Fic: Heard it through the Grapevine, Chapter 4/5, Part I (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko)

Jun 14, 2010 17:51

Title: Heard it throught the Grapevine, Chapter 4/5, Part I
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pair: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always welcome.

CSI Miami Main List

Chapter 1/5
Chapter 2/5
Chapter 3/5 (NC-17)

“You?” Valera opened the door to let Eric in. “It’s after ten. What do you want?”

“I gotta talk with somebody. Calleigh was on a date, and Alexx would kill me slowly and painfully if I told her, and-”
“So I’m the spare, who you go to when you can’t go anywhere else.” She finished and slammed the door shut. “How flattering.”
“What’s that smell?”
“Popcorn, I was having a single gal’s movie night.”
“Pretty Woman again?”
“No, Robocop.” Valera came closer and sniffed few times. “Eric?”
“I know how you like to brag about your conquests the next morning, but you really didn’t need to come here to tell me about it right after. I can control my curiosity.”
“How did you know-”
“I can smell it.” She glared down Eric’s shirt. “Actually I can smell it and see it.”

“Yeah… I’ve been driving all over Miami for three hours. I went to Cal`s place, but then I remembered she wasn’t there, and I thought about Alexx-”
“Delko.” Valera interrupted with a less than gentle tone. “Get to the point, what did you wanna talk about?” She pointed to the kitchen. “Grab a seat and spill, but if it includes any details about your lady friends girly parts, I don’t wanna hear it.”
“Nothing like that.” Eric sat on one of the chairs next to the counter. “Well, kinda like that, except that it was nothing like that.”
“Must have been one hell of a girl if she got you so mixed up.”
“Yeah… I spend the last thirty minutes in my car out there on the street.”
“You could have just come up here right away, I’ve seen that movie dozens of times. You didnt`t need to wait out on the street-”
“You’re gonna kill me when I tell you…” Eric buried his face in his hands and rubbed his eyes. “I was thinking about last years Christmas party.”
“When you left with that horrible hag from the PD?”
“No, I was thinking about you. You left with that traffic warden… whatever his name was.”
“I can’t remember either, I didn’t even let him come in.”
“You didn’t?”
“No. If a guy tried to get his hands down your pants in the cab, he’s probably not much of a gentlemen.”
“But you had been drinking.” Eric reminded. “You had been drinking, but you could still say no?”
“What’s this about?”
“I think I did something really stupid.”
“Like that’s something new…”

“I kinda had sex with someone. Kinda. I don’t know if it even really counts-”
“You had kinda sex and why do you bring that up after talking about me being drunk?”
“I knew h-” Eric got his mouth under control in time. “…this person was taking heavy medication for a migraine when I went there and… when we were done, that person just passed out.”
“That happens sometimes.”
“You don’t get it. I wasn’t there the whole time, I didn’t even realise he wasn’t all there!”
“He?” Valera repeated and the expression on her face switched so rapidly Eric almost lost count. “He? I mean… Wait a minute. Alexx told you to patch things up with Ryan.”

Eric nodded.

“Ryan? You and Ryan…? Wow…” She practically jumped up and run out of the kitchen.
“Where are you going?”
“Wait, wait, wait!” She came back from the living room carrying a large bowl of popcorn. “Okay, I’m ready. Tell me all the hot details.”
“There’s no details. He was laying down, I tried to wake him up, he kissed me and one thing lead to the other. I’m still not sure how it all happened.”
“You sound like a young girl, who got knocked up in her first rodeo.”
“I checked the prescription label, that was potent stuff. He must have been floating on cloud nine.”
“Are you trying to say he was unconscious when you… did the deed?”
“I didn’t do the deed! I mean not the kinda of deed you mean. He had his eyes open, he talked, he even made the first move! And most of the ones after that… And he must have know what was going on if he got it up!”

“Judging by my personal experience, that doesn’t matter much.” Valera chuckled and swallowed a mouthful of popcorn. “One of my gal pals had a grandpa, who lived to be ninety-four. One his deathbed, he practically begged his kids to get a him a woman so he could die a happy man.”
“And he could still…?”
“Yeah! That’s why you should never really trust man. They get hard wave it about and when they get what they wanted, they just turn over and go to sleep.”
“So what the hell do I do?”

“Eric, Eric, Eric…” Valera sighed dramatically. “Like a teenage boy asking big sis for an advice… This could be our very own bonding experience.”
“You’re not helping.”
“Okay, I’ll tell you what I think. I drove Ryan home once when he had a migraine. He said he doesn’t get them that often, but when they come, they’re bad. I took him home and he took his meds, and I stayed with him for a while. He got tired and a bit loopy, but not enough to take a man to bed against his will.”
“So you knew about him too.”
“That he digs guys too? Sure, why did you think I thought the whole rumour about you and him was so funny? It’s funny, because it’s so unlikely and so possible.”
“You could have warned me before shoved my foot in my mouth.”

