Happy Birthday, Love pt. 2

Feb 06, 2008 00:22

Date: February 6, 2002
Time: 7 pm
Characters Involved: All Weasleys, various Ministry officials, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Order members
Location: Sunrise Banquet Hall
Rating: PG

Happy Birthday, Arthur. )

character: katie bell, character: ron weasley, character: percy weasley, character: hermione granger, character: molly weasley, event: birthday celebration, character: severus snape, character: harry potter, status: incomplete, character: remus lupin, character: george weasley, character: arthur weasley, character: fred weasley

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Comments 50

yngstweasleybro February 6 2008, 14:10:09 UTC
Ron moved over to stand by his mother side; he had slipped his arm around her in a gesture of solidarity, "This place looks fantastic, Mum. He is gonna be thrilled!"


redheadedjokers February 6 2008, 17:33:11 UTC
The twins were wandering about the hall, helping with decorations. They'd found all sorts of nifty hiding places that a small supply of Whiz-Bangs could be secreted away in. And, having assured their mother (as well as the hall's owners) that their fireworks were completely safe for indoor use, they were being left alone by the banquet hall's staff.

"This is brilliant, Mum!" Fred exclaimed, bounding over to where she and Ron stood.

"He'll never suspect a thing," George grinned.


charliesdragons February 7 2008, 17:18:26 UTC
Charlie had spent the better part of the afternoon making sure all of the food was delivered by the caterer and was correct, as well as being enough for everyone. He'd forgotten since his Mum had asked him to take care of things so early and he'd had a bit of a whirlwind in his life lately. But he'd taken care of things last minute, and come through well enough.

He stepped finally over to his Mum and his siblings, smiling. "Things are fantastic, Mum... just brilliant." he nodded in agreement with Fred.


artiebear February 6 2008, 18:15:06 UTC
Arthur went wide eyed when he was transported to outside the banquet hall, he had no idea what was going on. Though he had to admit, after the note he had gotten from Molly he was glad for this change up. He looked around a few times before entering the banquet hall. He looked around then smiled when he saw his wife and children, "Molly? What is all of this?"


arthurs_molly February 6 2008, 18:19:44 UTC
Molly couldn't keep the smile off of her face once both her twins and Ron had assured her that the hall was perfect and that Arthur was going to be thrilled when he arrived. She hadn't had any doubts of course, but she had to admit, she was afraid that he was going to think she had forgotten his birthday, especially with the note she had left him earlier this afternoon. When she noticed that her husband had arrived, she offered him another bright smile as she broke away from Ron to greet him properly.

"A party, dear. For you. Happy Birthday."


artiebear February 6 2008, 18:23:04 UTC
Arthur shook his head as he looked around, then walked over to kiss her. "Merlin, Molly. You did all this for me?" He chuckled and kissed her again, holding on to her. "You're good, you are damn good." He chuckled then nodded to his children, "Fred! George! Ron! Aren't you going to come here and give your old man a hug?"


redheadedjokers February 6 2008, 21:19:42 UTC
Fred and George's smiles turned to pleased grins, when their father whooshed into the banquet hall. They took a brief moment to shake each other's hands and congradulate themselves, on another brilliant idea.

Once that was done, they practically apparated over to where Arthur was now standing. "Happy Birthday, Dad" they said together, hugging their father.


subtle_simmer February 6 2008, 20:24:01 UTC
The celebration of birthdays was a ridiculous tradition. Severus had said as much on multiple occasions.

Somehow, his protests never got him out of the event.

Severus was rather annoyed with the entire world-at-large at the moment. From the idiot daring to threaten his peace and his family to the miscreants daring to shirk their homework to the stupid speculation about his life being bandied about in the various 'news' publications.

Unfortunately, he had sent the acceptance to this . . . spectacle, which meant he was obliged, now, to attend, foul-mood in-tow.

Hopefully, Remus had enough of his usual patient good-cheer to cover both of them, or there would be serious danger of Severus 'spoiling' the atmosphere. He was in no humour to spend time with people who were going to judge his life, his choice of partner, or himIt hadn't taken him long to find a suitable lurking place against a wall once they'd arrived. Severus had taken time to shower after lessons to rid himself of Potions stink and steam, but his dress robes were his ( ... )


m4moony February 7 2008, 06:29:38 UTC
As a child, Remus had often not been sure if he would see his next birthday. After losing so many friends, birthdays had come to be a mark of survival -- another year older and still not dead. He was always grateful to be able to celebrate life in such a manner. It was part of why he now made it a point to fuss over Severus on his.

An enjoyment of birthdays and a desire to wish his friend Arthur well were not enough to guarantee any degree of patient good-cheer, however. Not when he was faced with the same worries as Severus -- with the additional concerns of Severus coming home battered and bruised after having physically attacked Lucius Malfoy over it all before even telling Remus what was going on ( ... )


subtle_simmer February 8 2008, 03:19:07 UTC
The row had not remotely been the worst they'd ever had, though it probably fell toward the top. Severus had concealed information that Remus thought ought to have come to light at once.

