Fic: Addictive, Chapter 4/6 (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko, NC-17)

Aug 15, 2010 20:58

Title: Addictive, Chapter 4/6
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pair: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.

CSI Miami Main List

Chapter 1/6 (NC-17)
Chapter 2/6
Chapter 3/6

“Delko… what the hell?” Ryan glared at the bunch of flowers and then the man who had just handed them to him.

“I was gonna take them to that woman next door and apologise, but she refused to answer the door.” Eric gave him a careful smile. “I could hear her putting the safety chain on, and then she threatened to call the police. But I did apologise through the letterbox.” His grin lost some of its sparkle. “So now she thinks I’m a peeping tom on top of that whole streaking thing.”

“Did she call the police?”
“No, I left when she started screaming again. Are you gonna let me in?”

Ryan took a step back and let him walk into the apartment. He went to the kitchen with Eric in tow and pulled a vase out of the cupboard.
“So did you just come to apologise my neighbour?”

“No, I wanted to talk to you too.” Eric rubbed his neck and tried to sound casual. “Try to get us back on tracks.”
“What tracks?”
“The ones on the ground.”
“At work or out of the lab?”
“Both. I thought about what Alexx said and…”
“What exactly did she say? And when?”
“Yesterday when she came to pick me up from the police station. She said I acted like I have nothing more to offer than sex.”
“Do you?”
“Who knows?” Eric shrugged. “That’s kinda what I wanted to talk about. I mean… what you want and…” He cleared his throat and then took the plunge. “… and if it’s something I can offer. Like… go on dates and… go bowling and stuff.”

“Okay, let’s try the big one.” Ryan put the flowers in water and set the vase in the middle of the kitchen counter. “I want a real, grown-up relationship. Is that within your range?”
“I can try.”
“That’s not enough. Do it or don’t even try, because I’m not doing anything if you’re not there.”
“Okay, Yoda. I’ll do it. At least as well as I can.”
“And just so we’re on the same page. No other people.”
“That includes women.”
“Why did you need to specify?”
“Because I don’t wanna give you any loopholes. No lying at work. Alexx and Calleigh and those people we work with all the time, I don’t mind if they know, but I expect professional behaviour when we’re working.”

“I’m always professional.”
“But sometimes it’s hard to tell what that profession is… And I also don’t want you to act like we don’t exist. Low profile, but I don’t want to hide either.”
“Okay. So… you want me to treat you like a girlfriend?”
“I’ve seen how you treat them. I expect a lot more than what your girlfriends get. And no flirting.”
“With you?”
“With other people.”
“That’s gonna be a hard one…”

“The last one is even harder.” Ryan’s expression turned completely serious. “Because our thing so far has been so… It’s revolved around sex. So I need to know you’re seriously doing this.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, that until I can trust your intentions, there will be no sex of any description.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do.”
“You mean… nothing?”
“Absolutely nothing.”
“Not even-”
“Not even.”
“What about-”
“Don’t even ask, the answer is no.”

Eric took a deep breath, and compared what he was offering to Ryan to the overwhelming desire to rip the man’s clothes off. He nodded his head.

“What was that?”
“I said: Okay.”
“Did you say-”
“I said Okay, okay?” Eric almost screamed.

Ryan tilted his head, watching Eric like he was investigating a crime scene. Finally his lips curled into a grin. He grabbed Eric and pushed him against the wall.

“Hey, no rough stuff without the fun stuff!” Eric protested before Ryan’s lips landed on his and silenced him. Ryan seemed to have his mind set on sucking the life out of him, and when he was finally done Eric was more than a little light-headed and his shirt had somehow disappeared.  Eric shook his head, trying to get it to come fully back on-line, and spotted his shirt folded neatly next to his feet.

“How did you do that? And when?”

He didn’t get a chance to ask more questions. Ryan took advantage of his dizzy state, pushed him into the bedroom and gave him a well-timed shove. Eric’s unsteady feet followed the momentum, he bounced from one wall to the other like a Ping-Pong ball and ended up on the bed.

“Did I ever tell you I’ve played some billiard?”

“I kinda guessed…” Eric stammered. The trip across the room hadn’t done much good to his head, so he laid back and waited for the world to stop spinning. “You said you didn’t want-”
“I wanted to see if you’d agree to that.” Ryan pulled off his own shirt, but didn’t touch his sweatpants. “Hands up.”
“For what?”
“Why do people normally put their hands up? So they can surrender.” Ryan sat next to him and opened the nightstand drawer. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs, padded with light blue velvet.

