A picture's worth a thousand words

Nov 17, 2006 08:35

Date: Friday, November 17, 2000
Time: Morning-ish
Location: Hogsmeade
Characters Involved: Luna Lovegood, open to one and all! Huzzah, huzzah!
Rating: G

In February, it would officially be three years that Luna Lovegood had worked at Hopping & Aperture's Expert Portraiture... )

status: complete, status: open, character: adrian pucey, character: luna lovegood, character: harry potter, location: hogsmeade

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Comments 10

boywhoisharryjp November 17 2006, 19:05:57 UTC
Harry woke up with quite a bit of energy this morning, and so, after he'd showered and dressed, he decided to go into Hogsmeade. There wasn't anything he really wanted to do there, save from probably seeing Fred and George, but it would be a good use of his time. He would probably be able to find something to do while he was there, or at least someone to talk to. It looked cold outside, so Harry pulled on his heavy jacket and Apparated to Hogsmeade.

The only thing Harry didn't like about Hogsmeade was the people passing by and staring at him, murmuring about him, and sometimes even gushing about him to his face. He, of course, took whatever people said to him with grace, unless it was something derogatory about him or his friends. Those were fightin' words. Harry would fight someone in a heartbeat--though he knew he shouldn't--if he or she said something nasty about one or more of his friends ( ... )


bluemoon_loon November 18 2006, 18:03:47 UTC
Luna was a bit surprised to hear a familiar voice, and positively elated to realize who it was ( ... )


boywhoisharryjp November 18 2006, 19:33:59 UTC
Harry grinned. He enjoyed Luna's dreamy smiles and sing-song tones. It was too bad she wasn't still talking about, what were they...Nargles? Snorkacks? He couldn't remember, but those were some of the most entertaining conversations he'd been a part of. It had amused him to hear her ramble on about these obviously fictional beasts that were being reported in the Quibbler. Harry did have a debt of honour owed to Luna, especially because his interview with Rita Skeeter had been reported in the Quibbler. Though she was a little bit loony (hence her school nickname, he supposed), she was really a nice girl and her heart was in the right place ( ... )


bluemoon_loon November 19 2006, 03:24:02 UTC
"Precisely what I was thinking." Luna's smile broadened slightly; she'd always loved snow. "Oh, we'll need to shoot a few more as the season changes, but it's best to do what we can now, before the holiday rush begins. The studio gets rather popular around Christmas, you know." Or, maybe he didn't know.

She listened, her head tilted ever so slightly as she thought about Harry's dilemma. "There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want," she said thoughtfully, as if to herself. Somehow it didn't surprise her that now, after doing so much for not just Wizarding Britain, but the entire world and finally having a moment to relax, Harry Potter was looking for things to do. But there were worse things he could do that catch up with friends.

She blinked in alarm at the news about Ron. "He left?" Oh goodness, where had she been the last three months? "Is he all right?"

How was she? "I'm doing my best." She smiled automatically and shrugged; it was the truth, without being an entirely unpleasant truth. The summer had ( ... )


the_it_boi November 18 2006, 03:33:51 UTC

There was a girl in the middle of the road taking pictures of ... well he really didn't know what she was taking pictures of. He couldn't see any real reason for it. Perhaps it was for artistic purposes? Always a patron of the arts, he watched as she snapped picture after picture. He laughed in amusement as someone walked directly in front of her camera, waving like a idiot.

He didn't recognize the girl, but Ady wouldn't hesitate to talk to anyone he deemed interesting enough. Networking, networking. It was all about meeting and greeting.

In a moment when she seemed to be concentrating a bit less then she had been he walked up behind her, he asked "Having fun?"


bluemoon_loon November 18 2006, 18:16:38 UTC
After Harry had continued on his way, Luna resumed her methodical recording of morning life in Hogsmeade. Many of the nearby shopkeepers and ambling passersby had becomed used to seeing her, though new people always came by with the same look of curiosity and annoyance... and downright mischief as they threw themselves in front of her camera.

But, not so many were stopping to chat. Harry had, and a curious elderly husband and wife duo who had taken it upon themselves to enrich Luna's knowledge with the history of the buildings she was photographing.

These would make a lovely photo book, Luna was now thinking. She wondered if she should tell Frances and Barry? They were always brainstorming interesting business ideas (granted, part of their motivation was annoying Mr. Hopping).

Oh, but yes. Not so many were stopping to chat, so she was just a bit surprised to hear a voice right behind her. She didn't react right away, not thinking it was her who was being addressed. But when no one else answered, she turned and saw the young ( ... )


the_it_boi November 19 2006, 01:58:14 UTC
"Am I...?" He hugged his arms around himself, trying to save just a bit more of the body heat caught in his coat. Yes, he was cold. He hadn't dressed nearly warm enough, and had no idea what had made him apparate to Hogsmeade in the first place. "Yeah, I am cold."

How odd, the way she had just changed subject like that. The way she stared and blinked and spoke, it all suddenly seemed familiar but he still couldn't place her. Even her blond hair was tugging at his memories, as if he really should know who she was. Maybe he had met her at that one ball, the one with that spectacular muggle artist who's painting had wept tears to the soundtrack of what had surely been angel's song? Although he could be wrong, he couldn't quite remember that night properly. And honestly what would a witch have been doing at a muggle party anyway?

Having no patience for riddle games, he announced himself with a broad smile, "How rude of me. I haven't introduced myself. Adrian Pucey, my dear."


bluemoon_loon November 19 2006, 03:33:25 UTC
Adrian Pucey. Now that name........ didn't ring a bell at all. Luna smiled pleasantly and extended a gloved hand.

"Luna Lovegood. Pleasure to meet you." He seemed pleasant, and she thought it was cute that he called her my dear.

She blinked. "Did you want me to take your photo?" After all, that's why most people were stopping. "I suppose I could, but you could have a professional portrait done at the studio where I work?"


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