Fic: Mailed, Chapter 6 (CSI Miami, Eric Delko / Ryan Wolfe, NC-17)

Apr 08, 2010 18:26

Title: Mailed, Chapter 6
Pairing: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

CSI Miami Main List

Prologue   Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Interlude   Chapter 5    Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8    Chapter 9   Chapter 10

“Lindsay?” Eric walked into the lab after midday and parked himself against the reception desk. “Is Calleigh in?”

“Lindsay’s the blond one.” The receptionist stated. “I’m Kimberly. I’ve been Kimberly ever since I started here three years ago.”
“Whoops… Sorry.”
“Why are you even here? You got the day off.”
“Yeah, but I’m going stir crazy, so I though I’d come and see if I could find some company for lunch.”
“She just got back from lunch about thirty minutes ago, and I wouldn’t go anywhere near her right now, if I were you.”
“Why not?”
“How can I put this… How would you describe your head right now?”
“It’s… above my shoulders.”
“Would you like to keep it there?”
“What do you mean?”
“Go and found out by yourself.” She gave him a dismissive hand wave and turned to focus on her filings.

Eric shrugged and headed down the hall. He didn’t get very far before he was pulled into a supply closet. Eric snapped the lights on to see his captor.

“Cooper? I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’m not getting it on with you in the supply closet, or anywhere else.”
“Dude, I’m trying to keep you alive here. Get out and run as fast as you can.”
“Keep me alive? Not you too…”
“You already heard?”
“That I should avoid Cal at all costs? Yeah.”
“What? No, I was talking about Valera. She came in this morning looking like she was ready to kill.”
“How would I know? But all the chicks do. They talk in these little circles on the hallway and break room and ladies room… every time a guy comes close they just get the evil eye and sent away. I guess it’s some kinda big secret, that guys aren’t allowed to know.”
“Then why do you automatically assume it has something to do with me?”
“I heard Valera talking to that chick in the reception and she was asking for you.”
“You, and when she heard you weren’t here she said she would pay you a little visit as soon as she’s off duty. Just take my advice and get out as fast as you can. I think she’s trying to recruit a lynching mob.” Cooper peeked his head out of the door. “Okay, no females in sight. Run and don’t look back.”

Eric shot him a sceptical glance and stepped into the hallway.


The one name greeting made him twirl around. Valera had her arms crossed in front of her and she looked a lot like Cooper had described: Ready to kill.

“You really do go after anything that moves.” She eyed Cooper and the man shrunk against the wall. “Take a hike.”

“Sorry, man.” Cooper backed away looking apologetic. “You’re on your own.” He sprinted down the hallway and disappeared into one of the working areas.

“Max, I don’t know what’s going on, but-”
“Shut up when you’re talking to me. I had a really interesting conversation with Ryan this morning.”
“You did…?”
“Yeah. I wanted to know if was free for dinner so we could catch up, but apparently you already got there first.”
“I don’t know how much he told you, but-”
“I thought I had some crappy experiences with guys, but you really beat them all. I can’t believe anyone would stoop so low-”
“Would you listen to me?!”
“No, and since we’re on the topic, I have a little advice for you.”

It happened so fast that Eric didn’t figure out what she was going to do until thirty seconds later when he was laying on the floor. He touched his cheek very gingerly while the tweedy birds and few stars still circled in his field of vision.

“If you mess with my friends, I’ll mess with your face. Just in case your momma didn’t tell you, there’s one thing you should know about women: Real ladies always hit with a fist, not open palm. Less hazardous on the nails.”

She sent him one last glare and walked away. Eric leaned against the wall and pulled himself up on his feet. His head was still foggy and the movement seemed to make it worse.


“Not you too…” Eric turned around to face Calleigh. “Did you see what Valera did?”
“No, but I can see it on your face. And believe me, every single woman in this building would like to do the same. And some men too.”
“She told everyone?”
“Yeah. I wouldn’t go to PD for a while either, Wolfe still has friends there and gossips spreads there before the day is over.”
“Are you gonna hit me too?”
“Eric, I told you to handle it carefully, and that didn’t include bedding a guy who just lost two men in little over a year.”
“Is that a no?”
“Well…” Calleigh looked around to make sure they were alone. Then she pulled her arm back and gave Eric a good slap in the face.

