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Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm prof_stargazer March 14 2008, 12:00:11 UTC


Re: 8:00 prof_stargazer March 19 2008, 03:25:12 UTC
Stella had been rather surprised when she'd received Draco's RSVP to the wedding. He'd been a fair Astronomy student- not brilliant, but not failing, either, and they really hadn't had many interactions since he had left school. Still, he was part of the staff now, not to mention being one of Caleb's employers.

So, all in all, Stella was not unhappy when Draco asked her to dance.

Stella accepted Draco's hand, nodding to Caleb as she got up.

"Thank you, Draco," she said politely as he guided her to the dance floor. "You're having fun, I hope?" Slytherin or no, Stella didn't want anyone to be having a bad time at her wedding!


Re: 8:00 dmalfoy_purbld March 19 2008, 03:52:53 UTC
Draco took her into his arms once they reached the dance floor. Gliding her across the room, he was the perfect gentleman.

"I am. Thank you. It was a lovely ceremony, and the reception has been beautiful."

She was an elegant dancer, and while part of him remembered her as the professor from school, and always would, he had come to recognize her slightly more as a colleague. Not that the stars had ever held the fascination for him she would have wanted as a professor. Still, given the namesakes of his maternal lineage, he did do some informal study.

"I hope today is as lovely as you imagined, and I hope that you have happiness with him." Expected words, but appropriate.


Re: 8:00 prof_stargazer March 19 2008, 21:46:40 UTC
Draco was as polite and charming as Stella remembered he could be- at least when there were no Gryffindor students about, that is. At his compliments about the wedding, Stella simply smiled, blushing just a little.

"It's been a wonderful day so far," she agreed, nodding. "And thank you, Draco. I-" Stella's voice cut off, having caught sight of Caleb heading out to the dance floor with Daphne Greengrass. Smiling, she glanced back at Draco.

"I'm glad Miss Greengrass seems to be enjoying herself," she said. Stella had initially been a bit surprised when she saw Daphne, but as soon as she'd seen that the younger girl was sitting with Draco, her confusion had been cleared up.


Re: 8:00 dmalfoy_purbld March 22 2008, 15:34:40 UTC
Draco nearly mis-stepped when her words brought his attention to Daphne dancing with Caleb. He'd intentionally not asked her to go beyond her comfort in this. He tensed, though not likely visible to his dance partner.

"Yes, it does seem that way," he agreed. "It has been our pleasure to share this celebration with you." It was customary to speak for one's date under such circumstances, wasn't it?

Briefly, though, he wondered what he would have to give her to make up for this. Nothing, he resolved. He had not asked her to dance with the groom.

"Though how could we not with a bride and groom as happy as the two of you are. I believe it's said a proper bride outshines everyone else at her wedding. You have accomplished that with ease."

A little flattery never went awry. Besides, her smile was infectious. He even allowed himself to show it, somewhat.


Re: 8:00 prof_stargazer March 24 2008, 00:51:05 UTC
"Thank you, Draco," Stella beamed, never unhappy to receive compliments, especially not on this day.

Draco was an excellent dancer, which was not surprising to Stella at all.

"Your mother invited me to tea a few weeks ago," Stella mentioned, not sure how much Draco and his mother interacted, at least as far as her social events went. "It was rather nice."


Re: 8:00 dmalfoy_purbld March 25 2008, 15:13:15 UTC
His mother had invited Stella for tea? How had he missed this tidbit of information? He obviously was missing far too much. Or at least far too much people assumed he'd know.

"I'm glad. Mother does serve excellent tea." What was he supposed to say? Pardon my surprise that my mother invited you to her house?

"Between coaching Slytherin and building my conveyancing business, I'm not at the Manor as much anymore." Safe, easy topics. And an easy excuse for why he had absolutely no idea what was going on in the house.


Re: 8:00 prof_stargazer March 25 2008, 23:16:44 UTC
"I actually had quite a nice time," Stella admitted. "I'd never gotten to speak with her at length before, but we got on rather well." Stella had been rather shocked by this fact at first, but was gradually accepting it.

Draco's explanation didn't phase her in the least- of course a busy, successful young man would not be interested in all of the comings and goings of his house, especially not something as mundane as who his mother had over for tea.

"You're starting a conveyancing business?" Stella asked, genuinely curious.


Re: 8:00 dmalfoy_purbld March 27 2008, 13:59:44 UTC
He nodded, a glint in his eye. He'd gotten her off-guard. Not that he expected any less. In fact, he'd wanted it once he realized he had an eye for numbers and contracts. Something that he could make his own. Something, perhaps lesser than a Malfoy should, but certainly something of his. No one could say he'd relied on his father for aid.

