Nett's crazy insane Matriarch/Poverty/Pixel_Trade Legacy Challenge Rules

Feb 01, 2009 14:03

(based on the original poverty challenge rules which can be found at the livejournal povertychallenge community, or the fuller rules from the Sims Community Forums Challenge Listing)

STEP ONE: Create a CAS Sim to be the founder of your impoverished family.

STEP TWO: Move the sim onto the largest (5 X 5) lot. Spend all of your money on groundcovers/terrain smoothing until you only have 100 simoleans left. Nightlife users should use the familyFunds cheat to reduce the net worth to 15,300 from the get-go. DO NOT put ponds etc on your lot for fishing. Ponds can only be acquired/"dug" after the challenge has begun.

STEP THREE: Check- are you down to 100 smackers? Okay. The true poverty challenge begins here: survive and thrive as best you can. TEN GENERATIONS, NO WAITING.

POINT SYSTEM (I don't score, but you can if you feel like it xD):
+Each simolean (of the family net worth) is worth one point if you are doing three generations. If you are doing 10+ then each simolean is worth 1 when gen 5 becomes an adult. When generation 10 becomes an adult, you add the difference between gen 5 and now.
IE: gen 5 you have $2000 = +2000 points
gen 10 you have $3500 = +1500 points
gen 15 you have $1000 = -2500 points
+Each child is worth 3,000 points (provided you raise them to teenagers). Plantsims are not counted towards points.
-5,000 for each child taken by the social worker
-3,000 for accidental deaths (by fire, etc.)
-2,000 for each teen runaway
-1,000 for each promotion, including chance card promotion

3. Your original (CAS) founder Sim may work ENTRY LEVEL JOBS ONLY.
4. Other sims MUST START AT THE BOTTOM of the career ladder. You will lose points with each promotion so look sharp! If you screw up and your sim(s) is/are accidentally promoted, they must quit immediately, and you must deduct 1000 points from your final score. (If you're scoring which I don't xD) Regardless of whether you are playing for points or not, all 'accidental' money earned for promotion bonus must be spent on more tree acquisition.
5. All children must have their aspiration randomly rolled. No choosing.
6. NO UNIVERSITY- you are poor, remember?
7. NO ADOPTION- you are poor, remember?
8. NO REWARD OBJECTS (We mean it!)
9. No marriages or move ins. Full stop. All playable sims on the lot can only be attained through birth. Budding a plantsim child is allowed but the plant sim cannot be heir, and if a boy must leave the lot upon adulthood.
10. Sims may only visit approved "Poverty Legal" community lots, NO OTHER COMMUNITY LOTS allowed!
11. Hacks and custom content are allowed, but not if they are against the spirit of the challenge. Any custom careers must be BALANCED (eg. travel is okay, and OTR sales is okay because of the insane hours; richest sim and stay-at-home careers are not). All CC items must be equivalently priced with similar stats etc to maxis items. No $0 wallpaper or $50 comfort 10 beds. (The extracted Castaway Stories pile of leaves as bed is a no-no item. Maxis item yes, but the comfort level isn't in keeping with the spirit of this challenge. Other extracted Maxis items from the Stories series are allowed).
12. The poverty challenge stays on the poverty lot - if a sim moves out, they are no longer considered part of the challenge. This means a sim may not receive an inheritance, or any money or gifts/inventory items, from off-lot sims. If your sims receive inheritance money, trees to the value of said money must be purchased and placed on the lot.
13. Teens may move out with an adult, but not alone. Kids and younger may not be moved out, period. Otherwise you will lose the 3,000 child points from raising them.
14. Nightlife dating objects (flowers et al) must be kept in the inventory - gifts should be sold entirely for trees.
15. Sims may not purchase real estate, or order/sell deeds with OFB.
16. Sims may not run a home business- unless it is the lemonade stand.
17. Poverty challenge sims may not be hired as employees by another business.
19. Poverty Challenge families must be played using all four seasons. You may arrange the seasons in any order, and you may start in any season, but you MUST have a winter, spring, summer, and fall.
20. NO SERVO -- until Generation four. Then you have to create a Servo. You can have as many servos as you like. Have at it. Have 20.
21. Only girls can inherit/become heir. All boys that survive to their 18th birthday (if you have acr or equiv to check) - or to adulthood if you choose not to age up - must move off the lot on said birthday.
22. Walls can only be placed if you also have enough money to 'wallpaper' them to appear as though they are made of brick. Bricks are $9 a panel and are double sided. Not enough money to brick the wall? No wall.
23. Move_objects cannot be used to prematurely place items such as toilets/wall mount showers
24. All sims born within the legacy must be born of sims created by pixel_trade members. They can be townified or left playable as long as they are not played for the duration of the challenge.
25. If any items worth $200 or more are acquired by digging for treasure/combing for beach treasure, trees to the value of the excess must be bought and placed on the lot. Excepting the Treasure Chest. This item can be kept/sold for the five grand any and every time it is found.
26. There is no cap on the amount of money your sims may ultimately earn.
27. You can sex up whomever you want, but only sims born of pixel_trade users can even be considered as heirs.
28. Vampires are 100% allowed. Go your hardest, but don't come crying to me if you don't have enough money to afford a coffin.
31. Cheesecake is winsauce.
32. No earning money on community lots. Not from freestyling, fishing, swimming, anything. You can always, however, do these activities in the comfort of your own home. -- The caveat of being able to cook on community lots is allowed.
33. If you have freetime and Mr Humble drops off that pesky computer: YOU GOTSTA SEL IT AND BUY TREES WITH THE MONEY. Forest people. Forest.
34. Going on holiday with Bon Voyage is completely fine and legal, but you cannot own holiday homes, hotels only. All holiday lots when on vacation count as community lots, but you cannot cook while on holiday. Room service/eating out only.
35. All graves must stay on the lot. They cannot be removed, deleted etc. They cannot go on islands to preserve your sims sanity.
36. Servos can never move out. They can break and be ignored, but never move.

