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Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm prof_stargazer March 14 2008, 12:00:11 UTC


Re: Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm subtle_simmer March 27 2008, 14:22:19 UTC
Insults and outright threats scarcely disturbed him, but compliments and gratitude? He was all but actually squirming with discomfort the way his students did under one of his particularly scathing critiques ( ... )


Re: Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm prof_stargazer March 27 2008, 18:20:38 UTC
It was a very uncommon thing, indeed, to see Severus Snape nearly blushing and so desperate to get out of a conversation. And, as amusing as Stella was finding the entire situation, she was not without a heart, and allowed him to change the subject without adding another word of gratitude.

"My parents actually made a gift of the house I grew up in," Stella explained, still a bit amazed herself at her parents' generosity. "Caleb and I are moving there- a small town in Devon, called Ashreigney." A wide grin passed over Stella's face- she hadn't seen the house in several weeks, and was excited to see what sort of work Caleb had done on it.

"Minerva approved a direct Floo connection, which will make things a lot easier- having to apparate home at 2:00am every night was not something I even wanted to contemplate."


Re: 7:30 Dancing yngstweasleybro March 19 2008, 00:56:48 UTC
Ron walked Hannah out to the dance floor, his hand at her lower back as he guided her amongst the other dancers. He stepped in front of her, and put out a hand, and placed his other at her waist.

He moved with her to the music, the distance between them not far. He sighed quietly, and spoke into her hair, "Thanks for not being mad at me, about everything, Hannah. I really need a friend right now. Hermione is," and Ron pulled back to look at Hannah, gauging her reaction and deciding to be more forthcoming, "Well, she's dating someone. And is in love. And says she has loved him for a long time."

He couldn't help tensing his body, as his eyes swept the crowd, willing himself not to see her and this 'new love' of her life.

"I hate talking about her with anyone, especially you, but I don't want to pretend everything is okay with me. It is hard being here, knowing he is probably here with her right now."

Ron sighed again, heavily, as he moved her around the floor.


Re: 7:30 Dancing about_abbott March 19 2008, 01:29:40 UTC
When Ron had asked Hannah to dance she thought it was the least she could do after getting him punched a few weeks ago. In all honesty she couldn't wait for recent events to become history.

As they hit the dance floor, Hannah couldn't help but notice Ron's continual glances around the room. He'd been doing it all evening and she was certain she knew the reason. When he began to speak about Hermione, Hannah's assumptions were confirmed. Though Hannah couldn't believe her ears.

"Let me get this straight. She felt me out for whatever she thought was going on and then had a major fit over you being there with Lavender when all along she was falling in love with someone else?" At least Hannah's hurt had been genuine. She really had begun to think that she and Ron might have been able to have something. Dean's return to her schedule had been completely unexpected on her part.


Re: 7:30 Dancing yngstweasleybro March 19 2008, 01:43:30 UTC
Ron couldn't keep the smile from spreading across his face, and he pulled her closer to twirl her in time to the music, "You know, you are brilliant. Here, I've been thinking I am insane for being so confused, and down in the dumps about the way everything has been going. She had a major fit in the shop and I thought at the time, she was going out with some lawyer. Turns out, now, there is some new bloke in the picture. Its really hard to know what to do, Hannah."

Ron slowed a bit in their dancing to look in her face, "It just doesn't seem right to give up on something I've been working towards almost my whole life. It seems like kind of a betrayal. But things haven't been right since I got stuck out of country and that was, god, almost seven months ago. Maybe we really are broken up, for real this time."

Ron looked at her sadly, not sure what else he could say.


Re: 7:30 Dancing about_abbott March 19 2008, 02:08:54 UTC
Hannah felt a bit uncomfortable when Ron pulled her closer. She still wasn't totally sure where her and Dean were going and didn't want even the slightest chance that she could think outside of the box she was trying to draw. Dropping a hand from Ron's waist, she stepped herself back for more of a swing type spin.

"Hermione told you things were over and you took it to heart," she stepped out away from him so she could spin herself back in and by proxy making the dance less intimate. "She obviously has no clue what she's doing outside of her books."

The comments made were in no way an attempt to call Hermione stupid. Still, the girl needed a lesson or two in how to handle things that weren't written out in a text book. "I could always send for one of those Muggle Dating for Dummies books. You could give it to her and hightlight the parts she royally screwed."


Re: 7:30 Dancing yngstweasleybro March 19 2008, 02:22:50 UTC
Ron laughed as he pulled her into a twirl, without realizing he had pulled her in too close, "But if I had to highlight the parts, then I'd have to read it myself. Are you saying I need some advice too? At this point, maybe I do!"

He laughed again, having more fun with her now then before, and moved her into another turn. When they were face to face, he looked at her, "So, spill. Are things really good between you and old lawyer boy? Is he treating you right? I'll have to be after him if he's not."

Ron grinned at her, before he put her in a move that moved her away from him. He had this little hope that things would go terrible for the two; Hannah was quite a catch for any guy. He never thought he had a chance, ever. He smiled again to himself, "Yep, maybe you should get that book for Hermione. I'll read it first; I obviously need the help."


