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Comments 4

doradoradora November 12 2008, 01:49:52 UTC
OMG Yes. Those are probably my two most favorite episodes of Doctor Who in existance right now. ;.;


thingswithwings November 12 2008, 06:33:06 UTC
oh god, agree. I could only wish that the SGA writers took notes during Stephen Moffat episodes. But I try not to think about it too much: it hurts my heart.


ladyoflisquill November 12 2008, 10:33:34 UTC
Moffat seems to consistently break my heart and terrify it to pieces... and yet I want more.

::grabby hands::


utterfrivolity November 12 2008, 16:42:21 UTC
It's not even fair to point to Moffat as an example for SGA writers; he might as well exist on another plane of existence. That last sequence? It is a rare occasion that I cry at a voice-over, of all things, but that was so perfectly done. I knew from the first line where it was going, but that just made it all the better as it built. When it finally got to "everybody lives", I burst into tears. Fantastically satisfying. And that was my *least* favorite Moffat episode so far. I can't wait for next season.


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