Eric’s eyes lit up and he placed his hands above his head.
“I’ve been coming here for months, why the hell haven’t you whipped those out before?”
“You didn’t deserve it.” Ryan stated. He crawled to straddle Eric’s chest and snapped the cuff on one wrist, slithered the chain behind on the metal bars of the bedpost and then cuffed the other hand. “And don’t talk about whipping, I’m not into that stuff.”

“Me neither.” Eric twisted his neck to the side, trying to catch a peek of the drawer’s content. “What else do you have in there?”
“That’s my secret.” Ryan pushed their lips together. “If you keep your end of the bargain I might share some secrets.”
“Like what?”
“Like the fact that a man in cuffs shouldn’t try to run the negotiations.” Ryan got up from the bed and went to the wardrobe. He pulled the door open, but Eric couldn’t see what he was doing.

“Is it too late to talk about safe words?” Eric swallowed down the lump in his throat. “I mean I love the rough stuff, but-” The words died on his tongue when he saw what Ryan had pulled out of the wardrobe.

It was a pink silk tie.

“I think pink will suit you.” Ryan grinned. He placed the tie on the nightstand. “But not yet.” He unzipped Eric’s jeans and unceremoniously pulled them off. Eric did his best to lift his hips, and Ryan came back to pull down his boxer briefs. Eric’s rigid cock flopped up against his belly.

“What are you gonna do now?”
“If we’re still talking about bowling…. Full strike.” Ryan crawled up the bed on his hands and knees and lowered himself slowly on top of Eric, his head resting against the man’s chest. He twirled his fingertips around the perky nipple, then gave it a little lick of his tongue. “There’s a lot of things to remember when you go bowling: Make sure you got the right ball, good team and….”

His tongue traced the lines of Eric’s pectorals, sliding down to give the same treatment to his belly. Eric’s abdominal muscles tensed under the caress, and he lifted his head from the pillow under him to see what Ryan was up to.

“And what?”
“And the right shoes.” Ryan’s tongue dipped into the bellybutton and Eric squirmed against the cuffs. “In this case, the right tie. I’ve seen you eyeing that thing at the lab.”
“Not the tie, you. But it’s kinda…”
“Kinda what?”
“Silky?” Eric tried, but his brains weren’t exactly at their most productive. He pushed his hips up against Ryan’s teasing tongue, but the man simple pressed him back against the mattress and circled around Eric’s cock like a shark circling a prey. He licked his way past the hipbone and down to the top of Eric’s thigh.

“You want me to show you what the tie for?”
“You’re gonna put it around my neck?”
“Nope.” Ryan pulled back and took the tie from the nightstand. He crawled to the end of the bed, pulled Eric’s legs together and tied them together by the ankles, leaving the ends of the tie free for other purposes.

“That’s it?” Eric exclaimed. Compared to what he had expected, this wasn’t even close. “What’s the point?”

“I don’t have any ankle cuffs, so I have to improvise.” Ryan grinned. He grabbed Eric’s tied ankles and pushed his feet up, pressing Eric’s thighs against his chest and his ankles above his head, next to his cuffed wrists. Quickly and efficiently Ryan tied the loose ends of the tie to the same metal bar. “I was right, pink really does suit you.”

Ryan took a minute to enjoy the sights, while the impatient frown on Eric’s brow grew deeper. The position had pulled his rear end higher and for a minute he felt like a human sacrifice being offered to the Gods of Sex. His cock was pulsing and leaking between his belly and thighs, just as impatient to get on with the operation as its owner was.

Eric opened his mouth to whine, but couldn’t get a word out of his mouth. Ryan had dived down to press a kiss in the back of his knee, moving slowly down to the skin of his thigh. Eric moaned softly and swallowed the questions about how Ryan had known his tender spots. Their previous encounters had been too hasty and aggressive to leave much time or interest for slow explorations, but Ryan seemed to know exactly the spot in the back of his thigh that made him shiver all over. Ryan slid his hand across the exposed skin, leading his lips down to Eric’s buttocks, then after few soft bites back up along his other thigh.

Eric threw his head back and let out a litany of all the curses he could come up without actually thinking, slipping from English to Spanish and then back to English, finally ending up blabbing nonsense. From the corner of his eye he could see Ryan’s hand reaching for something, but the feel of Ryan’s tongue mapping out his secret tender spots didn’t allow him a second to check what he had taken from the nightstand. The mystery was resolved few minutes later, when a lubricated finger started to trail around Eric’s exposed entrance, and then snaked its way inside.

