. She wanted to surprise you for your birthday. She had borrowed the books with Kingsley’s permission and was just turning them back in.”

As if his name summoned him, Kingsley stepped through the floo.

“ Harry, Ron, I think we’ve found her. Take this.” Grabbing the extended portkey, the trio appears with a gathering of aurors outside the crumbling ruins of a fort.

Cell in an unknown dungeon.

Hermione had no idea how long she had been here. The days have bled together in a haze of pain and degradation. Pain blooms in bright star bursts behind her eyes as she shifts on the grimy stone floor. Boot heels clicking on the corridor floor cause her to drawing a shuddering breath, gathering her courage and strength. But there is still hope, as long as she draws breath there is a chance, and her friends have never let her down. Two dark robed figures enter. Dolohov and Yaxley who were thought to have died in the final battle.

“Mudblood how determined you are to cling to your worthless life.” Scoffs the later. “Your friends the worthless friend will never find you, and even if they do it will be to late for you to ever see them again.”

With a tired but determined glare of defiance Hermione lifts her head. “ My friends will always help me no matter how far or how long it takes!”

“Now you know Yaxley, I think she has just come to enjoy our attentions. Like a good pet she knows she is just a hole to fill.”

Dolohov pulls her huddled form from the corner forcing her to all fours. Her shredded rags offer no barrier as he roughly enters her. Hermione doesn’t scream, not now, not since days ago when she lost her innocence on this same cobbled floor.

“ Oh you will scream bitch!” He snarls. “A little help”

“Certainly. Crucio!”

They both chuckle and Dolohov groans as the curse forces her body to clamp around him. Hermione lets her mind escape behind her occulmancy shields. Suddenly a thunderous banging begins and dust rains down.

“Someone is trying to overpower the wards.”

The dark wizards face the door prepared to fight. Harry and Ron are the first down the hallway. Harry casting and Ron shielding to force the Death Eaters back pinning them against the wall. Knowing they are outnumbered, Yaxley points his wand back to the barely conscious Hermione.

“ It doesn’t matter Potter. You’ll never be able to save your mud blood again.” Shielded by Donolov, the former unspeakable casts. “Expergefactus unum e tempore veneficus.” (Awake alone wizard out of time.)And Hermione is covered by a golden fog that dissipates, to reveal her motionless form.

As soon as the spell is completed Harry and Ron manage to break the shield to stun and bind the two.

Ministry of Magic Kingsley’s Office

Harry and Ron sit in hard backed chairs facing the new minister’s overflowing desk. Minister Shacklebolt faces them a serious and concerned expression on his face.

“Boys, we have questioned both of them under veritaserum before they were executed. The spell used something discovered in the department of mysteries during the war. Yaxley never figured out what it did. All the research revealed is that it forced a person into an enchanted sleep, a form of stasis, until all they know is gone. We will keep looking but it seems to be irreversible.”

Torn between grief and impotent rage, Harry asks “ How can we help her? She is going to wake up traumatized and alone.”

“I don’t know mate,” answers Ron. “But we’ll figure something out, we always have before.”

Late that night at Grimmauld place

Hermione’s unresponsive form was cleaned and healed before being placed in a guest bedroom under Winky’s care. The survivors of both the Order of the Phoenix and the DA gather in the kitchen where Mrs. Weasley commandeered the stove from Kretcher. After an enormous and delicious dinner, Harry stood to inform everyone about Hermione’s circumstances.

“According to Kingsley and the Department of Mysteries, Hermione was hit with an irreversible time statis spell. Yaxley discovered it while Voldemort was in power. The good news is that she will wake up one day, but only after everyone she knows had died. We have to find a way to help her and care for her even if we are all gone.”

Mrs.Weasley struggled to speak through her sobs. “ The poor dear, we will do what ever we can to help. How awful? Does she even know she has been rescued?” She cries causing Mr. Weasley to wrap an arm around her.

Ron answers. “We don’t know Mom. We will have to do what ever we can the make things easier for Mione when she wakes up.”

“Maybe we should write her letters, or journals to her with pictures.” Suggests Ginny. “Oh or better yet portraits.”

“That should be possible,” says Harry. “ Both Yaxley’s and Dolohov’s accounts were still in escrow by the Goblins. Since their deaths have been confirmed, their estates have been award to Hermione for her care. Both are from old families, we should be able to get her anything she will need.”

“Books” said Fluer. “ She never looked more relaxed than when she was in my family’s library. She should have one of her own.”

They group continued to bounce ideas off one another. Discussing ways to make Hermione’s life better when she awoke, so that even if she was alone she wouldn’t feel alone.

“But where and how will we keep her safe and take care of her?” asks Harry

“The Goblins” replies Bill. “ They have special vaults and they live extremely long lives. Since you made reparations, returned the Sword of Gryffindor, and the remains of the other founders’ goblin made objects, You are on very good terms with them. Plus Hermione now holds the wealth of two old families. It is just good business to aid her.”

