Fic: Packing, Chapter 2 (Numb3rs, Don / Martin, Charlie / Colby, David / Ian)

Dec 11, 2009 17:36

Title: Packing, Chapter 2
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord,
David Sinclair / Ian Edgerton
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

NUMB3RS Main List

Chapter 1

“Times really are changing….” Charlie sighed. “I didn’t even carry moving boxes when Colby moved in.”

“Exercise does you good.” Martin assured. He placed a heavy moving box in the middle of the empty living room. “And thanks for helping.”
“You’re welcome, but do you see the funny part of this? We’re carrying these in and both Don and Colby have something to do elsewhere….”
“I would get suspicious too, but Don has his annual psych evaluation.”
“And he went there willingly?”

“He’s rescheduled it so many times the doctor threatened to put him on suspension if he doesn’t come this time.”
“Sounds like our Donnie…. But Colby’s excuse is pretty shoddy.”
“Where is he?”
“Taking Helen to the Baby-Parent Pilates.”
“Sounds like an excuse.”
“That’s what I thought.” Charlie eyed the furniture waiting to be taken upstairs. “Maybe you could just switch bedrooms downstairs because we’re not dragging that thing up the stairs.”

“At least we got everything inside. We can handle that later when we got some more movers.”
“Or you could get a smaller bed. That thing is ridiculous.”
“I like to have a lot of room.” Martin was interrupted by his cell phone. “Fridegord. Yes?”
Charlie tuned out from the one-sided conversation and started to unpack the nearest moving box, which happened to contain Don’s old baseball memorabilia. He almost didn’t hear Martin snapping his phone shut.

“You have to go too? I’m not doing this alone!”
“That was Bobby’s landlord.”
“Why was he calling you?”

“I paid part of his deposit, he didn’t have any other contact person’s numbers so he called me.” Martin let out a deep breath. “There was a big fight in his apartment, apparently some stuff got broken and some of the other tenants called the police. Now the whole apartment`s quiet and the door`s locked. They`re waiting for the cops to arrive.”

“What do you think it’s about?”
“I think I can guess.” Martin picked up his phone again and dialled a number. “David? Yeah, it’s me, I need a favour. Are you free to go?”
Charlie gave him a puzzled look.

“I’m leaving right now, and I’ll pick you up on the way. Thanks.” He hung up and grabbed his car keys.
“Where are you going?”
“I need to handle something. Can you lock up the house for me?”

“You think he’s been beating him?” David summarised. “So why do you need me?”

“Don’s occupied and Colby’s excercising with a roomful of new moms." Martin tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. "I wanted some more muscles in my corner just in case.”
“Didn’t you say the cops were on their way?”
“I did-” Martin paused to snap on the hand free extension of his ringing phone and clamped the devise to his ear. “Hello." He paused and listened to the man in the other end of the line. "Where did they take him? Okay, thank you. Can you order new locks and all that when they’re done? Great, I’ll call you later. Bye.”

“We’re not going to the apartment, we’re going to the hospital.”
“How bad is it?”
“I don’t know. Bobby’s on his way to the hospital and the boyfriend’s under arrest.”
“You still want me to tag along?” David asked. “I’m not sure if he wants to see me in that situation.”
“He said you two got along well.”
“For five minutes, but I wouldn’t want casual acquaintances by my hospital bed.”

“I`ll drive you back afterwards, okay? I’ve spent enough time in hospitals lately to appreciate all kind of company.”
“Okay.” David agreed. “You want me to call the PD? I could ask them about the incident.”

“That would great.” Martin reached over to rummage through the glove compartment. He pulled out a notepad and a pen. “See if you can get me the names of the responding officers and the incident number.”
“I’ll tell you later.”

David took another sip of the bitter machine coffee and dumped the paper cup into the trashcan. The plastic chairs in the waiting area were just as uncomfortable as he remembered. Martin stepped out of one of the patient rooms and walked over to him.

“Bruised face, but no fractures. Two cracked ribs and bruises all over.”
“Was he conscious?”
“Yeah, they’re letting him out today under supervision.” Martin sat down next to him. “I talked to the landlord and he promised to clean up the place so he can go back there.”

“And this is the part where I need to ask you another favour. I have a meeting early in the morning and I need to finish the paperwork for it, Charlie and Colby have the baby to look after-”
“So I’m your last choice. You want me to play a babysitter?”

“Just for tonight. And I know Ian took Caroline back East to meet his parents.”
“Fine, it’s not like I have anything better to do.” David handed back the notepad. “I got the information from the incident report. Are you now gonna tell me why you wanted them?”

“Bobby didn’t want to press charges. He thinks it’s too embarrassing.”
“Well, then you can’t do anything about it.”
“Maybe not, but I have some connections to the parole board.” Martin gave him an uncharacteristically ruthless grin. “This is more than enough reason to revoke his parole.”

“And there’s the incident report to confirm the event so it doesn’t matter if Bobby presses charges or not.”
“Exactly.” Martin got up and headed to the elevators. “I saw some sweatshirts in the lobby shop, I’ll go see if I can find him something to wear on the drive back.”

“When are they releasing him?”
“Soon, probably.” He stepped into the lift. “And David?”

Chapter 3

show: numb3rs, pair: charlie eppes / colby granger, pair: don eppes / martin fridegord, pair: david sinclair / ian edgerton, numb3rs / series: packing

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