Fic: Packing, Chapter 4 (Numb3rs, David / Ian, David / Ian / Bobby, NC-17)

Dec 15, 2009 14:37

Title: Packing, Chapter 4
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord,
David Sinclair / Ian Edgerton
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

NUMB3RS Main List

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

David hung up and cursed the fact that cell phones didn’t make the same satisfying thud that old phones do when one slams the receiver back. The call to Ian had turned into few uncomfortable sentences that didn’t really seem to mean anything, except filling to keep the silence away. He selected another number form the speed dials.

“Hey, it’s me.”
“I kinda guessed.”
“Caller ID?”
“No, you’ve called me every night for over two weeks.”
“My concussion is history, my ribs are healing and my face is looking humane again, you don’t need to worry about me. And I’m pretty sure this is not what Martin was talking about when he told you to keep an eye on me.”
“I just don’t wanna face the wrath of an angry Viking.” David laughed. “And he didn’t need to tell me to call.”
“I’m fine.” Bobby sighed. “I’m fine and you don’t need to call and check on me. I told you that last night, and the night before that, and the night before that and-”
“Yeah, yeah, I got the picture. You’re fine, I just wanted to hear that.”
“Good night. And thanks for calling anyway.”

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here anymore.” David sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. “We’re not fine, we’re not even okay and I don’t know what to do about it.”

Ian didn’t say anything. He just leaned against the bedroom wall and listened.

“I want to fix this, but I’m not even sure what’s wrong with this. You’re going one way and I’m not allowed to go with you.” He swallowed heavily and continued. “You keep going and I want you back here with me.”

“I’m here now, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, but not the same way you used to be. We’re in the same room, and we sleep in the same bed, but we’re…. further away than we were before we got together. First you shut everyone else out and than you shut me out.”
“What do you want me to do about it?”

“I don’t know that either.” David almost laughed. “I know I don’t want to end this, but one part of me keeps thinking that…. Maybe we would be happier if we just called it quits and find someone else.”
“I know.” Ian admitted. “I know what you mean.”
“I mean…. I’ve been tempted before, but there’s always been this little voice that says it wouldn’t be worth it.”
“And now?”
“And now that same voice keeps saying how different life could be with someone else.”

“You think I’m stupid?”
“Some one else? You’re not talking about someone else, so use real names.”

“Yeah.” David stated. “I never thought about guys before you and I didn’t seriously think about other guys like that after we got together. I mean I`ve felt attraction, but I never even considered it. Until…” He buried his face into his hands.

“Until Bobby.” Ian finished. “Don’t think I don’t know that. You’ve only been with one guy and then I shut you out. He was here and I wasn’t.”
“And… He was warm. He let me in and didn’t hide from me.”
“So what is it? Curiosity?”
“Do you think you`d get over it if you got to try it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like. If you got to spend a night with him, would that relieve the itch?”
David stared at him. Ian was staring right back at him and waited for him to say something.

“That’s a really bad joke.”
“It wasn’t a joke.”
“You want me to jump into bed with him?”
“Under my supervision.”
“You mean you’d sit there watching-”
“Stop bringing up excuses.” Ian took few steps closer to the door. “You can come in now.”
“David?” Third voice greeted him from the door and David turned to look at Bobby. He and Ian were both waiting for David to get over his initial shock.

“Ian came to see me.” Bobby sat down next to him on the edge of the bed. “We had a talk and… he told me what he was planning.”
“And you agreed?”

“You didn’t think you’re the only one who has to fight temptations?” Bobby cupped David’s cheek gently with his palm and planted a kiss on his lips. David responded instinctively, deepening the kiss. When Bobby finally pulled back he couldn’t help whimpering.

“You wanted me. And I wanted you.” Bobby gave Ian a small smile. “We both want you. You like that, dont you? Both of us wanting you.”
“Yeah…” David groaned. The man’s hand was still resting on the crook of his neck, warming up the patch of skin. “I like that.”
“I want to see you. All of you.”
David looked at Ian for reassurance, but the sniper just gave him a small nod. That was enough for him. David got up and started pulling off his clothes. Bobby followed his lead, mirroring his movements. They shed pieces of clothing till all they had left was their underwear. David let his eyes wander up and down across the blond’s body.

