Jumping in with both feet

Nov 11, 2016 09:36

As of this morning I quintupled my monthly donation to Planned Parenthood, became a lifetime member of the NAACP and joined the ACLU (thanks for the links in yuour twitter feed mactavishIt may be time to get a smartphone and a Facebook so I can start recording people and making them accountable. My stepdaughter's boyfriend was helping a customer and ( Read more... )

not my president, not my hate

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fimbrethil November 11 2016, 22:51:09 UTC
Sounds like a good step.

I joined Facebook for the same reasons and am being very picky who I friend.


aloudallowed November 12 2016, 21:51:07 UTC

These are excellent ideas and thank you for sharing so I can follow your lead.


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