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Comments 40

wolf_caleb August 29 2007, 03:38:25 UTC
Caleb had walked Stella to the gates of Hogwarts and gave her a proper goodbye before returning to Hogsmeade. She had a few things left to do to prepare for students before she was going to come back to London later that evening. He was going to kill a little time wandering around Hogsmeade, which was quieter than the streets of London by far. The Full was only a few days away, and at times his the sounds and scents surrounding his flat could become too much.

He was surprised when he caught the familiar scent of his employer as he passed the Three Broomsticks. It was about the only familiar smell he'd picked up in Hogsmeade. Curious, he glanced in to the window as he passed and saw Charlotte dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.

Looking around, he saw no sign of Seamus, and Stella was at the school and he couldn't just let her sit in there crying if she was alone. If he saw that she was with someone, he'd leave, but until he was sure, he couldn't not go check on her ( ... )


beautesolitaire August 29 2007, 03:51:07 UTC
She hiccuped and looked up when she heard Caleb's voice. He was rapidly becoming a good friend, but she wasn't sure that he'd stay around either. "I t'ought zat you would be 'ome by now, Monsieur Caleb." she sniffled.

She had a very large glass of dark chocolate milk and the sandwich delivered by Madam Rosmerta. She thanked her quietly, looking down at both, her head hurt from being upset. She didn't know how to answer if she was alright or not. "Not really, I suppose." she finally mumbled, sighing heavily.

She wasn't there with Seamus. She loved Seamus, but he hovered so much whenever she was the tiniest bit upset and she just needed to be upset. Sometimes people just needed to be upset, not have someone instantly want to make it all better.


wolf_caleb August 29 2007, 03:56:54 UTC
Caleb nervously chewed his bottom lip, wondering what he should do. He wasn't quite equipped to handle an upset pregnant woman, but he couldn't exactly leave her there alone while he went to get Stella or Seamus. "Can I join you, or would you like to be alone?" he asked, cringing at how stupid that sounded. Even if she said she wanted to be alone, he couldn't just leave with her crying that way.


beautesolitaire August 29 2007, 04:03:08 UTC
She wiped her nose with the hankerchief. She just nodded, "Sit down, Monsieur Caleb." she said, motioning for him to sit down, "I am sorry zat I am a mess."

She was taking Susan's leaving rather hard. She had been down when Perry had left too. She had been crushed when Fleur had gone. She was attached to her friends and when they moved away and moved on, it made her sad. It meant that she didn't have as much importance in their lives anymore. Fleur had left her twice now. First from France and then from England.

"You shouldn't 'ave to see me as a mess." she hiccuped, "I just couldn't go 'ime upset or mon 'usband would 'ave tried to make t'ings better and not paid attention to ze pub."


wolf_caleb September 2 2007, 01:59:56 UTC
Caleb knew that if he lasted a whole year before marrying Stella it would be a miracle. He grinned at Charlotte. "Yeah, I rather do. A lot." He didn't allow himself to say anymore, as it would no doubt result in babbling on about all the things he loved about Stella.

"You sure you're alright to floo?" he asked.


beautesolitaire September 3 2007, 00:40:37 UTC
She knew that 'rather do' and 'a lot' were small words for what Caleb felt for Stella and vice versa. She had seen them look at each other, had seem the light in their eyes when they talked about each other. She just smiled and said nothing more.

"Oui, Monsieur Caleb, I am make ze floo." she assured him.


wolf_caleb September 3 2007, 01:00:27 UTC
"And you're going straight home? Or at least straight to the pub?" he asked, needing to be sure she wasn't going to go wander off on her own. It was getting late, and he didn't want her out alone.


beautesolitaire September 3 2007, 01:06:10 UTC
She looked at him, "I t'ought zat you were going to see me 'ome." she teased him, smiling to him, "Yes, Monsieur Caleb, I will go straight 'ome like a good girl."

She knew that he worried, but it was alright, he was just being a wonderful friend. "Merci for listening to my w'inging."


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