Title: Equally cursed and blessed Paring: EveryonexHankyung Genre: Crack Rating: PG-13 Summary: Wherein Hankyung is given a "gift" for doing a good deed.
the thing is, i remembered how we discussed this which makes me way ahead of everyone else, because i already know who's gonna get geng in the end! (unless you're planning on something else to surprise me XDDD) it makes me so excited and i hope you will be able to finish this (oh, i'm so gonna bother you with this~) because i believe the best part is still yet to come?
got to mention the awesomeness of this series is the attempt to include the miracle__ fic challenges into their interaction like how shidong was asking about self-image. huhu, love the idea~
lol at the supernatural element you had there, previously and now XDDDDDDDDDDD
thank you joey for still trying to make something for me when you're so busy with your study. good luck with your project and study, okay? ilusm~
And, heehee, that previously and now... you caught me!!!XD
I'm DONE!!! I'M DONE FOR NOW WOOHOO!! Lemme see if I can write more for you hahaha (in two weeks, however, i'm gonna be busy again >_< and then after 4 months! *legasp!* bye bye school T_T)
LOL! Poor Hannie... Yes, he's in a trauma! Who wouldn't?! Suddenly, people/friends/family is acting strange in some weird way... Still... I wonder... Who's that one person among all these guys who's really in love with him even without the magic spell or whatever it is? I hope Hannie finds him. :)
Awww... thank you for the warm, warm welcome! I've missed doing this, too! And I've really missed reading those wonderful and really well-written stories of yours! I dunno if I can catch up! You've probably written tons by now!
Thank you so much for reading! I'm glad that you still remember this hahaha! I hope it was worth the wait :D
Comments 12
got to mention the awesomeness of this series is the attempt to include the miracle__ fic challenges into their interaction like how shidong was asking about self-image. huhu, love the idea~
lol at the supernatural element you had there, previously and now XDDDDDDDDDDD
thank you joey for still trying to make something for me when you're so busy with your study. good luck with your project and study, okay? ilusm~
And, heehee, that previously and now... you caught me!!!XD
I'm DONE!!! I'M DONE FOR NOW WOOHOO!! Lemme see if I can write more for you hahaha (in two weeks, however, i'm gonna be busy again >_< and then after 4 months! *legasp!* bye bye school T_T)
Please update soon!
Thank you so much for reading!<3 I'm glad you liked it!
And welcome back, my friend, you've been sorely missed! ::hugs::
Thank you so much for reading! I'm glad that you still remember this hahaha! I hope it was worth the wait :D
i've missed you and your writing so much ♥
I missed writing and reading what you write, too! <3
I saw this on my f-list and I was like, ":O She's back!!" Welcome back! <3
Yeap! It's good to be back! Thank you so much for reading and for the warm, warm welcome!!<3
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