Rec Category: Episode related
Pairing: none
Categories: episode related, gen, team, fluff, humor
Warnings: none
Author on LJ:
randomfreshinkAuthor's Website:
Random at AllDanielFicLink:
Castling on the Sand Why This Must Be Read: Random gives us a delightfully fluffy ficlet in Castling on the Sand: Sam, Teal'c, and Daniel, building sandcastles on the beach in The Light during their "three weeks in a palace by the sea." Everyone is delightfully in character - even Jack, who is mostly off-screen and in full grump mode. Sam uses her engineering skills, Daniel calls upon his study of archeology, and Teal'c trumps everyone else. Naturally. :)
Lovely stuff that will put a smile on your face... and make you wish you could join them as Teal'c learns about the next Earth beach tradition on their list!
They've nabbed the short stretch of sand on the rocky shore to teach Teal'c how to build castles. Jack took Loran fishing, and Daniel is hoping they don't catch anything because Jack will make them eat it.