Moratorium? Maybe?

Jul 01, 2009 23:05

So I've been reveling the glorious reappearance of free time in my life (dudes: awesome), and while on a really great vacation not at all conducive to writing, I inhaled a bunch of fic off my delicious network. And having plowed through a bunch of new and unfamiliar fandoms, there are four descriptors used in porny scenes that I have decided really ( Read more... )

meta, on writing

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Comments 17

neigedens July 2 2009, 07:29:39 UTC
I think I agree with these! Except maybe the "sucking his brains out of his cock" one, simply because I think that could be pretty funny dialogue for the right kind of character, but not if it's used seriously. But yeah, for the rest: HELL YES. Especially "obscene."


fiercelydreamed July 2 2009, 15:42:09 UTC
Ahahaha, now I want a challenge where we identify a bunch of cliche sex-descriptors and people compete to see who can use the most in dialogue!


maggiebloome July 2 2009, 17:36:48 UTC
I second this motion!


altyronsmaker July 2 2009, 07:41:04 UTC
I loved this! Bwahaha. I'm deathly afraid of the -ly adverbs. I try not to use them at all when I'm writing, unless I just can't avoid it. so yeah. A big fat hell yeah to this.

also: "the taut splay of his thigh could have inspired whole new branches of engineering" is probably the single most hottest line I've read in a while. Like whoa. And it's in a meta. can I steal it?


fiercelydreamed July 2 2009, 15:44:39 UTC
I don't have anything against -ly verbs; I think my only strong habit vis-a-vis description that I've really fought to break was my early belief that adjectives were most potent in sets of threes. *chagrin* And you're totally welcome to that metaphor! Just don't pass it around too much, or it'll become Fandom Clap with the rest of these. *laughs*


_divya_ July 2 2009, 07:48:41 UTC
Oooh, cool post. I was just having a conversation about this with a friend while he was trying to write something and was having a hard time staying away from overworked phrases. As he was talking and giving me examples of what he meant, I realized that I'd heard these word combinations so often that they'd left grooves in my brain, but until he started rephrasing more interestingly, I didn't realize that they'd become trite.

Interesting, in an evolution-of-language way, and also HEE that there are fandom-specific written-porn equivalents. *g*

ETA: she'd never heard that particular noise outside of a hentai dub audition. OMFG, AHHAHAHA.


fiercelydreamed July 2 2009, 15:49:03 UTC
*nods* They're like metaphors that have crossed over into being idioms, heading toward becoming dead metaphors. They've lost all their poetic potency; basically, they just tell you "you should be finding this hot now." And fandom is totally its own linguistic community (she says with very little grounding in actual cultural linguistics); I'd wager almost all of us are discussing/reading/writing erotic material in fandom more often than we're doing it in other spheres of our lives.

Hah, I'm so glad someone laughed at my hentai joke. *grins* I was proud.


ariadne83 July 2 2009, 07:48:54 UTC
I've been having similar problems lately, so much so that I find myself skipping the sex altogether in a lot of fics.

On my list of things I don't want to see again any time soon is stories where two guys are having sex, the bottom comes and the top (who's always the POV character in this cliche) has to manfully hold off on their orgasm while they wait for the other person to finish having their Moment. And then fuck their partner, who is now all but asleep (loose-limbed or lax with pleasure or somesuch).


fiercelydreamed July 2 2009, 15:53:00 UTC
Oh man, sex-scene-sequencing tics deserves its whole own post. Ever notice how almost everyone seems to sequence the orgasm-causing acts like they're rounding the bases? Like it's somehow unfair if person A gets off through penetration, then they get person B off "only" through manual stimulation. THERE IS NO DEFINED ORDER OF MAGNITUDE, people. Also, just because lubed/spermicidal condoms don't leave the best taste ever doesn't mean you can't blow someone who was previously wearing one.


ariadne83 July 2 2009, 22:20:10 UTC
Ugh, yes! It gives me this weird sense of detachment, because even though person A is fucking person B,their bodies don't seem to be directly reacting to each other. It's more like they're each watching porn of the other :-/


almostnever July 2 2009, 08:42:23 UTC
Good luck getting rid of those! They're like fanfic kudzu! :P If you manage it, please stamp out "letting out the breath he didn't know/realize he was holding" next because that has got to stop.

Also: "Oh," he said. "Oh."

Okay, SGA fandom, I get it! You like astolat! So do I, but LET THE DOUBLE OH GO NOW PLEASE.


fiercelydreamed July 2 2009, 15:54:14 UTC
Ahahaha, I'm 99% positive I'm committed the breath-holding one more than once.

Okay, SGA fandom, I get it! You like astolat! So do I, but LET THE DOUBLE OH GO NOW PLEASE.

This was my first snorfle of the morning. Well-done.


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