Two very good things happened yesterday, One, I spent almost the entire day with
fangorn which was happy making and battery charging. Two, I did the Easter cemetery run. At Christmas and Easter, I lay decorations on the graves of my family. Some of those people were gone before I was even a twinkle in my parent's eye. Like my great cousin Willie, who died
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Comments 4
I often wonder what traditions will persist in my children. (I think you'll understand when I say that I don't want them doing things because they were coerced into it, but that I also don't want childhood "donwannas" to result in a lost opportunity, either.)
"listen more often to things than to beings...'tis the Ancestor's breath, when the fire's voice is heard, 'tis the Ancestor's breath in the voice of the waters...Those who have died have never, never left. The dead have a pact withthe living..."
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