AND REMEMBER!! These rules do not end. No matter if you do three or twenty three generations!

These aren't part of the main rules, but if you want to try to challenge yourself harder then these rules are for you:
1. Any and all pets cannot have jobs.
2. You can only plant on plots you have fertilised with compost. Can't fertilise a plot? No plant.
2a. INSANE INSANE: You may not purchase sprinklers. All watering is by hand. Australia is in a drought people. Come on. Water restrictions apply.
3. If you have freetime, the only cars you're allowed to own are ones you've fixed up yourself.
4. No maternity leave. Either quit or buy trees.
5. Addition to the Servos always on lot rule: all servos must be left where they break down. The only way to move them is to fix them.
6. Elders can't work. They must quit (not retire - unless you want to buy more trees with all that money xD) their jobs. They cannot cook or clean, but can be used as childcare.
7. Once plumbing is placed, it can't be moved without spending $500 in trees (to pay the major plumbing bills that moving the pipes would cost). Sprinklers are counted as: the reticulation is underground, therefore digging is involved to move them. $500 of trees for each plumbing item that you move or delete.
8. You may use the aspiration reward cheat once: To enable the placement of a single cow plant. Cow plant cannot be fenced or walled off at any time. She must be within three squares of the main footbath. If/when she eats a sim, the oldest heir (eg: if gen 2 heir is alive at the same time as gen 3 heir, then gen 2 heir is the oldest) on the lot must drink said sim asap so as to enable the plant to eat another.
9. Because partners will never move in, in order to qualify as a potential chromosome donor, they must have a photo taken with the heir prior to "Try for Baby." The children have to know their parents don't you know?! When the heir enters her 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the photo must be put on a wall panel and must be visible for the entirety of the challenge. 26 gens = 26 visible father portraits. You cannot use moveobjects to place more than one per panel; only one on the back & one on the front.
9a. INSANE INSANE: If you have different dads for each kid this rule applies for each & every one. So if gen 3 has 6 kids to 5 different dads, there will be 5 photos of the heir & a dad - one for each. Even when those kids have grown up & moved out, those photos must stay on their wall panel.
10. For Freetime and above: children MUST have the primary aspiration of their mother as their secondary unless they roll the same. In which case its fortune. Unless their primary is fortune, wherein you get a secondary of grilled cheese.

Approved Lots


If I've missed anything or if you have any questions PLEASE don't hesitate to ask. But several people 'registered' interest in my rules so they could try them themselves and so dragancaor and I compiled them together so I think this is right but I coulda missed stuff xD

-- Adding things as we think of them/realise we forgot!
09/02/09: Added "Extra Challenges". Also added unambiguity rules about holidays, community lot skilling, Servos and CC. Blame dragancaor for ALL of the INSANE CRACK VERSION rules, and for the rewriting of the points system. xD

challenges: pixel_trade, challenges: poverty, challenges: legacy

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