Shopping With a Malfoy is Hard on one's Budget

Jul 18, 2006 23:42

Date: Tuesday, 18 June
Time: Immediately after Order Meeting
Place: Wherever Draco decides
Characters Involved: Severus and Draco and anyone they run into whilst out and about
Rating: Probably PG - 13, because Draco has a potty-mouth

Shopping used to be the one thing he could count on to lift Draco's spirits. )

character: zacharias smith, status: complete, location: diagon alley, character: severus snape, character: draco malfoy

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Comments 34

suicide_blonde_ July 19 2006, 06:52:39 UTC
The meeting had been . . . odd. No real semblance of organization and yet there had been some order to the madness. At least, Draco assumed there had because how else could they have been effective all these years without finding a way to work with so many people tossing out ideas at such a rapid pace? For the most part Draco had done nothing but observe and feel like an outsider. There was guilt too, of course. If his father knew . . .

Although, according to McGonagall, they were hoping to use Lucius to get rid of the bloody Registry and wouldn't that just make his father's day? It made Draco sick, but it made sense. Lucius had that ability to gain allies in unlikely places by having the right political motivation at the right time ( ... )


subtle_simmer July 19 2006, 07:13:14 UTC
"I am quite sure you will," Severus said very dryly as they made their way across the sunny grounds.

Severus wasn't worried about the expense. Not that he had money to be tossing about, but he knew what his budget was, knew how to say 'no', most emphatically, and already came prepared to buy Draco damn near anything he asked for, within reason. The only question was whether he would end up buying new teaching robes on this particular excursion as well, or not.

None of which was foremost on his mind as they walked.

Severus Snape really had not been a terrible Head of House. He'd dealt with everything from first-years sobbing in homesickness to seventh years puking their guts up all over his office when he caught them with alcohol in the common room and forced them to drink it all as a 'lesson'. He'd listened with stoic compassion as students grieved over the sudden death of pet, sibling, parent, grandparent, what-have-you. He had offered sound career advice, always offering advice which leaned away from the Death Eater path ( ... )


suicide_blonde_ July 22 2006, 04:49:22 UTC
Draco ought to have known that Severus would notice that something was wrong. He'd tried to hide it, but when things got this bad it was impossible to pretend that anything was all right. Draco was too emotional and any self-respecting, cold-blooded Slytherin probably would've said so. It hadn't been a problem in school, but only because Draco had called the shots among many of his peers. He knew, though, that it wasn't necessarily a good thing ( ... )


subtle_simmer July 23 2006, 03:22:52 UTC
Severus was in no mood to linger about the grounds, where small gatherings of individuals were lingering in clusters to discuss what had been said - and not been said - during the meeting. His long legs and brisk strides quickly consumed the distance between the castle and the gates, though this did not distract his focus from the issue at hand.

He raised a brow and cast Draco a look that conveyed both doubt and something of concern.

"Health-wise. I see," he replied cautiously.

"Ah, yes, your father's rather remarkable book. Just think how the sales of it are adding to your eventual inheritance. The author wove quite the exceptional tale with the tools and information at his disposal, did he not?" he asked wryly. "You surely did not expect your father to find anything less than the very best, did you?"

Still, he couldn't quite believe that was the primary cause of Draco's sullen demeanor.

"How are you, other than 'health-wise'?"


subtle_simmer July 26 2006, 03:36:06 UTC
"Very well."

The soft scoffing noise of amusement was blunted by his lingering concern over Draco. Normally the young man would be much more animated and aggressive over the idea of spending someone else's money. Severus had caught him eying the practice snitch, and bought it even though Draco hadn't asked (or rather, insisted) on having that be included as 'part' of his birthday present ( ... )


suicide_blonde_ July 26 2006, 03:55:01 UTC
Draco accepted the bag with a wide grin and then made a face.

"Ugh, Severus, must you drag me around to buy ingredients with you? You know how much I hate it ( ... )


subtle_simmer July 26 2006, 04:10:29 UTC
"Of course I must. I wouldn't dream of robbing you of the nostalgia of the activity," he drawled. "Would you like to watch them harvest the amphibian hearts?"

Chuckling softly at the look of disgust on Draco's face, he allowed the subject change, but shook his head at Draco's observation.

