Back in Sydney...and it feels like I never left

Mar 10, 2008 19:15

I can't believe I've only been away from Sydney for a week...feels like a few months. I decided yesterday, totally randomly, to go down to Melbourne for the Formula 1 Grand Prix next weekend. As a Finn I kind of couldn't skip that one...just bought my ticket and all I'm saying is that if the Finnish drivers don't perform well I'll be claiming the ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

alyssa22 March 10 2008, 09:04:54 UTC
Are you coming down with some other people??

Where is the bus dropping you off? In the city? I was going to say I could pick you up at the airport if you were flying in, since it's miles out of the city, but greyhound will probably drop you right in town.


finnstardust March 11 2008, 01:15:43 UTC
Greyhound arrives at Southern Cross station, and Fi's dad is picking me up.


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alyssa22 March 10 2008, 10:37:10 UTC
Haha. That's how I feel about Sydney. Nice to visit, but I couldn't live there.

Where do you live? Next time you're in Melbourne, you should check out Brunswick Street. Cool area..


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alyssa22 March 19 2008, 04:40:35 UTC
Brunswick Street as in Fitzroy. Kind of alternative. Lots of good restaurants, etc.

Where in the country are you from?


bluebanrigh March 11 2008, 16:09:04 UTC
Whoo hoo! Melbourne! Am extremely jealous and wish I could be there right now.

Have you planned to do other things while in Melbourne?


finnstardust March 13 2008, 11:05:54 UTC
I'm only here until Monday so I don't have much time to do anything but tomorrow I'm going sightseeing with alyssa22 and doing something with muldy on Saturday.


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