So, just last post I mentioned that I wanted to do creative output every day, and that I would be posting sketches. Well, here is that post. Be warned, this has multiple large images. I don't necessarily mean file-size wise, they just kind of... sprawl. Because I don't know how to lay out comics in a way that makes sense.
we'll say this all counts for the first five days or nanowritethings )
Comments 5
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Note to Finn: the art is lovely and clear; it's my brain that iz dum. P.S. I especially <3 grinning windswept hair girl.
And thank you! I like her, too. She looks happy, and that's kind of one of the bigger things I'm concerned with. I know I'll never be the best or most detailed artist, but I feel like if I can convey emotion/some sort of action, that's a big deal for me, and something I can actually hone pretty well, maybe.
In short: <33333333333 Thank you. :)
Yeah, give Gene time. I think things aren't over with him and Betty just yet - especially if, as it seems, he's squirted her with ink before and she's still willing to flirt with him.
Thank you so much. Compliments to my art means a lot coming from you, because I think you're completely glorious. Thank you thank you. And honestly I don't even own drawing pencils? I have a couple mechanical pencils, but none ant work, and the only unlined paper I have at ready disposal are the post it notes on my desk at the office. I used to have a sketch pad, but I have no flipping clue where that went, and the last time I drew anything in it was probably high school. whoops. I mean, durr, if I'm even a little serious about this comic, I should invest in better supplies than pens and post its.
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