Fic: Heard it through the Grapevine, Chapter 3/5 (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko, NC-17)

Jun 13, 2010 14:59

Title: Heard it throught the Grapevine, Chapter 3/5
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pair: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always welcome.

CSI Miami Main List

Chapter 1/5
Chapter 2/5

Eric’s dash down the stairs met a quick end. He dripped on his uncertain feet and fell down on the landing.

After the darkness of the apartment, the staircase were almost too bright with sun beaming in through the windows. Eric slumped down against the wall, taking deep breaths. Ryan had kissed him. The thought didn’t seem to make sense, and his brain rewinded back to his conversation with Alexx. Ryan was into guys. Now the whole kiss started to make more sense.

Eric nodded at his own conclusions. He was definitely making progress. Ryan liked guys, therefore it made sense that he would kiss a guy. Perfectly rational explanation.

Then the second part. Ryan had kissed him and Eric hadn’t done anything to stop him. That one needed a bit more pondering. Maybe his mother’s nagging about good manners had finally brought results. After all, it would have been very impolite to refuse a kiss.

Eric had to pause his thoughts again and close his eyes. The tingling on his lips hadn’t gone away, instead it was spreading, eating its way into his mind.

He didn’t realise how long he had sat on the landing until a sharp poke at his shoulder made him leap up. An elderly woman carrying two grocery bags was glaring at him.
“This is not a homeless shelter, so you better leave now or I’ll call the police.”
“I was just-”
“Stay away from me!” She almost drop her bags as she quickly pulled a can of pepper spray from her coat pocket. “I’m not afraid to use this!”

“Calm down!” Eric was pretty certain he looked just as freaked out as the woman did, although for different reasons. He held his hands in the air and used his most soothing tone. “Let’s just calm down and I’ll show you my badge, okay?” He fished out his badge and showed it to her.

“Miami Crime lab.”
“But almost a real police?”
The woman took a good look at Eric, up his well-worn jeans up to his rumpled flower patterned shirt, and shook her head in disbelief.
“They don’t make them like they used to.” She turned around and continued her slow journey up the stairs.

Eric put away his badge and waited for his pulse to slow down. The sudden shock had cleared his head a little bit and certain facts were becoming clear. Firstly, he hadn’t really solved anything and the next day would be even worse if he and Ryan showed up at work hardly speaking to each other. Secondly, he had left the door to Ryan’s apartment wide open for anyone to walk in.

He made few quick decisions and tried to drill them to his mind before chaos took over again. He was too old and too fixed to his habits to undergo any kind of a sexual identity crisis, he was sure of that. He would go back and try to patch things up, then go home and have long discussion with himself about kissing drugged up, incredibly annoying, sexually ambivalent co-workers.

The walk up the stairs felt three times longer than it should have. Eric took his time with each step, collecting his courage. When he reached Ryan’s door, the apartment was the way it had been when he had left. He couldn’t hear anything, so he closed the door quietly. Ryan was most likely laying down, and getting him worked up again wouldn’t do much to fix the situation.

Eric tried to remember the layout of the apartment, but the darkness was as confusing as it had been before. He knew approximately where the kitchen and the living room were. The only closed door had to be the bedroom door. He knocked on the door and pushed it open.

His eyes had adapted to the darkness and he could see the man laying down on the bed, coloured in all the shades of gray and black. Ryan’s face was buried in the pillow, but the rest of him had contorted into an awkward position, laying on his side. Eric approached him slowly, trying not to scare him out of his sleep.

Ryan’s shirt was twirled around him, leaving a sliver of pale midriff visible. The small patch of bare skin grabbed Eric’s attention. He had seen Ryan shirtless in the locker-room, but those surroundings made the situation anything but titillating. His eyes followed Ryan’s spine down to the waistband of his sweatpants. He knew this line of action wasn’t exactly useful in his plan to make things better, but taking a look before waking Ryan up felt perfectly harmless. Ryan move in his sleep and flopped down to lay on his front. Eric stole a quick peek at the man’s lower regions.

Eric tilted his head to the side and looked again. Ryan’s backside was definitely not appealing in the same sense Eric normally categorised them. Instead of feminine waist and gentle curves Ryan’s broader shoulders led Eric down the muscular back, to the small dip right above the buttocks, and then to the surprisingly plump cheeks that filled the sweatpants very nicely. Eric had to admit the sight had a certain appeal.

“Ryan? Wake up, we need to talk.”

Ryan murmured something and turned over to his lay on his back. His eyes were closed, but his breathing sounded quicker. Eric leaned closer, talking lowly and calmly.

“Wake up.”

Ryan groaned again and his hand moved up to his chest. His eyes opened just a bit and a crooked grin appeared on his lips. He lifted his hand, grabbed Eric by the back of his head and pulled him down for a kiss. The move caught Eric by surprise. He did what he always did in situations like that. He went along and opened his mouth to allow Ryan’s tongue to invade his mouth. The kiss grabbed him and destroyed what was left of his brilliant plan to make this a quick and easy "fix this and leave" mission. His body moved on its own, laying down against Ryan and seeking more contact.

Ryan’s hands wandered down Eric’s back and slid under it to slide against his skin. Eric panted against the man’s mouth, but even he wasn’t sure what he was trying to say. His whole body had seemed to overrule his brain, and grinded against the warm body under him.

“Eric…” Ryan gasped, looking up at Eric. In the dark his eyes seemed black, staring intently at Eric. His hands travelled into the Eric’s jeans to grab his buttocks and pulling him even closer. The other one went around the man’s waist and pulled the jeans open. Eric’s excited cock leaped out and he looked down at himself with genuine amazement. He had no idea how and when that had happened, but it felt damn good. Ryan showed his own pants down a bit, releasing his own member. He wrapped his hand around both of them, squeezing their hard-ons together, and started to stroke them.

Eric’s mouth fell open with a silent scream. The sensation of another cock sliding against his own was unfamiliar, but his body didn’t have trouble adjusting to the new sensation, and he began to thrust into Ryan’s hand. His head hung down, while his brain tried to play catch-up with the rest of him. A blinding explosion went off, and he could feel something warm and sticky on his belly. He slumped down and the wet patch between them glued the two men together.

“Eric…?” Ryan’s plea was nothing more than a foggy whimper. This time he didn’t need to pull Eric into the kiss, Eric leaned down to press their lips together. When he pulled back, Ryan’s eyes were closed.

“Ryan?” Eric was surprised he managed to make his voice work almost normally. “We gotta clean up, I’m all sticky.”

The only answer he got was a light snore.

“This gotta be why chicks always complain about guys going straight to sleep after sex…” That line of thought made him pause and try to figure out what had just happened. He was in Ryan`s bed with his pants down, and Ryan had just done very pleasant things to his little CSI. One part of him wanted to say hand jobs didn’t count, the other one was ready to go into a full-out panic. Both sentiments were washed out by the tiredness that always followed a good session in the sheets. He was simply too tired and satisfied to care. Eric rolled off from the sleeping man and reached for the nightstand for something to wipe himself clean with. His hand found something familiar and he snapped the small light on.

The sudden ray of light didn’t even make Ryan move in his sleep. He breathed peacefully and nuzzled his face against the pillow.

Eric stared at the items on the nightstand a moment, letting the realisation sink in. Close to the nightlight was a half-full water bottle. Eric picked up the smaller bottle next to it and read Ryan’s name printed on the prescription label. The sound of pills jingling in the plastic container seemed to mock him as the reality hit him with its full force.

Chapter 4/5, Part I

show: csi miami, -nc-17, csi miami / one-off, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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