Happy Birthday, Love pt. 2

Feb 06, 2008 00:22

Date: February 6, 2002
Time: 7 pm
Characters Involved: All Weasleys, various Ministry officials, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Order members
Location: Sunrise Banquet Hall
Rating: PG

Happy Birthday, Arthur. )

character: katie bell, character: ron weasley, character: percy weasley, character: hermione granger, character: molly weasley, event: birthday celebration, character: severus snape, character: harry potter, status: incomplete, character: remus lupin, character: george weasley, character: arthur weasley, character: fred weasley

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lioninthegarden February 8 2008, 02:52:17 UTC
Katie was sticking close to Charlie for the most part. He'd let her know that she didn't have to show up until the time, which was fine with her. She loved his father, but his mother still set her on edge a little. She did agree that the set-up was very nice, but she didn't say much. She still felt like the rank out-sider in the Weasley clan. She was happy that she had been invited, but still it seemed more like a requirement. If she hadn't been married to Charlie, they probably wouldn't have even thought of her ( ... )


charliesdragons February 9 2008, 19:01:26 UTC
Charlie slipped his arm around Katie with a small smile. He knew this was uncomfortable for her to be there, what with the apparent fued between she and his Mum. But she was being a real trooper being here with a smile on her face. He snuggled her close, kissing her forehead. He thought that maybe, just maybe, if he showed his Mum how happy they were she'd finally be happy for them. He wanted Katie to see just how wonderful his family was, and he wanted them to see how wonderful she was.


lioninthegarden February 9 2008, 19:15:44 UTC
She had asked her dad to help them get a muggle present for Arthur. Her father had come through spectacularly and she had no doubt that Arthur would love it. He had managed to get his hands on a Nintendo DS with a coupel of basic puzzle type of games that she thought that Arthur would be thrilled at ( ... )


yngstweasleybro February 9 2008, 22:55:33 UTC
Ron spied Charlie, with Katie, and his first thoughts were, Brilliant! He headed straight for the couple, the purpose in his walk clear.

"Katie! Charlie! Hi! How are you two doing?"

He leaned forward to give Katie a sound kiss on the cheek. He manuevered himself so that Katie and Charlie stood and blocked Hermione's line of vision. Hermione looked irritated, he noted and she hadn't even seen him yet, he was sure. Harry suddenly looked very chagrinned and Ron wondered what was going on between the two of them. He turned his attention back to his brother.

"Charlie, I am thinking very seriously about coming work with you, but only a couple days a week, if that sounds good. You have to let me know. You two look different. Are you getting to spend more time together? You know, Katie, there might be dancing. Are you gonna save a dance or two for me?"

He thought he might sound like he was babbling as he darted a few looks around to see where Hermione was located.


lioninthegarden February 10 2008, 01:20:55 UTC
She chuckled softly at Ron and nodded, "Yes, we're making time." she said, sliding her arm around Charlie's back and resting on his hip. She glanced up at him with a slightly wicked smirk, "Love, I believe you brother is hitting on me." she teased both him and Ron.

It was nice that Ron accepted her so readily. She noticed his eyes darting over their shoulder and glanced back. Oh. Hermione. He was hiding, "You little chicken." she chuckled, "You really should just go talk to her and let her turn your ear and then run away like a man."


yngstweasleybro February 10 2008, 02:12:06 UTC
Ron gave her a helpless look, "Okay, okay, so I am chicken! I am NOT going to ruin Dad's birthday party getting into a row with Hermione in front of everyone. I could swear I thought I had owled her the moment I got back, I am sure I did. But I never got back a message back, so I figured she was just really, really annoyed with me."

He looked behind Katie again, and sighed, seeing no sign of Hermione, "And then I found the message, on the floor, under the table. It never got sent! She was all I thought about while I was away; I was more worried about her when I was gone then myself. But I got back, and you know, life overwhelmed me; everyone was royally irritated at me for being away at the holidays. I thought she was mad; now, I know she's mad. And she's going out with someone, apparently."