"Oh, no. Usually Molly Weasley is far more mothering to everyone there - the shock of the impact on her family left her unusually quiet. The large meetings are usually just a brain-storming and information-gathering session.

"Actually, more of a point of solidarity. There are some who find comfort in knowing they are part of a larger 'whole' - particularly when the world seems entirely against them. THAT is what those kinds of meetings are for ( ... )


suicide_blonde_ July 26 2006, 04:29:31 UTC
Draco listened as calmly as possible. What Severus was saying made sense. It was all for comfort, really, a chance to feel together and that things were being done. But in the end only a select few were actually taking action and everyone else just went along with it.

It read a bit like the story of Draco's life and didn't make him feel any better about the situation at all.

"I suppose there's not much different between the way people work, then," he said softly. "Just the reasons they're doing it."

He stumbled a bit at the mention of the Weasleys, his eyes shooting up to Severus and then back down at the ground.

"You're good with wards," Draco said a bit haltingly. "So . . . that'll help them, won't it?"


subtle_simmer July 27 2006, 01:40:30 UTC
And Severus Snape, in a rare display of true mercy that he would have offered almost no one else but Draco Malfoy, smirked gently in return, and dropped it.

"They are not 'nasty' ingredients, boy," he said chidingly as they left the alcove and proceeded down the street. "They are remarkable, high-quality, valuable ingredients with which I can do truly amazing things."

He cast Draco a haughty look before snorting in amusement at his weak attempt at humour.

"All right, then. To you, they are 'nasty ingredients'. To me, they are treasures. And I want them freshSomehow, Severus doubted that Draco would find the trivial tidbit of knowledge that the heart of an amphibian will continue to beat for up to six hours after extraction from the unfortunate creature in question as fascinating as he did. Nor would he care to understand how much more potent a potion using said ingredient would be if aforementioned heart was, in fact, still beating when placed into the cauldron ( ... )


suicide_blonde_ July 30 2006, 23:27:28 UTC
The tension in Draco's body eased slightly and he allowed himself to relax. He was grateful to Severus for letting it go, though he had no doubt that the other man would find some way at some point to bring it up again. Severus believed in nothing so much as closure for others, though Draco thought he probably didn't pursue it nearly so ardently for himself ( ... )


subtle_simmer July 31 2006, 00:30:44 UTC
"Commissions, mostly," Severus replied, though he cast Draco a sideways smirk. It was clear by the blond man's raised eyebrows that Draco at least expected something unsavoury to be involved, even if he didn't consider poison, specifically.

"Though, I have yet to decide on a suitable birthday gift for Our Living Saviour, so perhaps a homemade wine would do?" he said in an exaggeratedly menacing whisper. "If there is no indication of my handling of it, I'm quite certain he's blind-trusting-Gryffindor enough to drink it if it sits innocuously amongst the other gifts from his adoring fans."

Ah. The fantasy was pleasant, even if he would never do it. Well, not a fatal poison, anyway - though the thought of the obnoxious, disrespectful prat spending his birthday party in the loo with abdominal crams enough to make him wish for death seemed reasonable ( ... )


zekaryah August 1 2006, 06:18:55 UTC
It was supposed to be his day off yesterday, and it was. He was going to check his wards and stay in his home, cozy and comfortable as he would catch up on rest. However, leaving the house was inevitable that day. He happened to run out of food and refreshments, which led him down to Hogsmeade. There, at The Three Broomsticks, he encountered two completely different former schoolmates, and then had to deal with something. As hardworking as Zacharias was, he knew when to take his breaks... Like today, for example ( ... )


subtle_simmer August 10 2006, 03:46:55 UTC
Severus gave the slightest quirk of his brow at Draco's clear irritation. He merely offered the Malfoy scion a knowing smirk and watched indulgently - but warily - as Draco returned the brush to its owner.

He, Severus, had not survived the life he had led without being exceedingly paranoid cautious, which did include a few learning-experiences involving innocuous items turnt-Portkey.

Still, the brush was clearly not, and his attention was now returned to Smith. He stared implacably at the boy for a few minutes, as though trying to decide whether or not to dignify the question with a reply.

"Shopping," he said curtly.


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