Jumping in with both feet

Nov 11, 2016 09:36

As of this morning I quintupled my monthly donation to Planned Parenthood, became a lifetime member of the NAACP and joined the ACLU (thanks for the links in yuour twitter feed mactavish!).

It may be time to get a smartphone and a Facebook so I can start recording people and making them accountable. My stepdaughter's boyfriend was helping a customer and speaking in Spanish and was essentially told Trump is going to get rid of him. Both Bree and my stepdaughter are in relationships with people of color. I have transgender friends and Muslim friends and gay friends and even if I didn't, it would be irresponsible to sit on my hands and do nothing.

Two things:

1) Please tell me what you are doing to stop the hate.

2) If you voted for Trump, there's the door. Don't let it hit you where the Good Lord split you.

not my president, not my hate

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