Meme on a Theme...PT I

Aug 21, 2016 01:51

A liitle fancy inspired by a comment by byslantedlight, msmoat's enthusiastic posts about BistoCon and general fannish whimsy.

Picked up from solosundance (Happy Birthday!) and with thanks to istia
44 Questions...1 to 20 )

the man from u.n.c.l.e, meme, mfu_canteen, star trek, the professionals

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Comments 12

shooting2kill August 21 2016, 07:26:24 UTC
I only know Pros and you've got their voices absolutely perfectly! (I particularly enjoyed Cowley's.) Thanks for this.


grey853 August 21 2016, 10:26:38 UTC
LOL, I love your Dr. McCoy. He's the one I'd most like to sit and have a conversation with. The others are all great, too, but he's the one that made me laugh out loud for real. Fun stuff. Thanks. I need to go hunt down a Bones icon.


gilda_elise August 21 2016, 11:56:27 UTC
You did great with all of them, but your McCoy is spot on. I love it!


freetraveller15 August 21 2016, 12:45:14 UTC
I love the lads' answers to #13, Bodie's tongue-in-cheek and Doyle's angsty one. Perfect.

About #14 and Bodie's middle names (great answer, by the way!), I've always wondered which princes he refers to. Philip could be the Queen's husband, but Andrew? Prince Andrew as the Queen's son wasn't even born when Bodie was born... Perhaps there was an earlier Prince Andrew, but I'm not too familiar with British Royal family history... *g*

Anyway, I loved all the answers by the Pros characters, you got each character's voice just right.
And the Star Trek ones, especially Spock's.
I'm not familiar with MFU, but I liked reading those answers too :)

Well done! 😊


solosundance August 21 2016, 13:25:33 UTC
LOL! Nicely done. The A.D.D. Pros answers particularly made me grin :D


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