“You asked for it.” She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter if you’re my friend or not, you went too far.”
“You…” Eric rubbed his bruising cheek. “You hit me with an open palm…”
“Valera said… nothing… forget it. I think I got a concussion.”


Ryan opened the door and his mouth fell open.
“What the hell did you do with your face?”

“That’s a relief.” Eric forced a smile on his face. He glanced quickly down the blue bathrobe and came back up to observe the damp hair that was falling down Ryan’s forehead. “I was sure your first words would be: What the hell are you doing here?”

“Then what the hell are you doing here?”

“Can I come in?”
“Can you?”
“The ladies of the lab were practically setting up a gallow to the parking lot when I escaped and you wanna correct my speech. Fine. May I come in?”
“Yeah.” Ryan moved to let him into the apartment. “But just because I don’t want my neighbours to think I’m beating up my boyfriend.”
“No, you got girlfriends to handle that.” Eric walked in and heard the door being closed behind them. “Nice smell.”
“I like lemon better than that pine stuff you had.” Ryan stated. He crossed his arms in a gesture that made Eric shiver. For a second Ryan’s body language looked deceptively like that of Valera’s. “So get on with it. What do you want?”

“I wanted to apologise.”
“You already did that in the morning. And I didn’t believe you. You know where the door is.”
“I’m not going till I’ve said what I came here to say.”
“How bout I just call some of my old buddies from the PD to finish your face?”
“Listen to me! I said I’m sorry, and I am. I should have told you the truth, but I didn’t wanna hurt you. That’s the truth.”

“And we jumped into bed because you didn’t want to hurt my feelings?”
“You wanted it and don’t try to say otherwise! I remember the panting and groaning and "oh yeah, harder" , and-”
“I’ve never said "oh yeah, harder", and definitely not with you.”
“Well, one of us said it! And it was sex!” Eric exclaimed. “Sex, sex, sex. People have it all the time and it’s not the end of the world. I screwed up, but no one forced you to go to bed with me.”

Ryan’s frown deepened and Eric was sure he was about to get decked for the third time that day.

“How long was your longest relationship?”
“What does that have to do with this? Maybe… something like two months.”
“Jimmy and I were together for almost three years. After him I couldn’t even think about sex because it felt like I was cheating. You wanna know why?”
“Does it matter when you’re gonna tell me anyway?”
“Because it does matter. Because most of mankind doesn’t agree with you.”
“They do, they just don’t wanna admit it. Sure, there can be feelings between people but it doesn’t mean that sex automatically has something to do with them.”

Eric paused and waited for the explosion. Ryan took a step closer, looking like time bomb ready to go off. In his mind Eric made a mental note to call a good plastic surgeon in the morning to fix up his face.

“Prove it.”

Ryan grabbed Eric by the shoulders and slammed him against the wall.
“I said… prove it.”
“What are you talking ab-” Eric’s question was cut off by Ryan’s lips. They pressed against his own, demanding entrance. The kiss was nothing short of ruthless and Eric could taste blood in his mouth when Ryan pulled away. He grabbed Eric’s shirt and pulled him into the bedroom. Before Eric could resist he was once again flat on his back, staring at the ceiling. Somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered how much Ryan remembered about the disarming techniques they had used in the PD. Ryan shoved him to a sitting position with his back against the edge of the bed and pulled back, glaring at him with an unreadable expression.

Eric attempted to get up from his position between Ryan and the bed, but one glare from Ryan nailed him still. He wasn’t sure what other the man had up his sleeve, but he had a feeling all kind of objections would meet a quick retaliation. Ryan’s hands latched on the Eric’s jeans and tore the buttons open. He pulled Eric cock out of his underwear and started stoking him with rough, feverish rhythm. The soft flesh hardened quickly despite its master’s confusion.

