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wolf_caleb August 29 2007, 03:38:25 UTC
Caleb had walked Stella to the gates of Hogwarts and gave her a proper goodbye before returning to Hogsmeade. She had a few things left to do to prepare for students before she was going to come back to London later that evening. He was going to kill a little time wandering around Hogsmeade, which was quieter than the streets of London by far. The Full was only a few days away, and at times his the sounds and scents surrounding his flat could become too much.

He was surprised when he caught the familiar scent of his employer as he passed the Three Broomsticks. It was about the only familiar smell he'd picked up in Hogsmeade. Curious, he glanced in to the window as he passed and saw Charlotte dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.

Looking around, he saw no sign of Seamus, and Stella was at the school and he couldn't just let her sit in there crying if she was alone. If he saw that she was with someone, he'd leave, but until he was sure, he couldn't not go check on her ( ... )


beautesolitaire August 29 2007, 03:51:07 UTC
She hiccuped and looked up when she heard Caleb's voice. He was rapidly becoming a good friend, but she wasn't sure that he'd stay around either. "I t'ought zat you would be 'ome by now, Monsieur Caleb." she sniffled.

She had a very large glass of dark chocolate milk and the sandwich delivered by Madam Rosmerta. She thanked her quietly, looking down at both, her head hurt from being upset. She didn't know how to answer if she was alright or not. "Not really, I suppose." she finally mumbled, sighing heavily.

She wasn't there with Seamus. She loved Seamus, but he hovered so much whenever she was the tiniest bit upset and she just needed to be upset. Sometimes people just needed to be upset, not have someone instantly want to make it all better.


wolf_caleb August 29 2007, 03:56:54 UTC
Caleb nervously chewed his bottom lip, wondering what he should do. He wasn't quite equipped to handle an upset pregnant woman, but he couldn't exactly leave her there alone while he went to get Stella or Seamus. "Can I join you, or would you like to be alone?" he asked, cringing at how stupid that sounded. Even if she said she wanted to be alone, he couldn't just leave with her crying that way.


beautesolitaire August 29 2007, 04:03:08 UTC
She wiped her nose with the hankerchief. She just nodded, "Sit down, Monsieur Caleb." she said, motioning for him to sit down, "I am sorry zat I am a mess."

She was taking Susan's leaving rather hard. She had been down when Perry had left too. She had been crushed when Fleur had gone. She was attached to her friends and when they moved away and moved on, it made her sad. It meant that she didn't have as much importance in their lives anymore. Fleur had left her twice now. First from France and then from England.

"You shouldn't 'ave to see me as a mess." she hiccuped, "I just couldn't go 'ime upset or mon 'usband would 'ave tried to make t'ings better and not paid attention to ze pub."


wolf_caleb August 29 2007, 04:11:01 UTC
"Aw, don't be silly, you look gorgeous," he said, sitting across from her. "And I'm sure Seamus would love nothing more than to see you," he added. Caleb had no doubt that if Seamus knew that Charlotte was here, and upset, he would be here for her in a heartbeat. "Would you like me to get him for you?" he offered.


beautesolitaire August 29 2007, 04:17:23 UTC
"Non!" she exclaimed, sniffling and looking at Caleb, "No.... no... 'e needs to concentrate on ze pub, not 'ere 'olding my 'and like I'm some idiotic duck." She meant goose, but she got her words wrong when she was upset.

She sniffled and wiped her nose again before she started to drink the overly chocolate milk. She'd give herself a worse headache but she'd deal with it later. It was like mostly chocolate at the bottom.


wolf_caleb August 29 2007, 04:22:56 UTC
Caleb tried not to smile at her choice of words. "Alright, I guess you're stuck with me this evening," he said, grinning at Charlotte. When Stella was upset, he was usually able to get her to smile, but he wasn't sure his odd sense of humor would translate well with Charlotte.

Caleb scratched the back of his neck, trying to think of something to say. Rosmerta came by and when he asked for only water, she looked at him as if he were daft, so he ordered a Butterbeer as well. She seemed appeased when she walked away.

"I think I disappointed her," he said conspiratorially to Charlotte.


beautesolitaire August 29 2007, 04:27:01 UTC
"She gave me ze same look when I ordered milk." she said with a nose wrinkle and a sigh, "Even zough I'm obviously not carrying ze pillow around under my clothes anymore."

She just sniffled slightly and looked at him, "You s'ould be 'ome wit' your Mademoiselle Stella."

Yes, she wasn't an idiot and while she didn't read the Daily Prophet anymore (Seamus had made her stop reading after Mandy's murder), she had eyes and she could tell when two people belonged. It was too bad that she had been wrong before.... with Bill and Fleur. She had thought they had belonged and a hard shaking had told her that she had been very very wrong.


wolf_caleb August 29 2007, 04:33:43 UTC
"Stella is up at the school tonight and will be for a few hours yet," Caleb told her, smiling softly. "If I wasn't here with you, I'd be home alone pining away for her, and we wouldn't want that would we? I look terribly foolish when I'm pining, so honestly you're doing me a favor."