“Ryan…?” Eric whimpered. He could feel the tension growing, pushing him forward. “I think I’m gonna… don’t stop… Yeah…” He had lost all control over his mouth and words spewed out as his whole body tensed. “… can I…?”


One word was enough. Eric’s eyes fluttered shut and he came on his belly and chest. He came so hard some of his release stuck to his throat and jaw. He gasped and panted, riding out the overwhelming sensation.

When he returned to reality, Ryan had move backwards a bit and kicked off his sweapants. He was looking down at Eric with intense interest, his hand rubbing his own hard-on. Eric grinned and stuck his tongue out to trace the sticky spot right under his bottom lip. Ryan abandoned his task of smearing lube on his shaft and leaned closer to give Eric’s bare thigh a sharp slap.

“You’re not gonna fall asleep this time.”
“I don’t do it on purpose! When it’s good and then it’s over I kinda doze off.”
“I know, but you’re not gonna do it with me. Not anymore.”
“Are you gonna do that again if I nod off?” Eric wiggled his backside. “Or maybe just for fun?”
“You really are a perv, aren’t you?”
“Says the man who has a nightstand full of cuffs and stuff. And you’ve been hiding stuff from me, how did you know about my nice spot?”

“You mean this?” Ryan leaned down to kiss the spot on the back of Eric’s thigh, then moved on to kiss the spot closer to the knee. “Or this?”

“All of them!”
“I observe.” Ryan shrugged with a smug grin. “That’s what good lovers do. You were always too busy laying on your back and demanding to get fucked to notice anything.”
“You make me sound like a total slut.”
“Try that tone with someone who doesn’t know you, and you might sound more convincing.” Ryan placed his hands on the man’s thighs and positioned himself against him. He thrust in with one smooth move and Eric’s well-warmed body welcome him right away. Ryan didn’t waste time stating carefully, he pushed himself all the way inside, pulled almost out again and pushed back in, making Eric squish and bounce against the mattress like a twisted rag doll.

Eric focused on taking steady breaths. Ryan seemed to know Eric’s limits better than the man himself. He knew how hard he could go and still stay on the pleasurable side of burn, how far he could push his partner without going too far. Eric’s own body was beginning to recover from his climax and he pushed against Ryan as much as the confines allowed. He felt Ryan’s pace turning faster and then come to full halt, buried fully inside Eric. Ryan flooded him with his load, his fingers sunk into the flesh of Eric’s thighs and he moaned deeply. His eyes fell shut and he breathed heavily.

“Wow…” Eric stated with genuine awe. “What else have you been hiding from me besides my hot spots?”
“Be a good boy and play nice.” Ryan pulled out slowly. “And maybe I’ll show you.”
“I’m a really good boy.”
“Who’s also a grade A perv, and gets hot over power games.”
“Just a little bit…”

Ryan reached up and untied the tie, letting Eric’s legs fall down on both sides of his. He pulled the tie off and carefully stroked the reddened skin of the ankles.
“How does it feel?”
“Great, we gotta do this again-”
“I meant your legs. Skin’s a little red, but that will go away on it’s own.” Ryan pulled a small packed from the open nightstand drawer, pulled out a moist wipe and quickly cleaned up Eric. A faint scent wafted into Eric’s nose.

“Is that lemon?”
“Lemon scented wet wipes. I like the smell.”
“I smell like your kitchen…”
“Speaking of kitchen, I could eat something…” Ryan got up from the bed. “Maybe a sandwich and some coffee.”
“Sounds good to me.”

Ryan turned and headed out of the living room before Eric even realised he still hadn’t un-cuffed him.
“Hey! Aren’t you gonna let me out of these?”
“No.” Ryan turned around at the door and gave him a crooked grin. “I’m not done with you, and the thought of you waiting here for me, just like that…”

A shiver went though Eric’s whole body and the grin on Ryan’s lips turned wider.
“Down boy.” Ryan deadpanned and turned to leave. “At least for a while.”

“Grade A perv…” Eric repeated Ryan’s earlier estimate and let his arms hang loosely from the cuffs. “I guess the department shrink was right after all.”

Chapter 5/6

show: csi miami, -nc-17, csi miami / one-off, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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