“You got such a big mouth, that it was an impossible task.” She shot back, but her comment didn’t seem to contain much heat. “Seriously… Get a good night sleep and let Ryan rest too. Then you can go back in the morning and explain it to him.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not even sure how to explain this to myself. What am I supposed to say to him? Sorry, but I lost my balance, fell on top of you and shoved my dick in your hand?”
“That better be tiredness talking, or I’ll have to slap you. Gentleman doesn’t talk like that in front of a lady.”
“I’ve never claimed to be a gentleman, and you’re not a lady.”
“Right, and that’s the only reason why I haven’t slapped you yet. You can sleep on the couch if you don’t snore or talk in your sleep. I don`t want any kind of commentary tracks with my movie.”


Eric checked his watch one more time. Ryan would probably be up already and he had heard movement through the door. He took a deep calming breathe and rang the doorbell. A distant sound of footsteps approached and Ryan opened the door.

“Morning. How`s your head?”
“Better.” Ryan nodded and let him in. “But I did call in sick. The meds do what they’re supposed to do, but they leave one hell of a hang-over. You want coffee?”
“Coffee?” Eric followed him to the kitchen and observed the man with a sharp eye. He knew he was missing something, but he couldn’t quite point out what it was. “Yeah, thanks.”

Ryan filled a mug for Eric and picked up his own from the counter where he had left it.
“It’s actually good that you came, I wanted to apologise.”
“For what?”
“That thing yesterday. My head was killing me and the meds weren’t kicking in. I wasn’t exactly at my best.”
“Well, it wasn’t that bad-” Eric frowned. “What exactly are you talking about?”
“Kissing you.” Ryan hid his face behind his mug and took a long swig. “I shouldn’t have done that and then just leave you there without an explanation. That whole thing was a lapse of judgement on my part and… we should just forget it ever happened.”
“You thought I came to talk about that?”
“What else?” Ryan wondered. “You want toast?”
“No, I don’t want toast. If you wanna say it never happened, go ahead, but don’t try to tell me that. I was here with my pants down and you didn’t seem to mind!”

“Delko…” Ryan said slowly, as if he was trying to talk down a hostile maniac. “Would you mind telling me what the hell you’re talking about?”

“Are you honestly saying you don’t remember it?”
“Remember wha-” The words died on Ryan’s lips. His blinked few times and his expression turned to unreadable.

Eric had never seen that look on him before. It seemed to be mixture of surprise, shock, uncertainty and… something else that softened the others. He looked almost delighted.

“That was real? You came back and…” Ryan gasped and the mug almost slipped from his hand. “I thought it was one of those dreams.”

It took a minute for Eric to catch on to what he had said. A small lopsided grin curled up his lips.
“You’ve had dreams about it?”

Panic flashed on Ryan’s face. He tried to leave, but Eric took a step back and blocked the door with his body. Ryan stared at him like a trapped animal. For few moments they stared at each other. Then Eric did the only thing his mind could come up with to calm the man down. He grabbed Ryan’s by his T-shirt, yanked him closer and kissed him.

The coffee flavoured kiss woke up, sending spikes all over Eric. It reminded him exactly why everything had happened. Each touch made him want more. Ryan melted against him, pushing him against the wall, and his hands travelled across the man’s torso.

“Ryan…?” Eric pulled his lips away long enough to wheeze out his question. “You’re lucid now?”
“Call.” Ryan stated and attacked Eric’s neck with his lips, licking and nibbling the sensitive spot.
“Call them.” Ryan groped Eric’s butt, sliding his hand into his jeans pocket. For a second Eric thought they would get things going on the middle of the kitchen, but then he realised what Ryan was doing. He had pulled out Eric cellphone and shoved it to Eric’s hand. “You’re calling in sick too.”

Eric didn’t question him. He flipped the phone open dialled a number, trying to escape the distraction of Ryan’s lips wandering across his throat.
“Miami Crime Laboratory, Darla speaking.” Perky voice chirped when his call was answered. “How can I help you?”
“Hey, it’s Eric. I don’t feel that good, I’m probably coming down with something…” Eric gasped for air when Ryan’s fingers discovered the buttons of his jeans. “… I mean I…”
“Is it serious? You don’t sound too good.”
“It’s… it’s…” Eric thrusted against Ryan’s palm. “I need to get someone to take a look at this… Just tell them I’m taking a sick day, okay?”

Chapter 4/5, Part II (NC-17)

show: csi miami, csi miami / one-off, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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