He looked miserable at this revelation, and moved to sit down, his chin on his hand.


charliesdragons February 10 2008, 02:27:57 UTC
"She's going out with someone?" Charlie asked with an eyebrow raised. "And to be fair, little brother, you were gone for months. Not that I'm saying she sould be this mad, but seriously, did you expect her to wait around for you?" he asked, looking over at him. "Ron, she's a beautiful girl. She's not going to wait around for a git like you." he shook his head. Charlie wasn't exactly comforting.


lioninthegarden February 10 2008, 02:55:05 UTC
"I hadn't even heard that she was attached to someone else, but then again.... I wonder who the guy is. I figured that Rita would have splashed that all over her rag by now." she said with a small shrug of her shoulders, "If it had been me, I would have hunted you down and killed you. So feel lucky." she teased, trying to lighten the mood.

So Hermione was dating then? Well good for her. She couldn't just wait around forever. Katie knew that first hand, waiting around for Oliver might have lost her Charlie. She snuggled into his chest and gave him a small smile.


yngstweasleybro February 10 2008, 03:11:14 UTC
"Well," Ron said as he kept his chin in his hand, "I'm not going to ask her right now. I'll try to find out; I've got to know. Not that it will help much. And, I know, I know, I have been sitting on my ass about this whole thing, being the PERFECT ass."

Ron shook his head again, made a face, and looked at Charlie, "Yes, I have been a git. Maybe I need to spend more time with you and less with the dynamic duo. I could use a bit of brotherly guidance."


charliesdragons February 10 2008, 20:26:32 UTC
"Yeah, well, until Katie I wasn't exactly the king of love, but I'll do my best for you." he shrugged. "Maybe she'll forgive you eventually." he said with a slight chuckle. Charlie loved his little brother, but he wasn't exactly Mr. Sensitive in the area of love and sympathy. He'd landed Katie by some miricle, but before her he was rather promiscuous and not prone to love.

"Well, Ronald, we can get you sorted out. Maybe getting away from her for a bit might be good for you. I mean, honestly, you've been close with her since first year in school. Maybe you two just need a break from each other?" he said with a shrug, looking over at where Hermione and Harry were.


yngstweasleybro February 10 2008, 20:41:56 UTC
Ron gapped at his brother, realizing that maybe older did NOT mean wiser, "Are you bloody daft?!" Ron said with some incredulity, "Stay away from her? What the bloody hell do you think has been happening the past few months?!"

He waved a finger towards an irritated looking Hermione standing with Harry, and continued, "And look what the bloody hell it has produced? She's dating someone else! Sure, it would be nice for me to date someone else but hell! I don't know that I WANT to see anyone else, like that. I mean, I've got other women who are my friends, but its nothing serious."

He looked glum, and watched Hermione and Harry interacting, and wished he could just go over and talk to her.


lioninthegarden February 11 2008, 04:49:23 UTC
"Well if you don't want to stay away from her, then you shouldn't be hiding over here. Go talk to her, Ron. Things won't get fixed if you avoid the confrontation." she sighed, glancing over at Molly. Hello, yes pot calling kettle black.

Katie had avoided Molly since their lunch fiasco. She had realized that while Molly loved her son, she wouldn't take credit for the hurtful things she had said. She didn't say anything about it. She hadn't even told Charlie anything other then the trip. She sipped the water again, something positively dark swirling behind Katie's eyes. It was not in Katie to be a very outrightly forgiving person when someone did not accept responsibility and admit that they were wrong.

There was a lot in Katie that wasn't the nicest creature in the world. It would be a look that some others at the party were familiar with, namely Severus Snape.


charliesdragons February 14 2008, 00:08:38 UTC
"Yeah, don't hide over here, you git." he shook his head, stepping back from his brother and putting his arm around Ron's shoulders, pulling him forward and trying to push him towards Hermione and Harry. "Get over there and at least say hello. If nothing else, they're your best mates. Don't hide from them." he shook his head and rolled his eyes to Katie, as if to say "Little Brothers!"


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