Re: 7:30 Dancing about_abbott March 19 2008, 02:35:45 UTC
Hannah was glad for the upbeat tempo of the music playing. The tempo allowed her to keep moving without having to get close to Ron in a way that would work with his bruised ego.

"We're doing fine," Hannah replied in response to Ron's questions about Dean. "'Old lawyer boy' is putting up quite a defense for himself. I just hope he doesn't send me a bill." She laughed as she stepped out to the music again. The laughter continued as she thought about Ron actually pouring over a book on dating. "I'll get that book for you if you really want me to."


Re: 7:30 Dancing yngstweasleybro March 19 2008, 02:47:03 UTC
Ron was happy to keep swinging to the music, and grinned at her, "Why not? I seem to be reading all types of books these days. Me! Wouldn't have believed it myself if you had told me that a month ago! So, bring it over. I could use all the help I can get."

He slowed with the music, but kept her a reasonable distance from himself, not wanted to give her the wrong message, "That is good news. Excellent news. And things at the other shop are okay? You don't miss our antics? Getting plenty from the brothers?"

He got quiet for a moment, as she moved with him, "It's lonely at the other shop without you. It was far more bearable with your unpredictable presence there. Ah well, things change, don't they?"


Re: 7:30 Dancing about_abbott March 19 2008, 02:59:53 UTC
Hannah didn't know what to say about the reading. She just made a mental note to look up the book as soon as she had a chance.

"The shop is good. While I do miss some of our antics I'm glad to be in Diagon Alley. With the viewer business picking up I need to be close to Finnigan's again." Not to mention being in Diagon Alley made it easier for her and Dean to steal lunches together and keep their word that they wanted to give themselves an honest chance.


Re: 7:30 Dancing yngstweasleybro March 19 2008, 03:12:58 UTC
"How is that business going? Doing many readings? I still think yours was dead on. I know, I know, you think I was reading too much into in, focusing on a certain woman. But," and Ron twirled her, before the music hit a large crescendo, "I'm a romantic. I know I am. I have read enough poetry the past few weeks to realize it. Hit me with something! I sort of get that about myself."

The music changed, and he looked at her expectantly, "Keep going? Or should I get you back? I think he should come over and cut in, don't you?"

Ron smiled as he began to more Hannah to a different beat.


Re: 7:30 Dancing about_abbott March 19 2008, 03:31:06 UTC
The advent of the personalized viewers had made for extremely busy work with the passing of Valentine's day. The number of orders had grown to the point that she purposefully hadn't talked about the way things were going. "The pub keeps me hopping to the point that I haven't had much of a chance to even think about divination."

When the song they were dancing to blended into another, Hannah felt it was time to return to the table. In truth, Dean could come out to the dance floor and claim her back but Hannah wanted to prove to Dean that she was as invested in making them work as he was.

"We should probably get back. Besides, that cake looks absolutely delicious." She noted that the photographer was making his way toward the table housing the cake.


Re: 7:30 Dancing yngstweasleybro March 19 2008, 03:38:41 UTC
Ron smiled; he had expected she would want to return to the table to Dean. He was more surprised that Dean hadn't come to hunt them down; any man who would throw a punch like that would be keeping pretty close tabs on his woman.

Ron stopped and opened his arm in the direction of the table, "So, do you hope for chocolate or vanilla? You never can tell from the outside, you know. Me, I think that is will be chocolate. Just a hunch but I'm pretty good about this stuff."

"And Hannah, thanks again. If you ever need anything, you come see me. You are a great friend."

He pulled her chair out, and waited for her to sit, before he resumed his seat on the opposite side of Dean.


8:00 dmalfoy_purbld March 19 2008, 03:09:15 UTC
Draco had left Daphne briefly, kissing her hand and heading towards the bride and groom. Approaching, he paused, bowing slightly.

"Caleb, may I steal your bride for a dance?" he asked formally. While he hated politics, he shined when it came to delicate situations. "I promise not to keep her too long," he added with a slight smirk.

He'd not asked Daphne to follow him, fearing she'd think herself obligated to dance with Caleb, and he wasn't sure his nerves could handle that scenario. He wanted, however, to prove his own questionable loyalties when it came to politics, and proving he had no issues with those who had once been on the other side of anything he believed in was first in that step.

He held his hand out to Stella, assuming an acceptance from Caleb, but he would not move until it was granted.


Re: 8:00 wolf_caleb March 19 2008, 03:20:45 UTC
Caleb glanced at Stella at Draco's request, and seeing no objections from her, nodded at Draco. "Of course," he said, hoping his smile wasn't as tight as it felt.

Draco Malfoy was basically an employer now, despite the fact he'd only interacted with Harry thus far. He couldn't afford to offend the younger man, even if he was a Malfoy.

He sighed as he watched Draco lead Stella to the dance floor. His new bride seemed intent on playing nicely with Malfoy's lately, and though he'd never trust Lucius Malfoy, he knew he shouldn't judge his wife and son. Honestly, he shouldn't judge Lucius either, but that was one opinion he couldn't imagine changing anytime soon.

Sipping his champagne, he kept an eye on them nonetheless. Employer or no, if Draco put a finger out of line while he was with Stella, he'd be on before he could blink.


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