The MEGA list of mini Sims 3 Challenges

May 17, 2010 21:05

Based off of my other list of mini challenges for Sims 2, I bring you the MEGA list of Mini Challenges for Sims 3! :D

The list comprises thirty six mini-challenges, all of which are randomly rolled every sim week of your legacy. :D HAVE FUN! And don't do anything I wouldn't do. xD

If there's any errors/inconsistencies, please let me know? THANKIES! And now ONTO THE LIST:

How to play:

Take a six-sided die, and roll it twice. The first number indicates the set of challenges, the second number the specific challenge. If you roll one that is not applicable to you (you don't have the expansion/there's no one on the lot that is eligible etc) then roll again.

Roll 1:
  1. Uncontrollable Urges: designate one sim (and only one) that you can control for a sim week. All other sims cannot be checked on/controlled at any time for the duration of that week - not even to give them makeovers.
  2. I'm a Ghost, Ebenezer Scrooge: for the rest of the week you must go to the graveyard every night and make friends with THREE ghosts. Extra props for managing to get one to come home with you.
  3. Best in Show: Spend ALL of your households funds on landscaping/gardening with the aim to have the greatest garden in Sim history. Any money you bring in during the week must ALSO be used for this aim - though you can pay bills and buy food. We're gardeners, not nazis!
  4. A Case of Laryngitis: the torch holder cannot leave the house for a week and cannot communicate with anyone in the house or outside the house other than through non-verbal means.
  5. Read or Die: your sims have a burning desire to own and read every single book in sim history. Buy out the bookstore, join the book club, MUST. AMASS. BOOKS! If a child is born in the house during the week, name them Yomiko, Readman or 'The Paper'. Extra kudos for also purchasing the bookstore at the same time.
  6. Daisy Randone, Girl Interrupted: all your above-child-age sims have to "serve" at least two meals per day for themselves & keep all leftovers in their inventory for the full week - no removals! If there is a birthday, you have to buy cake, eat only one slice & put remainder in inventory.

Roll 2:
  1. Raging Nymphomaniac: The eldest fertile female sim in the house must attempt to Try for Baby with every single male (npc/walkby/the headmaster/etc) that comes to the lot. While the sim is pregnant they must woohoo, upon birth they must continue attempting to Try for Baby till the week is up.
  2. For Richer or Poorer: Your entire family have gone crazy for a wholesome Amish life. Sell all modern conveniences except for the stove and the fridge, including lights and any and all electronics (including phones and smoke alarms etc). Electronic career/aspiration rewards can go into a sims inventory until the week is up. Only one bathtub (not shower), one sink and one toilet are allowed on the lot. Quit all jobs, and live off of the land for the week.
  3. The ‘Angelina’ Challenge: adopt three toddlers in a row. If you don’t have enough money to adopt, save up until you do. If you don't have enough room in your household, move some people out.* Once the adopting starts, it has to be three in a row. None of these children are eligible for heir.
  4. A Bug's Life: the sims in your house watched an episode of a famous cult tv show featuring an assassin made entirely of bugs, and now they have a compulsive need to GET RID OF EVERY BUG KNOWN TO SIMKIND! Make at least five thousand simoleons by finding and donating bugs to science. The more we know about these menaces, the less likely such an assassin could ever exist, right?
  5. The Quiet Family: your house is cursed by visitor death - in TRIPLICATE. The next three visitors (npcs -including hired help/walkby/the headmaster/etc) to your home MUST DIE! Off them any way you choose (hacks/cheats acceptable) but their graves/urns cannot be deleted. You may place them behind hedges or bushes to 'hide the evidence' from the general public. Enjoy your newly haunted house!
  6. We Went to See the Wizard: your house and land has been obliterated by a tornado, and the insurance company are gypping you on your claim. Delete/bulldoze everything on your lot (you may keep sim-painted paintings, and lifetime points rewards in a sims inventory before doing this) and flatten it to remove any and all landscaping. Its time to build a whole new house, afresh, with the money remaining.

Roll 3:
  1. The Co-Parenting Challenge: break up with/divorce your heir's current partner. You may choose whether to go for the quick (adultery) or slow (alienation) way out. Your ex-partner has to move out of the house.*
  2. Repo! The Genetic Opera: Pay no bills for the entirety of the week. Say hello to the Repo man!
  3. The DIY Challenge: no NPC's are allowed on the lot for one week. Fire the butler, the maid, the gardener and the nanny. Not that the nanny does much, anyway...* If you have Ambitions, power down any Servos on the lot for the week.
  4. Can't Catch a Break: your sims are down on their luck and nothing seems to be going right for them. You cannot actively fulfill any wishes, nor can you lock wishes or use lifetime point reward objects. Your sims also cannot accept or fulfill any opportunities. (Those with Awesomemod must also turn off unlocked wish fulfillment).
  5. Family Heirlooms: a distant relative has died, leaving you their most treasured possessions under the proviso that they NEVER BE SOLD. Every day for the week use the kaching cheat once, and use that thousand simoleons to purchase one thousand simoleon (or as close as possible) decorative item - no doubling up on items. These items can never be sold for money.
  6. She's Simply Irresistible: all female sims on the lot must max out their Charisma skill within the week.

