The Break-Up Artist, Part 2: The Dangers of Photoshopping Yourself a Government Parking Placard.

Apr 27, 2009 21:42

You all remember that thing that happened a couple of weeks ago, when tropes and I stayed on the phone too late? No? Good, because it's really only going downhill from there.

tropes: I think that John should become mesmerized by Rodney's heart-shaped ass or something. Let's just pull out every cliche.
fiercelydreamed: You realize I'm typing this verbatim ( Read more... )

sga, the break-up artist, random mcrandompants, fanfiction, wip

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Comments 53

beadattitude April 28 2009, 05:07:01 UTC

(John Quincy Sheppard?)


doradoradora April 28 2009, 05:12:12 UTC
I vote Quinlan (well-shaped, athletic). >.>


ariadne83 April 28 2009, 05:35:30 UTC
I vote for Qatar (it can be one of those AUs where John's father is a diplomat) or Quark (John's mother is sekritly s00per-smart)


fiercelydreamed April 28 2009, 15:48:29 UTC
Oh jeez, those ideas are AMAZING.


dodificus April 28 2009, 05:16:16 UTC
The journal articles get him a hard-on.



fiercelydreamed April 28 2009, 15:49:00 UTC
That joke is so cheap I think I paid for it in loose change. *facepalm*


ariadne83 April 28 2009, 05:32:21 UTC
The name gets him a CV. The CV gets him journal articles. The journal articles get him a hard-on.

Aaand this is where I choked on my coffee. Hahahaha.

So, Rodney "generously" offers John a lift?


fiercelydreamed April 28 2009, 15:50:17 UTC
Excellent -- this story is already a threat to health and safety! *waves pom-poms*

So, Rodney "generously" offers John a lift?

Wow, you make that sound like the set-up for porn or something. Also, what makes you think we know? You don't think we actually have a plot for this, do you?


ariadne83 May 4 2009, 22:02:59 UTC
Wow, you make that sound like the set-up for porn

Why I never! Does Rodney look like the type to get carried and hit on the damsel in distress some hot guy he barely knows?


zoniduck April 28 2009, 05:42:00 UTC
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! *dies*


fiercelydreamed April 28 2009, 15:53:58 UTC
I don't think encouraging us like this is good, Z. Not that I can legitimately complain, but I'm just saying.


zoniduck April 28 2009, 16:14:04 UTC
If encouraging you is wrong, I don't want to be right. :)


secrethappiness April 28 2009, 05:44:39 UTC
if every monday included these little snippets, i would actually start looking forward to them.

he fake-dogfights his mini F-15 oh john q. sheppard!


fiercelydreamed April 28 2009, 15:55:04 UTC
For you, Pinn, that might be enough to make me try to make these quasi-regular. :)


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