He studied Charlotte for a moment and hoped he wasn't crossing some invisible employer/employee line when he asked, "Is there anything I can do?" He'd like to think they were friends now considering how much time they spent together in the shop.


beautesolitaire August 30 2007, 01:13:12 UTC
"Some'ow I doubt zat you pining would be a 'orrible t'ing to see, Monsieur Caleb." she said with the smallest of smiles and a sigh.

She looked at him for a long moment, to her there weren't lines like that. She wasn't terribly professional, she hired people she liked and developed friendships with those people in and out of work. "I do not know, to be 'onest, Caleb. Unless you can make people stop leaving."

She did consider Stella and Caleb friends. She considered many people to be her friends, but there were some that were closer then others. Especially those that she went out of her way to help.


wolf_caleb August 30 2007, 01:14:51 UTC
Caleb smiled softly. "I wish I knew that secret to that one myself," he admitted. "If it's any consolation, I don't planning on going anywhere. Who else is going to hire a daft old werewolf?" he teased, smiling at Charlotte.

He wasn't sure if this was all about Susan, or if it was hormones or something else altogether. Not that it really mattered why Charlotte was feeling this way. All that mattered was she was crying and he wanted to find a way to stop it. "Socrates and I can finally be in the same room together, I can't leave now!" he teased. "The beasty is going to be back before you know it, more obedient then ever!"


beautesolitaire August 30 2007, 01:22:42 UTC
She sighed and rested her chin on her hand, looking at him, "Daft?" she asked, not sure she understood the word. She missed her dog, she missed her friends, "Everyone leaves... You will leave too someday. You and your Mademoiselle Stella will be togezer and 'ave a family. Everyone leaves.... Fleur. Perry.... Susan." she sighed, listing them all, almost like she was forgetting he was there.

It was a little bit of everything, hormones, Susan, the baby, her own terrified notions that she would be a bad mother, her fears that Seamus might leave her like everyone else. She sniffled, "Someday you will leave too, as everyone does."


wolf_caleb August 30 2007, 01:44:53 UTC
"Aww, you can't think that way," Caleb said, wishing he knew the right words to say. Wishing more than ever that Stella was there, or Seamus, anyone who wasn't completely inept at these things. "Even if Stella and I get married, I'll still need a job. Besides, I'm a Hufflepuff, famed for our loyalty and all that," he said, waving a hand vaguely in the air. "Charlotte, I could never turn my back on your or Seamus," he said, reaching across the table and taking her hand. "You gave me a job when few people would, and I'll never forget that."

He squeezed her hand for a moment before pulling away. "Besides, I can't go anywhere without seeing that babe of yours," he said, nodding toward her stomach. "That would be downright rude, don't ya think? Just up and leaving before she's ever born! Or he. Do you know what you're having?" he asked, hoping a change in subject would help. If nothing else, he was very good at changing the subject.


beautesolitaire August 30 2007, 02:02:00 UTC
She offered Caleb a teary smiled when he assured her that he would stick around. She squeezed his hand lightly and nodded, "You are a very good man, Monsieur Caleb. Zere is no reason zat anyone should judge you as anyt'ing less."

She smiled at the idea of Stella and Caleb married, it was obvious that they loved each other. She believed that it didn't matter, if you loved someone, you loved them. No matter their skin color, their blood, their status, or preference. She still had her issues with homosexual type of relations, but she knew that they weren't bad people because of it. "Yes, you 'ave to see zis baby. I wish zat Susan 'ad felt zat way." she sighed, "She was zere when I found out and zen she just leaves before ze baby comes... I t'ink it will be a girl. Seamus t'inks it will be a boy. We will find out soon."


wolf_caleb August 30 2007, 02:10:19 UTC
Caleb had a feeling Seamus would be as helpless with a daughter as he himself would be. He felt the familiar ache knowing he would never find out, but shoved it down. "If you have a girl, poor Seamus won't stand a chance," he said, smiling at Charlotte. "She'll have him wrapped around her finger before she speaks her first word. Can't wait to see that," he said, winking.


beautesolitaire August 30 2007, 02:13:50 UTC
"Someday you will 'ave a little girl of your own." she assured him and nodded, knowing it would happen, "You will be a wonderful papa someday, just as Stella will be a wonderful mozer."

Someday Caleb would wake up and realize that Stella deserved to have babies with the man that she loved, werewolf or no. "Afterall, all of my lessons state zat lycantrop'y is not passed on t'rough ze genetics."


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