Fic: Larger and Smaller Decisions, Epilogue (Numb3rs, Charlie / Colby, Don / Martin)

Aug 19, 2010 18:58

Title: Larger and Smaller Decisions, Epilogue
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord,
David Sinclair / Ian Edgerton
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome  

NUMB3RS Main List 
Follows: Lost Cause

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5 
Chapter 6

“Like two little kids after their moms told them to apologise.” Colby commented. He blinked against the bright sunlight and adjusted the blinds before he returned to his previous activity: Surveying the two men talking in the back yard. “How did you get Don to agree?”

“I used the best trump card I had.” Martin smirked and lifted his arm. The short sleeves left the black and blue bruises visible and the whiteness of the shirt made them seem even darker. “He felt so guilty I only had to ask for it once.”
“You really got him well tamed.” Colby complimented. “With Charlie it’s like wrestling with a mountain lion. You have to wait till it gets tired and then strike.”
“So how did you convince him?”
“I told him Don had an allergic reaction from the chalk, his nose swelled up, and he almost suffocated.”

“Charlie actually bought that?”
“Don’s nose is so red and swollen that it’s kinda easy to believe. I told Charlie not to say the word about it to Don. As long as neither one of them figures it out, I’m safe.”  Colby slumped down on the couch. “So how was San Diego?”

“Good, I got the legal ball rolling. It shouldn’t take long.”
“When are you going back to work?”
“I already went there today to handle some stuff. My assistant decided to quit.”
“Too much work?”
“No, he was one of those "where are they now" programs about old reality show contestants, and that brought him an offer to do another reality show.” Martin sat down next to him and rested his head back against the backrest. “Twelve competitors are locked up into a convent and every week one of them is voted out.”

“Wait a minute, in a convent?”
“Yeah, they have some kind of a deal with the abbot… They’ll set up challenges and the final competitor will win a cash prize and a trip to Tibet for some spiritual retreat with Australian aboriginals where they use willow branches to whip all the demons out of you.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Thank you, that’s exactly what I thought." Martin chuckled tiredly. "And I haven’t even told you what they do to those, who loose the weekly challenges.”
“They`ll loose their straw mattress?”
“No, they get crucified.”
“Not with nails, they just tie them up on a cross and let them hang there for a while.”
“That sounds… totally insane.”

“Reality television…” Martin sighed and rolled his eyes. “I honestly thought Rick was smarter than that, but I guess he wasn’t. If you get kicked out once, why go back?”
“Fifteen minutes of fame.”
“Yes, but does anyone actually remember those people when they get voted out?”
“Yeah, well… his choice.”
“And like that isn’t enough, I have to start packing. My new office should be empty by the end of the week.”
“Right, I forgot that. Congratulations.”
“Thanks. I’ve already booked movers to come and take care of the furniture, the janitor threatened to quit if he has to help carry my desk.”

“After seeing that thing, I can sympathise. That thing must weight a ton.”
“Almost. It’s just two floors up from my old room, but those movers will have to work for their pay with that.” Martin got up and looked out the window. “Judging by the body language, they’re making progress. Charlie’s waving his hands like a conductor and Don’s smirking.”
“You should have heard when those two had their fight… and who knew that it`s possible to shove so many pieces of chalk into someone`s nose?”
“Call the book of records, maybe they got a category for that.” Martin took one more look at the Eppes brothers. “They’ll be fine. Want some coffee?”

“Sorry, I forgot I was talking to a fed.”
“What can I say, we never say no to coffee.” Colby joined him at the window and peeked outside. “Should we tell them to come in for coffee?”
“Better let them talk things out first.”

The doorbell jingled and they shared a quick look.
“Did you call for back-up?”
“Well I’m not expecting anyone.” Martin walked out of the living room and to the front door. He pulled it open just as agent Fritz was about to ring the bell again.

“Sorry to bother you.” The agent blushed and looked embarrassed. “I was just nearby so I thought I could drop by and-”

“Rookie?” Colby came to the door, giving him a suspicious glance. “What’s up?”
“This came to the office after agent Eppes had left.” Fritz pulled an opened envelope out of his backbag. “There was a mix-up in the internal mail, the name was smudged, so they sent it back to sorting and they had to open it to figure out where it was going. It was like that when I got it, I swear-”

“Calm down, kid, and take a deep breath.” Colby grabbed the envelope. “I’ll make sure Don gets this.”
“Thanks.” Fritz scratched the back of his head, trying to gather his courage and go on. “If… I mean just in case it comes up… if there will be an opening in the team… I just mean…” The young agent seemed to be close to a panic attack. “If you can put in a good word for me-”

“What do you mean an opening in the team?”

Fritz’s face blanched. He snapped his mouth shut, opened it again and cleared his throat to fill the awkward silence.
“Nothing, I… I may have seen some of that, but it was just an accident, that thing fell to the floor in the car and the papers just went everywhere-”

“Have a nice day.” Colby slammed the door shut. He pulled a stack of papers from the practically ripped envelope, before Martin snatched them from him.

“They’re not for you.”
“Everyone else has seen them. I just want to know what the kid was talking about.”
“You can ask Don when he’s read it.”
“Whatever it is, tomorrow the whole bureau has heard it.”
“Fine, read it.” Martin handed the papers back to Colby. “But blame yourself if Don blows a fuse.”

Colby scanned through the first page. His face froze into frown and his mouth hang open.

“It’s from the DC office.” He finally stammered. “They want an update on Don’s last evaluation and his recommendations.”
“Evaluation on what?”

“David.” Colby’s face was beginning to turn red with anger. “He’s applied for a position there.”

show: numb3rs, pair: charlie eppes / colby granger, pair: don eppes / martin fridegord, numb3rs / one-off

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