“Winky knows how care for Missy Mione.” The crowd jumps as the elf steps out of the shadows. “Oh yes, Harry Potter sir.” exclaims Winky excitedly. “ Winky is friends with Miss Mione and hoped to be her elf. You is Miss Mione’s guardian. You can bind Winky to her. Then Winky can always care for her, and Winky can have babies to care for her, and we will always have a good mistress.”

“Oh wow Winky,” sputters Harry. “You Have really given this some thought, but won’t Hermione mind having a house elf? She thinks you’re slaves.”

“No Mr. Harry Potter sir, Missy Mione has learned better. House elves is getting their magic from their human families. If they is unbound too long theys get very sick and can die. Winky used to be sick but Doby and Kretcher have allowed her a temporary bond with Mr. Harry Potter sir. Missy Mione said she would bond with me after apprenticeship. We was to be a family now we still cans be. Winky was very sad when Missy Mione was missing.” The blushing elf gushed.

Slightly shocked by the elf’s words Harry once again picks up the conversation.

“We know you will take very good care of her. If you tell me how I will bond you after the meeting tonight. Bill can you look in to the goblin angle for us?” Before he could get any farther, he was interrupted by a gasp from Luna. Harry experienced a feeling of deja vue as Luna’s eyes roll back and a guttural voice comes forth:

“ Time awaits she

Who severed from her peoples

Nurtured by the children of Hephaestus

Will gather the magic of the stars

In the homestead of the court

After the wrath of the hive.

A rebirth of blood lines young and old.

Her people await

She who was severed by time.”

As Luna recovers attended by Ron, Harry jumps up knocking over his chair.

“Fuck, Fuck , Buggering Bloodly Fuck! This is stupid! It’s not fair. She doesn’t deserve this; we just got done with this shit.”

“Mr. Potter! That is enough!” Spoke up Headmistress McGonagall. “ We will deal with this logically and as adults. I will return to Hogwarts as and review the memory in Albus’s pensive. I will return tomorrow with the prophecy written down. As it appears to deal with Miss Granger, there is nothing in it demanding immediate attention.”

At the same time in the goblin city underneath Gringotts

A goblin so ancient her name has been forgotten stares in to steam rising from a crevice. With cloudy white eyes she only see visions that come from the earth it self. The oracle summons the young scribe to her side. “The mother speaks… The future comes.” With a sigh her eyes clear as the geothermic gases play scenes out before her.

“Vaults overflowing with the wealth of the stars

Logic and pragmatism walk together

The Winter’s statue will awake

Ushered in by two worlds’ son

Who will aid the past with care and healing

Equality in the renewal of Magics past

She will grow the future by kith and by kin.”

The aged goblin wheezes out one last breath before collapsing. The scribe summons others to prepare the body, while a new goblin takes a seat in front of the fissure. The scribe is relieved by another and carries the new prophecy to Ragenrock the chieftain. A powerful prophecy indeed to take a seers life breath to deliver. One with far reaching consequence for the Goblin empire.

Arriving early for work the next morning, Senior Curse Breaker Bill Weasley arranges a meeting with the department of specialized vault services, annuities and perpetuities. As he outlines the situation to the department manager the goblin response surprises him. The goblins are know for being honest and efficient in their business dealing, but not overly helpful. Manager Trailenguts not only assures him that such a vault can be designed, but requests that Lord Harry Potter as the interent’s guardian come to a meeting not only with the department manager but the head of the bank himself. Bill leaves to begin his work day more confused than when he arrived.

Head of Gringott’s Bank Chieftain Ragenrock’s Office

Three Days Later

Harry followed Bill down the office tunnels.

“Harry, I don’t know what this is all about. It is almost unheard of for the goblin chieftain to meet with wizards.” Warned Bill.

“I remember Hermione talking about that when we met him to apologize about breaking in.”

“Wait! You’ve met the Chieftain Ragenrock before?”

“Just the once.”

“It never fails to amaze me the things you three manage to get into.’

“Yeah well, I guess it will just be the two of us now.”

“Chin up Harry. It sucks but you know Hermione is smart enough to handle anything that fate throws at her. We’ll do everything we can to make life easier for her when she does wake, plus this time she only has to keep herself alive not you and my dolt of a brother.”

“Thanks Bill. Nothing like a little brotherly encouragement.” Harry snarks.

Entering the office at the end of the hall, they sit at the two indicated chairs in front of an imposing looking Goblin.

“Greetings Chieftain Ragenrock.” States Harry formally with a slight bow. “May your vaults always be full, and your enemies tremble before you.”

“Greetings to you Lord Potter, Slayer of the Dark Lord Voldemort.” Answers Ragenrock “We have called you here today because your request for an interment vault to protect High Mage in training Hermione Granger follows a prophecy from the Goblin oracle that may apply to her.”

Bill and Harry exchange long looks. With a shrug, Harry responds. “Our friend Luna gave a prophecy the night before Bill made this appointment.”