"Yes. I am. I received my license mid-January. Nothing big, mind you," mostly because it was half-hobby for him. "But I seem to have talent for contracts, so why not?" he smirked.

"And you, you're going to stay Professor then?" he asked. It was impolite to focus on someone other than the bride and groom on a wedding day. Besides, he didn't really want to discuss his other venture with her, despite that it tied in closely to Caleb's employment.


Re: 8:00 prof_stargazer April 2 2008, 22:03:27 UTC
"Congratulations!" Stella said, honestly impressed at Draco's accomplishment. There were many well-off young witches and wizards who did little but play and squander their family's fortune, and Stella thought it lovely that Draco seemed interested in at least beginning a career.

She nodded lightly at his question, continuing to smile as they glided over the floor.

"I plan on teaching for as long as Minerva will allow me," she laughed, only half kidding. "Now, that may change at some point," Stella added, thinking ahead to the possibility of starting a family, "But for now, the only thing that will change will be not living at the castle full-time, but Flooing back and forth from our new house."


8:00 pm laural_daphne March 19 2008, 03:22:12 UTC
Daphne eyes widened a bit as Draco left for the bride and groom. She didn't like being left alone amongst people she didn't know very well, and who most likely didn't like her. So taking a deep breathe she quickly followed behind Draco to Stella and Caleb.

As he cut in to dance with Stella, Daphne took another deep breath and smiled at Caleb.

"Since my date has stolen your wife, wo..would you like to dance?" She asked a bit nervously. she blushed slightly.

First off, she blushed for the fact that she was asking anyone to dance. It wasn't in her bringing up to do so. Also, she was asking a werewolf. Was this better than sitting alone at the table? She wasn't sure, but she felt this over powering need to prove that she could get over her outward appearance of hating these creatures and push it inward.


Re: 8:00 pm wolf_caleb March 19 2008, 03:32:06 UTC
Caleb had been so focused on watching Draco and Stella, he'd hardly noticed that Draco's date had approached behind him.

"Oh. Yes, of course, yes," Caleb said, rising quickly to his feet. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've been introduced," he said awkwardly. Unsure of what the etiquette in this situation was, he held out an arm to lead to her to the dance floor. "I'm Caleb. The groom. Obviously," he said, feeling like a babbling idiot. "What was your name?"


Re: 8:00 pm laural_daphne March 19 2008, 03:49:41 UTC
Daphne took his arm in hers and smiled once more.

"Obviously." She grinned.

"I'm Daphne Greengrass, I went to school at Hogwarts with Draco."

She really didn't know what to say, but it hadn't started off too badly. Were all werewolves such awkward social creatures? One would think that being related, sort of, to a wolf they'd be able to act cooler and more confident. Not that she put an expectation of proper etiquette to them.

"You're a lucky man, Professor Sinis... er... Moore? is quite a catch."


Re: 8:00 pm wolf_caleb March 19 2008, 04:11:31 UTC
"Nice to meet you Daphne," Caleb said with all sincerity. He was rubbish at social interaction, and he knew it, but he at least could count on the fact he could be polite.

As they began to dance, Caleb glanced over at Stella and grinned. "Luckiest man alive," he agreed, turning his smile on Daphne. "She's brilliant."

Realizing that if he started gushing about Stella that he'd never stop, he changed the subject. "Are you and Draco enjoying yourselves this evening?"


Re: 8:00 pm laural_daphne March 20 2008, 22:04:35 UTC
Daphne laughed. It was odd seeing real love, let alone real love in a werewolf's eyes. Maybe they were the only ones to have that luxury. Unlike purebloods, which married for the fact that they were purebloods.

"Oh, yes. Very much so. This is the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to." Of course, she hadn't been to many weddings, or any weddings, but it was a formality to say such things.

Before she could stop her mouth, her mind took over.

"You dance rather well for ... one who seems to be sort of awkward with societal interactions." She blushed.

It wasn't much of a save, but it was the best she could come up with. Daphne could only hope that he didn't take offense. She didn't want Draco being embarrassed by her inability to talk correctly to a werewolf.


Re: 8:00 pm wolf_caleb March 21 2008, 02:40:24 UTC
"Glad you're enjoying it," Caleb said, beaming. "Stella and her mum put it all together. They did a brilliant job."

He blinked at her strange compliment, then laughed. It didn't even cross his mind that she might have been referring to the fact he was a werewolf. "It's that obvious huh?" he asked, blushing slightly. "Stella keeps telling me I'll get better at social things, but I have my doubts," he said, chuckling. "As long as I don't do anything to embarrass her in front of her friends, then I'll be content. Even I can't screw up dancing!"

Now he could only hope he didn't do something stupid like step on Daphne's toes and ruin that statement completely.


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