“Wh-wh-what are you doing?”
“I told you. You’re gonna prove to me that it doesn’t mean anything.” Ryan grabbed a tube of hand lotion from the nightstand and squirted some of it on Eric’s cock. He smeared it up and down the shaft while Eric tried to comprehend what was going on.

“Ryan? You’re not-”
“What did you think I was gonna do when you decided to show up here?” Ryan eyed him. “Hit you? Keep talking and you might get your wish.” He pulled off his bathrobe and positioned himself over Eric’s crotch, placing his knees on both sides of Eric’s hips. He reached behind his back to position the man’s cock against his opening and let his thighs give up, sinking down all the way.

Eric held his breath. His hands were clutching the carpet under him. He wasn’t sure if any kind of touch would be welcomed, so instead he kept his eyes on Ryan’s face. The man had let out one single whimper, but his expression was confirming what Eric already knew. His face was contorted into a painful grimace, his eyes pressed shut, trying to shut out the pain. He pressed his forehead against Eric’s and started slowly rocking against him. His hands came up to snake around Eric’s neck.

The stimulation seemed to overpower the awkwardness and Eric thrusted against the man’s movements, his hands found Ryan’s butt cheeks. Fingers sunk into the soft flesh as Ryan increased his tempo. Eric almost missed the small sobs that accompanied Ryan’s gasps. He turned his head to see, but Ryan had buried his face against his shoulder, warm tears slowly soaking up the fabric of Eric’s shirt.


Before he could say more Ryan’s hand pulled back and landed sharply on his unbruised cheek.
“I warned you.” Ryan growled, his voice sounding like a teary sob. “Not another word.” He pulled his arms back and reach back, placing them on top of Eric’s hands on his buttocks. He reached back till his shoulders touched the floor, his back forming a perfect arch. His hips continued their ruthless motions and the change of angle was the last straw. Eric came inside him.

For a moment Eric blacked out, the pleasure overturning everything else. He felt his spent cock plopping out of Ryan’s body and he forced himself to open his eyes. Ryan lay on the floor like a marionette without the strings while his hard cock was laying against his stomach. His arms were laying next to him, his whole body limp. Tears were still rolling down his face.

“Ryan?” Eric wasn’t sure what to say. He placed his hand carefully on the man’s thigh and slid up till he reached Ryan’s cock. As soon as he reached his goal, Ryan jumped up, scurrying up to his unsteady legs as quickly as he could.

“Don’t touch me.” He grabbed the discarded bathrobe from the floor and rushed out of the bedroom. Eric stared at the spot where he  had laid. The entire encounter seemed unreal.

He looked down at his clothes. Some of the buttons of his shirt had been torn away and his spent member laid on the blue denim of his jeans. Eric tucked himself back into his jeans and got up on his feet. Like a weird afterthought, he picked up the tube of hand lotion, leaving it on the night and where it been, and straightened out the carpet.

He could hear the sound of a shower. One side of Eric told him to get out as fast as he could while the other side told him to check on what Ryan was doing. He followed the voice to the bathroom door and peeked in.

The shower was running and Ryan stood under the spray of water. His forehead was pressed against the tile wall. The shaking of his shoulders made it obvious he was still crying.

Eric took a shaky breath and peeled off his shirt, followed by his jeans and underwear. He hadn’t noticed before but he had somehow lost one shoe when Ryan had flipped him to the floor. He pulled off his socks and pulled the glass door open.

Ryan didn’t react.

Eric stepped into the shower stall and waited. Ryan must have seen the movement from the corner of his eye, but he didn’t say anything. He spread his hands against the cold tiles and whimpered softly. His hands clawed the tiles, like a cat trying to escape. Inch by inch he clawed his way across the wall, reaching Eric. He let go and practically collapsed against him. Eric instinctive wrapped his arms around him.

Ryan clasped Eric like a drowning man and cried against the crook of his neck.

Chapter 7

show: csi miami, -nc-17, csi miami / series: mailed, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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