Major victory for non-traditional marriage. There's a stay (pending appeals), so same-sex marriage does not immediately resume. The whole thing is almost certainly going to the SCOTUS.
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Comments 23
And I firmly believe that marriage should be a contractual thing. For Pete's sake, that's what it really is, right? "An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law."* And it's already been firmly established just who can contract with whom i.e. any legal entity with any other legal entity, provided that said legal entity is not a minor (or non compos mentis). The laws should not differ this radically for this one type of contract.
Since corporations are people, what sex are they? And why aren't they subject to minimum age for driving laws?
Also the odds are not the best for a ruling in their favor if they do get the SCOTUS to take the appeal.
As a Californian who'd like to dance at my nephew's wedding someday and embarrass the hell out of him and his husband as is my right?
This - THIS, more than anything - is why I despise and loathe Mormons. The whole cabal funnelled $22 million of lying hate-ads into my state to get Prop 8 passed in the first place, and now they throw every fucking roadblock in the way howling that Help Help They're Being Oppressed Because They're Not Being Allowed To Oppress! And they do it with that goddamn brain-dead-Christian SMILE on their clean-shaven faces.
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