The Break-Up Artist, Part 1: Things the SGC Staff Never Wanted to Know.

Apr 13, 2009 22:18

So tropes and I are the phone for reasons that don't bear explaining, and we're suddenly plotting an AU in which Rodney McKay is a professional break-up artist. You know, for those times when it's agony trying to craft the perfect "it's not you, it's me" or "I really valued our time together, but I think it's time we go our separate ways" or "I've filed ( Read more... )

sga, the break-up artist, random mcrandompants, fanfiction, wip

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Comments 47

almostnever April 14 2009, 05:39:56 UTC

:D :D :D


almostnever April 14 2009, 06:34:50 UTC
An idea for upping the plausibility of Rodney having such a business: ten years after being told he was technically perfect but had no feel for music, Rodney was working on his second PhD when his advisors told him that he would never realize his potential because he lacked creativity and tact. Rather than giving up this time, Rodney decided to prove that he could fake creativity and tact-- he could fake it so well that people would PAY for his fakery. And so he started his break-up artist business, which pays the bills while he works on quantum Yang-Mills theory.


almostnever April 14 2009, 10:14:51 UTC
Another idea: maybe Rodney mostly gets hired for angry breakups, because he can come up with such a wealth of inventive ways to tell people off.


fiercelydreamed April 14 2009, 16:31:53 UTC
Ahahaha -- I think you have now officially put more thought into this premise than either tropes or I have. Also, I love the notion that this premise has any plausibility to be upped.


cathalin April 14 2009, 05:41:01 UTC
Ahahahahaha omg. *Raises lighter*



fiercelydreamed April 14 2009, 16:35:26 UTC
*snorts* Yeah, this is totally a "raise lighter" kind of premise. I'm pretty sure its emotional arc has power chords and a really sincere guitar solo.


tropes April 14 2009, 20:16:43 UTC
oh god i busted out laughing.


tropes April 14 2009, 20:17:09 UTC
Their song is the theme from Ice Castles.


secrethappiness April 14 2009, 05:51:07 UTC
Ngl, this is pretty amazing.


fiercelydreamed April 14 2009, 16:36:35 UTC
You know, "amazing" and "appalling" have a lot of letters in common. I'm not sure you didn't get them confused, Pinn.


zingoch April 14 2009, 05:51:27 UTC
Oh yes, I really would buy this. OK, no, I wouldn't, but I'd definitely read it and enjoy it like you wouldn't believe. *g*


fiercelydreamed April 14 2009, 16:38:57 UTC
I know exactly what you mean. It's the kind of thing I'd find lying abandoned in an airport, read three pages and go, "What the shit?" ... and then somehow lose the rest of my day powering through it and not even be able to feel that bad.


amore_di_libri April 14 2009, 08:01:24 UTC
OMG, Omg, omg. Hilarious. John ambling up to put a face to the rant.

emotional range of a drywall . . . HAH!


fiercelydreamed April 14 2009, 16:48:34 UTC
If continued, I predict this will be the story where tropes and I make every joke at anyone's expense that we have ever wanted to make.


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