[SPN] i have been in arkansas

Nov 11, 2009 00:03

Title: i have been in arkansas
Details: SPN, gen, ~2,900 words. Dean and Castiel both owe the swear jar quarters, but there are no other warnings. Sort of a coda to 5x08, "Changing Channels."
Summary: I am an airplane tumbling wing over wing/ Tried to listen to my instruments/ They don't say anything. -- The Mountain Goats, "Matthew 25:21."
Notes: ( Read more... )

fanfiction, spn

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Comments 42

meret November 11 2009, 10:30:43 UTC
Great story! :) Favorite line - "I'm beginning to understand your sense of humor," he informs Dean. "I think this is a bad sign." LOL!


fiercelydreamed November 11 2009, 15:40:09 UTC
Thanks for reading, and for letting me know you liked that line. I'm in constant danger of including jokes because I think they're funny when no one else is likely to, so independent confirmation is helpful.


batmanboxers November 11 2009, 12:11:53 UTC
This was gorgeous! I absolutely adored it.


fiercelydreamed November 11 2009, 15:40:23 UTC
Thank you so much. :)


enigmaticblues November 11 2009, 14:23:52 UTC
Oh, there was so much quiet sadness in this, and it was so beautifully done.


fiercelydreamed November 11 2009, 15:41:23 UTC
Thanks for reading, and for taking the time to comment.


borgmama1of5 November 11 2009, 15:05:09 UTC
I wanted to highlight the parts I especially liked and realized that would be nearly the whole piece...

Your writing crackles with unexpected imagery--there is a sensuous pleasure in the word pictures you've created. And the conversation itself is so poignant, this topic between Dean and Cas...

This was a terrific read!


fiercelydreamed November 11 2009, 15:43:29 UTC
Thank you so much! Imagery is my favorite tool when I write, to the point where I can easily go overboard, so I'm glad to know that you enjoyed how it was used here.


melawen_c November 11 2009, 15:11:58 UTC
*loves* Very good stuff in this... You've really got their voices down. :)


fiercelydreamed November 11 2009, 16:07:31 UTC
Thank you! I have to credit Castiel's voice to a pointer aesc gave me in beta, which more or less boiled down to, "You're overdoing it. He needs to talk more like a soldier."


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