“That is consistent with our oracle.” The goblin answered. “ It seemed the most expedient thing to do is to reveal both prophecies in their entirety along with our interpretations. Only then can we begin to prepare Ms. Granger for her future. It seems she will be important for both our peoples. Let us begin with yours Lord Potter.” Harry reaches in his cloak pocket and pulls out a scroll. Ragenrock removes one from his desk drawer as well as extra parchment and a quill.

“ Time awaits she

Who severed from her peoples

Nurtured by the children of Hephaestus

Will gather the magic of the stars

In the homestead of the court

After the wrath of the hive.

A rebirth of blood lines young and old.

Her people await

She who was severed by time.”
We think this means that some time in the future, she will wake up a be helped or healed by the ‘children of Hephaestus’. Maybe they are so kind of blacksmiths or something. We don’t know right now. The next part could refer to some type of astronomy or seasonally based magic, they use constellations. The “homestead of the court” could be Avalon, the Ministry, or even parliament. The Delacours pointed out that it could even be their house where Hermione was staying. For the hive all we could think of was some sort of insect or maybe even an allergic reaction that effects a lot of people. We think the ‘blood lines’ are the old magical families. Hermione’s people could be muggles, muggleborns, the British, heck with the goblin prophecy her people could be anyone human. I hate prophecies they so damn vague until their over. Then, when they’re over, it is like boot to the head. Duh that’s what it meant.”

Bill places a calming hand on Harry’s shoulder, and picks up the explanation. “ That’s really all we have. The curse places her in an enchanted sleep until all she knows is gone. We know she we wake up at some point in the future, and now we know that she will have some job to do. We want to do everything we can to help her.”

Ragenrock nods and responds. “Our prophecy has some overlap with yours. That seems to confirm they both deal with Ms. Granger. Ours reads thusly:

Vaults overflowing with the wealth of the stars

Logic and pragmatism walk together

The Winter’s statue will awake

Ushered in by two worlds’ son

Who will aid the past with care and healing

Equality in the renewal of Magics past

She will grow the future by kith and by kin.

Our scholars have interpreted it, but the first line is rather self explanatory. Some kind of wealth can be made regarding the stars. Ms. Granger is know to be logical, and we goblins are well know to be pragmatic. Now ‘the Winter’s statue’ is mostly likely a direct reference to Ms. Granger. Her given name Hermione is the name of a queen who is turned into a statue in Shakespeare’s ‘A Winter’s Tale’. The ‘son’ could be a halfblood, or half breed who will befriend her. Her job, as you call it, involves ‘Magics past’ so some form of lost magic or old magic the she will rediscover. The last line may comfort you that she will not stay alone in this unknown future. She will have ‘kith and kin’ friends and family. Now that the prophecies have been outlined, lets see what we can arrange for Ms. Granger. She has a destiny for wealth and for magic; she will be a most profitable investment.”

Thus began one of the strangest collaborations know to wizard kind. Harry shared with Ron that he thought Hermione would be pleased that witches, wizards, goblins, and house elves were working together for a common cause. Of course that is only after she got through being embarrassed that she was the center of all the attention. Her friends had portraits painted when they married: Harry and Gabrielle, Ron and Luna, Ginny and Neville, even Bill and Fluer. These were updated until the subjects died, so they would know their life stories. Family tapestries were commissioned so Hermione could find their descendents. The masters to whom she was apprenticing made journals and copied their personal grimoire so she could complete her studies. From Hogwarts McGonagal and Flitwick included journals and copies of their personal work as well as copies of their headmistress and headmaster portraits. (Flickwit having served after Minerva. His mixed goblin blood extended his life span beyond that of even witches and wizards.) Hagrid, Hermione and Harry’s first friend in the wizarding world kept a chatty journal of letters. They were full of all the gossip about her nearest and dearest and their sprogs. He also contributed massive amounts of potion ingredients gathered from the plants and other inhabitants of the Forbidden Forest. Potion Masters would have killed to get in to Hermione stores. Had they know they existed. Unicorn horn, hair, and hoof trimmings, griffon and hippogriff feathers, moon flowers, lace wing flies any and everything that one could imagine and that Hagrid could get his hands on. He even reminded Harry to have the rest of the basilisk rendered down. Winky was bonded to Hermione. She and her offspring would serve the newly established Granger line. House elves, Harry discovered can live several hundred years. Winky decided she would have two elflings at some point. Those two house elves would care for Hermione and the contents of her vaults as well as liaise with the goblins to secretly keep track of the outside world.

Deep with in the caverns of Gringotts Bank a special vault was prepared. A central cavern with several others branching off held a growing accumulation of worlds goods and provided accommodations for house elves. Like a fairy tale princess, Hermione was dressed in a rich sapphire blue velveteen gown and placed on a raised dais. The future was coming as Hermione waited.

hermione, hp/sttng, fic

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