Lj Pros Community

Feb 14, 2021 20:31

After another bruisng run in with byslantedlight I've had enough.

I love Pros and I always will, but I am fed up of having my head torn off. I am now saying more formally what I have for many months been doing in practice and retreating from the Lj Pros community.

I will continue my commitment  to the ci5_boxoftricks Pros BB as best I can and I will keep up with ali15son's journal ( Read more... )

random slices of life, the professionals

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Comments 19

tinturtle February 14 2021, 21:19:29 UTC
I'm sorry to hear you are going away. I will miss reading your thoughts.


fiorenza_a February 14 2021, 21:30:46 UTC

I'm not leaving Lj, so I will still be randomly posting my thoughts to my own journal, both on Pros and anything else that piques my interest, and it's only the Pros Community I'm speaking about - so I'll still be about for MFU.

But I've switched off most of my feeds for Pros. It's been a long time in the making, but it's the right decision.

On the upside, I never had enough MFU icons and now I can retire some of my Pros ones and substitute MFU :0)


tinturtle February 14 2021, 21:44:04 UTC
That's good to hear. Your contributions to the recent MFU thread on hurt/comfort added a lot.


fiorenza_a February 14 2021, 22:34:02 UTC
duche55 has done a brilliant job of revitalising uncle_du_jour, so I definitely expect to be contributing my further thoughts!

Especially as I re-watch the eps, as I definitely want to do - and I expect I'll add the odd Pros thought to my own journal, especially as I consider the Pros BB more an AO3 community. And I occasionally meet Prosy people offline, which is always fun.


jantojones February 14 2021, 22:26:04 UTC
It's not easy when one person taints something you enjoy but, as I've been reminded lately, there's plenty more people who are right with you. Swying that, it's important to limit the toxicity :-)


fiorenza_a February 14 2021, 22:38:30 UTC

Limiting the toxicity is exactly what all of this is about - I have a lovely bunch of Lj friends - I'm quite content with that.

Thank you so much for dropping by, because I know you've had occasion to pause for thought yourself :0)


ali15son February 15 2021, 06:48:55 UTC
You are welcome to view my journal any time.

Stay safe.


fiorenza_a February 15 2021, 09:14:30 UTC

And I will keep dropping by :0)

Thank you 😊


unbelievable2 February 15 2021, 13:24:16 UTC
Well, I will say )))hugs((( to you, too, because I would never have guessed that you were apparently the other side of this... whatever it is.
I'm not going to say any more. Because I shouldn't have written something earlier that made it look like I'm taking sides. It's just when differences occur (and we've all experienced this), I've generally found that to walk away is the best thing. The internet does not provide an environment conducive to "working things out".
It's very difficult when wires get crossed. I'm just sorry that both of you have felt hurt by this.
I will be vey happy to follw your journal.


fiorenza_a February 15 2021, 14:28:16 UTC

Walking away seemed like the best option to me. Then there are no sides to take. I expect I will still foist my Prosy views on folk, but from now on it'll be within the confines of my own journal.

Apart from any other consideration, it leaves more tranquil waters for everyone else :0)


spikesgirl58 February 15 2021, 14:06:01 UTC
That makes me sad... I really dislike it when that happens. There's another community here that I no longer post in because the moderator was a 'My way or the highway" - insisting that we could only see things her way or not at all. I have to admit I left Pros because of the hostility and the bullying. When fandom isn't fun, it's time.

I'm sorry you've had to go through that. Come to the Canteen. We have cookies.


fiorenza_a February 15 2021, 14:31:56 UTC

Love the canteen - and my Lj friends (although I may lose a few now) - so I'm quite happy playing in my journal. But I haven't had any probs with MFU folk, so I shall be out and about all over the place.

Just wish there was such a vibrant ST:TOS community on Lj :0)


spikesgirl58 February 15 2021, 14:51:55 UTC
I do, too. I miss ST:TOS so much at times. I watch the episodes and smile. when I was a kid, those words shaped me and made me the person I am. Spock's intelligence, McCoy's passion, Kirk's... well, we won't go into his strengths. :P

I bounced over to du jour to check it out, but I just couldn't take part in that discussion. I don't care for overly graphic torture(which to my way of thinking is not hurt/comfort), so rather than get into it, I avoided it. It was stuff like that that made me leave MFU once before. Never again. Now I know better.

*hugs* and hang in there.


fiorenza_a February 15 2021, 16:11:09 UTC

That's more or less what I said - I'm not a fan of graphic depictions of 'real' torture - but I'm fine with whirling lights/Illya being mummified.

You can always show it had serious effects, Illya ending up in hospital etc. And you can have that with 'whirling lights'.

I've mislaid my season two ST:TOS - they've all boldly gone 'somewhere safe' - I'll be very glad when my befuddled brain remembers where that is!


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