Roll 4:
  1. The Internet Scam Challenge: your household loses all of their money. All their money. Use the familyfunds cheat. *
  2. Suffering for your Art: one sim of your choice becomes CONSUMED by painting/artistry and its all they can do or think about. Shut one sim up in a room (remove the door) of their house with easels, a mirror, a bowl of fruit, a sink & the most expensive couch you can buy as an art studio. Direct them to paint at all times, ignoring their needs but not x-ing anything from their queue. You may place plates of food in the room with the hand tool, but they cannot be removed.
  3. Paint the town RED! Change the colour of every single item (including build items/roof etc) in your house to red where possible. Give all your sims blindingly red makeovers. Everything must stay as such for the duration of the week.
  4. Deadliest Catch: your sims have formed a predeliction for the supernatural, and in an effort to slake their thirst must fish up at least five of the horror themed fish. Options are deathfish, vampirefish, robotfish, angelfish, tragic clownfish and a pirahna. If you have World Adventures, you can add mummyfish, dragonfish and a crocodile to your list of possible catches. The Deathfish is the only one that is REQUIRED.
  5. My Favourite Philanderer: The eldest male sim in your house has a raging need to sow his oats in as many fields as he can find. Attempt to have them impregnate at least five sims other than their spouse. Extra imaginary points for knocking up more than five.
  6. I Forgot My Keys! Your sims are locked out of their own house for a week while the entire city's locksmiths are on strike. No purchasing anything to place outside/in your inventory to help you survive - use your wits! (or your neighbours beds...).

Roll 5:
  1. Moochers!!! Oh dear, word of your generosity has spread, and people are moving in left and right. The number of people in your household will expand to 8. You may move in friends, family members or fresh CAS sims. None of them are allowed to have a job. All moochers have to be adults or elders. And will never move out again, unless they're in an urn.*
  2. Windfall! Your sims have won the lottery! Motherlode once. Congratulations on your good fortune :D
  3. Fish are Friends, not Food: your sims have all become vegetarians! They may all only eat vegetarian meals (milk is allowed) for the week.
  4. Fashion is Life! Your current heir buys enough clothes to have a completely different outfit and look for each day of the week. Make sure you take an "outfit for the day" screenshot. Changing the pattern of pre-existing outfits does not count.
  5. Snow White & the Seven Dwarves: the highest earning sim in your house has gone garden ornament crazy! Spend all of their pay cheques for the week on gnomes and other garden specific decor.
  6. Reaching Enlightenment: your sims will sell all earthly possessions (lifetime points rewards can go into an inventory for the week) and replace them with only the bare necessities. Every person in the household will get one crappy bed to sleep in and one crappy place to sit. No tv, but arts and books are allowed. You are allowed one bathroom only. Your designated buddha-sim will spend 6 hours per day meditating for one week.*

Roll 6:
  1. Healthy Food is for Hippies: All sims in your household may eat only ordered pizza for one week. Put the fridge into a sim's inventory to make sure no one secretly binges on salad.*
  2. Bruce, Bruce, Bruce, Bruce & Bruce: All sims born on the lot, and all new pets - born or adopted etc - will be named Bruce.
  3. Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition: NOT THE FLUFFY CUSHIONS, ANYTHING BUT THAT! All existing chairs/beds in the house must be swapped for the highest comfort replacements. You have the week to achieve this - if you've not earned enough during the week you may sell items, forego food, or whatever is necessary (without cheats) to achieve this goal.
  4. Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair! Build the tallest usable tower you possibly can on your lot, and place one single bed, one mirror, one book case and one easel inside of it. Give all of your sims incredibly hirsute makeovers: everyone must have the longest/largest amounts of hair available in your game, all men must have beards/lots of facial hair. They must stay this way for the entireity of the sim week.
  5. Musical Chairs: Your family must move house once per day every day of the week, when the music stops - ie the week is up - that's the house they must stay in.
  6. Quills: authors abound and every sim in your house hold that has the option available on a computer to write a novel, must write a novel. Randomly roll between these sims to designate one sim who must quit their job and write FIVE novels in the week.

* Taken directly (or altered minimally) from the Tiny Challenges for Boring Moments list

BIG thanks to engram_au & dragancaor for thier inclusions and proof reading/edits! :D Some challenges shortened/reinterpreted from other sims 2 wide community 'long' challenges.

challenges: mega list

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