Back in Sydney...and it feels like I never left

Mar 10, 2008 19:15

I can't believe I've only been away from Sydney for a week...feels like a few months. I decided yesterday, totally randomly, to go down to Melbourne for the Formula 1 Grand Prix next weekend. As a Finn I kind of couldn't skip that one...just bought my ticket and all I'm saying is that if the Finnish drivers don't perform well I'll be claiming the money back from them. So now I'm in Sydney until Wednesday, then catching Greyhound overnight to Melbourne where I should arrive at 8 on Thursday morning.

I'm staying at Wake Up! which apparently is the best hostel in Oceania. Yeah, sure. Well, it does look more like a hotel than a hostel and it is right next to the train/bus station which is a good thing. My backpack is killing me and I can't understand how it's so heavy when I haven't bought anything damn it!! I'm considering maybe buying another small bag, to get the weight of the backpack down. They seem pretty strict about the 20kg limit on buses and trains here and I think my bag is over that. Bummer. I'm in talks about a possible job as well, on a farm situated between Melbourne and Canberra. It sounds pretty good, so we'll see.

I know I was supposed to write stuff about what we did on the farm course but I'm too tired...anyone who's interested, check out I think they have the itinerary etc. in there.
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