Determination, by Beatrice Otter (PG)

Oct 16, 2008 08:24

Rec Category: Sha're

Pairing: none
Category: Sha're, AU, General Hammond, Teal'c, drama
Warning: WIP of sorts (see below)
Author on LJ: beatrice_otter
Author's Website: unknown
Link: Determination and Determination: Practicality

Why This Must Be Read: So few authors even try to write Sha're, and even fewer manage to get her right. She is no timid, shrinking violet, but she is also most emphatically not a modern Western feminist! She is a product of her own culture and values and a fiercely independent spirit, and it takes talent to do this amazing woman justice.

Beatrice Otter breathes her to life in her Determination series with incredible power and delicacy, giving us a Sha're who is uniquely herself and utterly perfect.

In this AU, it was Daniel and Skaara who were abducted by Apophis, and it is Sha're who comes to Earth and goes to Chulak with the rest of SG-1 in an effort to get her people back. Beatrice treats us to a woman who watches, and waits, and learns; who navigates the foreign ways of Earth and the SGC with wisdom and caution, using patience and just a touch of guile. We see her careful meeting with General Hammond, her dealings with Sam and Walter and Siler, and her powerful confrontation with Teal'c, which pays tribute to the worldview of both and the strength of the woman who inspired the rebellion on Abydos.

Determination is a WIP of sorts, in that each ficlet stands on its own, yet is part of a greater whole that offers great promise for more. Go read these, and urge Beatrice to continue this marvelous AU!

Full disclaimer: Beatrice started this fascinating AU at my own prompt. I am awed with what she's done and I can't wait to see what happens next.

“Vengeance is rightfully yours, Ha’amat Dan’yel Siarat Kasuf.” Teal’c bowed his head further, not quite the obeisance due to a god but not much less than it. “I have no weapon here, but can retrieve one from the weapons-store if you wish it.”

Sha’re spun around, fists clenching and unclenching, to face the door. She could not stand to look at him now, not without trying to kill him with her bare hands. It took her some few minutes to control her breathing sufficient to reply. “You think me as foolish and hot blooded as a man,” she said at last.

“I do not understand,” Teal’c said. She heard cloth rustling; he must be standing.

“A man can afford to throw away a tool because it angers him,” Sha’re replied without turning around. “A woman must be more practical. We cannot afford grand, foolish gestures.” She pivoted until she was at right angles to both her enemy and the door. “I will see my husband and brother free,” she said, looking him straight in the eye. “And then I will see the false gods destroyed. But I will need your knowledge of their habits and their tongue and their weaknesses. And I will need your courage and skill in battle. You will not die for me, Teal’c,” she said, lifting her chin high. “You will live. And you will teach, and you will fight. And when the last Goa’uld is dead, then you may ask again.”

au, drama, character: george hammond, reccer's choice, character: teal'c, episode related, era: season 1-2, character: sha're

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