My Friends Feed

Feb 20, 2021 18:58

You know, there was a time when I used to worry about my 'friends feed' dwindling to nothing, especially when it seemed the world and his mother was decamping to Dreamwidth, and of course it has its peaks and troughs, but I'm happy to say all sorts of interesting things keep popping into it ( Read more... )

the man from u.n.c.l.e, vid, random slices of life, the professionals

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Comments 11

mrua7 February 20 2021, 19:53:19 UTC

... )


mrua7 February 20 2021, 19:53:42 UTC
Thanks for the shout out! :D


fiorenza_a February 20 2021, 21:45:08 UTC

I've got the article about Mr V's house pinned - the pictures are fab, but I haven't read all the detail in the text yet.

I've never been sure if I'd be comfortable living in a house that big - not unless lots of other people were living in it too. I think I'd feel a bit like I was rattling around like a loose pea in a can.

My Bessie would love that blue and white kitchen :0)


jantojones February 20 2021, 19:58:23 UTC

... )


shooting2kill February 20 2021, 20:10:05 UTC
These were fun! Especially the MFU one. Thanks.


fiorenza_a February 20 2021, 22:12:12 UTC

You are welcome - the MFU one is a longstanding fav, the Pros was a new find for me.

Love discovering new vids :0)


spikesgirl58 February 20 2021, 21:42:48 UTC
YOu know, I seriously have to watch Professionals again. I'd forgotten how attractive the scenery was. :DD And Brown Eyed Boy... sigh... he does have lovely eyes.


fiorenza_a February 20 2021, 22:09:20 UTC
You're definitely a woman who knows a thing or two :0) And I would never discourage anyone from watching the lads ( ... )


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