Charlie’s description of Bobby as a Granger Light wasn’t far from truth. Bobby was taller than Colby, and had a slighter built, but his wide shoulders and taut muscles underneath the lightly tanned skin made it clear he was a serious opponent in several sorts of physical activities. David took a step closer and Bobby closed the rest of the distance.

The first kiss had been soft and tentative. This one was harder, less controlled. Bobby pulled their bodies together, rubbing skin against skin. His hands wandered on David’s back slowly, travelling down to squeeze his butt thought his boxers. His lips went down David’s neck as if he was trying to cover every piece of skin with his own.

“What do you want us to do to you?” His lips tickled David’s ear. “What do you want to do to me?”

“Ian….?” David glanced over Bobby’s shoulder. “Can I….? Please….”

“I told you. We’re both here for you.” Ian stated. “This is your chance. Do what you want.”

David slid down to his knees, pulling down Bobby’s briefs on the way. He eyed the hard member bouncing in front of him and a small grin appeared on his face. He wrapped his hands over the root of Bobby’s cock and lowered his lips around the head. Bobby’s hands were placed on David’s head, pulling him closer till his mouth had engulfed the entire length.

From the corner of his eye David saw Ian watching them. The expression on his face would have been unreadable for most, but David knew him well enough to interpret it. Ian was enjoying this. He wasn’t watching just David anymore. His eyes were fixed on the Bobby’s back, watching the muscles flex, all the way from wide shoulders to his butt and down the his feet.

Bobby kept stroking David’s shaved head, not pulling him anymore. Just enjoying the feel of the skin.
“You should let it grow.” He grinned. “Nice, short stubble.”

David grinned around the thick cock and continued his mission. He let his tongue caress the sensitive skin underneath, then swallowed him all the way again. His eyes were fluttering shut, making the feeling stronger. Bobby’s touch felt similar to Ian’s and yet completely different. Ian’s was usually rough, not to the point of hurting but enough to set the mood of the act. Bobby’s touches were equally firm, but surprisingly tender. He guided David the way he wanted, but that was all. His hands were still stroking David’s scalp, almost like he was petting him.
He heard the sounds of footsteps and he glanced up. Ian had shed his own clothes and he had pressed himself against Bobby’s back, wrapping his arms across his belly and leaning his chin on his shoulder. The hands stroked the soft skin on the blonds belly while he grinded against the man’s bare back.

“It`s your show, but I want to do something for you too.” Bobby suggested and pulled David gently back to his feet. “You want me to do that?”
“Yeah….” David swallowed. “Whatever you wanna do, it’s fine with me.”
“I`ll make you feel good.” Bobby gave Ian a heated look. “We both will. Get on the bed.”
David crawled onto the bed and flopped down on the soft mattress. Bobby followed and pressed him down, kissing him deeply. He moved down his body, kissing the dark skin. His tongue made few swirls on David’s nipples, making him moan uncontrollably.

“Don’t hold back. I want to hear you.”

Bobby placed his hands on David’s hips, holding him still while his lips travelled south. By the time they reached the man’s cock, David was moaning uncontrollably. Light kisses were teasing and addictive, but they had not prepared him for other things the blond could do with his mouth. David threw his head back and moaned enthusiastically. His voice seemed to inspire Bobby and he was happy to play his muse.

His groans of pleasure turned into a shocked exclamation when Bobby suddenly pulled back.
“I was close!”
“Turn around.”

David didn’t bother to complain. He turned over to his belly and instinctively pulled his legs apart. Soft kisses returned, this time ghosting over his back, accompanied by a pair of strong hands. His muscles relaxed and the skilful fingers sunk lightly into the flesh.

“Who do you want first?” Bobby whispered in his ear. “Me or Ian?”
“You’ll get us both. We’ll take turns on you.” His hands reached David’s butt, gently spreading the cheeks. “You’ve wanted this ever since we first met, haven’t you?”


David snapped awake. He was covered with sweat and breathing heavily. The cell phone on the nightstand was flashing. He picked it up and checked the screen.

One missed call.

Chapter 5

show: numb3rs, -nc-17, pair: david sinclair / ian edgerton, numb3rs / series: packing

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