Shopping With a Malfoy is Hard on one's Budget

Jul 18, 2006 23:42

Date: Tuesday, 18 June
Time: Immediately after Order Meeting
Place: Wherever Draco decides
Characters Involved: Severus and Draco and anyone they run into whilst out and about
Rating: Probably PG - 13, because Draco has a potty-mouth

The meeting had been pretty much what Severus expected. Mostly chaos with some good ideas tossed about here and there. With that many people, it was hard to really get anything accomplished. These meetings were more for solidarity and information gathering than anything else. Minerva and a few people of her choosing would do the actual 'planning' of any major activities - more likely, it would be Moody doing the planning - damn, but they missed Albus! Then, whatever decisions were made or plans developed, they would be implemented slowly by giving the key figures their directions, without revealing the entire plan to anyone who did not 'need to know'.

Standard operating procedure of any clandestine operation. Leaks were inevitable. The idea was to maintain effective damage control to keep problems to a minimum.

Severus had contributed very little. There were many new faces - he had yet to have opportunity to speak with Fleur Weasley's friend to thank her for the Doxies. He had long since passed the demands of etiquette, but he really hated such strictures, anyway. She'd be damn lucky to receive his grudging appreciation when he bloody well had time to offer it, and that was the end of it.

Draco was his concern now, and Severus had known the young man long enough to know he was more out of spirits than when Severus had last seen the blond, and Severus was annoyed enough with the planet to be willing to challenge Potter to a duel if that imbecile had anything to do with it.

"So, Draco, where are we going for me to buy your present in apology for you fleeing the country over your birthday?" he asked dryly, treading softly as he worked to determine the source of Draco's distress.

character: zacharias smith, status: complete, location: diagon alley, character: severus snape, character: draco malfoy

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