Severus had gone to Malfoy Manor with the intention of beating Lucius to a bloody pulp. (He'd failed in that regard.)

But they had 'worked it out', in the end. Severus was actually starting to believe there really wasn't anything they couldn't overcome if they faced it together.

Still, he hadn't counted on birthdays surrounded by Weasleys into the mix.

"How are we to forget our troubles when the Matriarch of this clan disapproves of our upcoming union?" he asked dryly. "Surely you do not believe Mrs Weasley to be free of bigotry just because she permits her husband to tinker with Muggle things when her back is turned?"

He sighed, but smirked and allowed himself to be cajoled into a slightly less dour mood. "Very well. Let us . . . mingle and make merry with your friends ( ... )


m4moony February 10 2008, 04:58:25 UTC
"Maybe not." Molly had once had her hopes set on Remus finally settling down with Tonks, after all. He hardly expected her to be ecstatic about his relationship with Severus. "But she is still a friend, even if she disagrees. And she may not like the choice, but she does wish us well."

Optimistic thinking, perhaps. Yet Remus couldn't imagine Molly turning her back on years of friendship just because she didn't like his choice of partners.

"Thank you, Severus." Squeezing his betrothed's arm gently once more, Remus grinned. "And they're your friends just as much as they are mine."

Remus knew what Severus was thinking. None of these people would be his friend if it weren't for his association with Remus. And maybe it was true that Remus' sponsorship had gained Severus this chance. But surely his friends were not so two-faced as to ignore the good the man had done?

"Why don't we wish Arthur a happy birthday first and that way you may get any approbation of Molly's out of the way."


prongs_struts February 7 2008, 16:39:35 UTC
Harry had been doing his best to keep track of the time, knowing that Mr. Weasley's birthday party had been planned forever, and that if he didn't show on time, Mrs. Weasley would certainly have his head. He dressed a bit messily in a muggle t-shirt and jeans, his ever-messy hair was sticking up in various places despite his best efforts to smooth it.

He entered the party hall and smiled as he approached Mrs. Weasley, his hands in his pockets.


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prongs_struts February 9 2008, 03:07:11 UTC
Harry tried to dodge Hermione's hand when she was attempting to get his hair. "Knock it off." he whispered, rolling his eyes. "I know it's a special occation, but I just didn't have time to get ready." he shook his head. "I did the best I could." he took a step away from her. "Besides, Mrs. Weasley didn't say anything, so I'm assuming I'm dressed alright for the occation." he gave her a look. Same old Hermione.


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lioninthegarden February 8 2008, 02:52:17 UTC
Katie was sticking close to Charlie for the most part. He'd let her know that she didn't have to show up until the time, which was fine with her. She loved his father, but his mother still set her on edge a little. She did agree that the set-up was very nice, but she didn't say much. She still felt like the rank out-sider in the Weasley clan. She was happy that she had been invited, but still it seemed more like a requirement. If she hadn't been married to Charlie, they probably wouldn't have even thought of her ( ... )


charliesdragons February 9 2008, 19:01:26 UTC
Charlie slipped his arm around Katie with a small smile. He knew this was uncomfortable for her to be there, what with the apparent fued between she and his Mum. But she was being a real trooper being here with a smile on her face. He snuggled her close, kissing her forehead. He thought that maybe, just maybe, if he showed his Mum how happy they were she'd finally be happy for them. He wanted Katie to see just how wonderful his family was, and he wanted them to see how wonderful she was.


lioninthegarden February 9 2008, 19:15:44 UTC
She had asked her dad to help them get a muggle present for Arthur. Her father had come through spectacularly and she had no doubt that Arthur would love it. He had managed to get his hands on a Nintendo DS with a coupel of basic puzzle type of games that she thought that Arthur would be thrilled at ( ... )


yngstweasleybro February 9 2008, 22:55:33 UTC
Ron spied Charlie, with Katie, and his first thoughts were, Brilliant! He headed straight for the couple, the purpose in his walk clear.

"Katie! Charlie! Hi! How are you two doing?"

He leaned forward to give Katie a sound kiss on the cheek. He manuevered himself so that Katie and Charlie stood and blocked Hermione's line of vision. Hermione looked irritated, he noted and she hadn't even seen him yet, he was sure. Harry suddenly looked very chagrinned and Ron wondered what was going on between the two of them. He turned his attention back to his brother.

"Charlie, I am thinking very seriously about coming work with you, but only a couple days a week, if that sounds good. You have to let me know. You two look different. Are you getting to spend more time together? You know, Katie, there might be dancing. Are you gonna save a dance or two for me?"

He thought he might sound like he was babbling as he darted a few looks around to see where Hermione was located.


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