Fic: Seminar, Chapter 38 (CSI/CSI NY/CSI Miami, Warrick / Flack, Nick / Greg, Ryan / Eric)

Dec 10, 2009 17:28

Title: Seminar, Chapter 38
Fandom: CSI / CSI NY, CSI Miami
Pairing: Warrick Brown / Don Flack,
Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Nick Stokes / Greg Sanders
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Banner by the lovely sexycazzy

CSI Las Vegas Main List
CSI Miami Main List
CSI New York Main List

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (NC-17) Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (NC-17) Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (NC-17) Chapter 12 Chapter 13 (NC-17) Chapter 14 Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21
Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Interlude (NC-17) Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Interlude Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Chapter 37

DNA lab
Crime lab, Las Vegas

“Shut up both of you.” Greg interrupted. “The Master is about to speak.”

“Well, which one is it?” Nick demanded. “The wife or the husband?”
“It was the wife.” Warrick stated once more.
“One more word form either one of you and I’ll tear the results, and you can figure this one out all by yourself.”
Nick and Warrick pressed their mouths shut and waited.
“Nicole, twenty-three, was indeed killed by her in-law, which by the way is the ultimate fear of every commitment phobic.” Greg picket up a print from the desk. “And the winner of a brand new toaster-slash-blow-dryer is…. Warrick.”

“So it was the wife?”
“Yep. Mother-in-law of The Year Committee is seriously considering revoking her nomination.”
“G, are you serious or are you trying to get back at me for being late yesterday?” Nick asked. “Because this is not the time or place-”

“When I’m all set to play out my horny cat burglar fantasy I expect you to be on time. And you were wrong, it was the wife so just suck it up.”

“I had to explain to four patrol cops why I was climbing on the fire escape wearing a ski mask and all black clothes.”
“Well, boohoo. You couldn’t just say you had a hot young guy waiting to be molested?”
“Really entertaining guys.” Warrick interrupted. “Can we get back to the case now?”


Morgue, Miami

“Boys, boys….” Alexx gave Eric and Ryan a fed up look. “I appreciate good intentions, and the fact that you went so far for a friend.”
“I feel a big but coming up….” Eric groaned.
“I have had to listen Valera’s detailed descriptions every time I’ve seen her, and that is a lot more often than it should. She works in the other side of the building!”
“She’s just in that new relationship haze.” Ryan explained. “Remember what Eric was like?”

“I do, and I got just about the same amount of X-rated details back then.” Alexx sighed. “I like it when my little boys and girls are happy, but I don’t want to hear the details. I had nightmares after Eric told me about that thing with his scuba gear and a canoe.”

“Sorry.” Eric looked like an embarrassed kid. “I just wanted to share.”
“That’s nice, baby, but if you ever tell me stories like again, I’ll put you on the top of my autopsy list.”
“Alexx, we’ll talk to her.” Ryan interrupted. “And when Eric told you about that…. experiment, I told him to stay quiet about that stuff at work if he ever wants to try it again.”

“See that, Eric honey?” Alexx smirked. “Short and to the point without telling me how hard, how long and where. Take notes.”
“If it helps. Now, I got a Jane Doe waiting. Dismissed, boys.”

DNA lab
Crime lab, Las Vegas

“So was I right or was I right?” Greg asked when Nick returned to the DNA lab.
“You were right. She confessed.”
“The high priest of DNA is always right. Why did she do it?”
“She dropped by to see her little boy when the daughter-in-law was making lunch. She wasn’t happy with the way she fed her little golden boy and the fight escaladed. She smacked the poor girl to the back of the head with a hot frying pan.”

“Did the boy know about it? Or…. man? Can you still call him a man if he needs his mama to keep an eye on him daily?”

“He was thirty-two, so he was a bit too old to be a boy. And I don’t think he had anything to say about it, mama run pretty much his life and when he got married she totally lost it. According to the neighbours she had been there the day before kicking the door and screaming.”
“Compared to that my mom is a real sweetheart. Bossy, overbearing sweetheart but not homicidal. I should give her a call.”
“Sanders.” Warrick marched in. “Are you cooking up something?”
“I’m always cooking up something.” Greg shrugged. “That’s the main purpose of us evil geniuses.”

“With Don.”
“He’s here?”
“I just saw him in the hallway.”
“Great, I asked him to bring me a kebab.”
“He came all this way to bring your snack? I’m not buying it.”
“No, he just picked it up on the way. I called Howie to get it ready. It`s his specialty: The Big Red, seasoned with an extra dose of hot sauce.”

“Howie. Everyone knows Howie! Howie from Get It While It’s Hot, not to be confused with the sex shop of the same name-”
“He was coming this way anyway, I just asked-”
“Why is he here?”
“Hmmm….. Maybe he likes the company?”
“At eight in the morning? He knew I’m not getting out of here for hours and he came anyway. What’s going on?”

“Well…” Greg tried to hide behind Nick’s back. “Well, you saw him! Why didn’t you just ask him?”
“I would have, except he was having a chat with Brass and those two looked so chummy I didn’t wanna disturb. Do I need to dunk your head down the toilet to get answers?”

“Nicky Wicky, do your knight in shining…. well, shining vest or something. Except that those things don’t really shine-”
“Sanders!” Warrick interrupted. “I haven’t had anything to eat for twelve hours, I’ve drank gallons of that hideous machine coffee to stay awake, so my patience is running really low right now.”

“I got…. I got….” Greg rummaged through his desk drawer. “I got a half a packet of gummy bears!”
“That’s it, I’m gonna-”
“Rick, listen to me.” Nick took the bag of candy and shoved it into Warrick`s hand. “Get your blood sugar up and go interrogate Don. He’ll probably get a kick out of it…. Anyway, it’s not nice to threaten little boys like Greg.”

Chapter 39

show: csi miami, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: seminar, pair: nick stokes / greg sanders, show: csi ny, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko, pair: warrick brown / don flack, show: csi

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